I've used Computercraft for a few years now but never really posted any of my creations on the forums. Most of the time I don't complete my projects because I lose interest in them and don't want to dissappoint people by making a topic and not finishing my projects.
But I recently started working on game I had in mind for quite some time, and I'm pretty sure I will finish this project…
I'm creating an Adventure Game inspired by games like Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda.

The user controls the player (the &) using W A S D.
In the game there are certain objects which can be picked up by walking on top of it, but only if you have the required object to pick it up, otherwise you won't be able to walk through it. When you do have the required object the object you're picking up wil be added to your inventory and it'll remove one of the required item to pick it up. For example, a chest takes a key, the player needs to have atleast one key to walk onto the chest, if the player has this key he'll be able to walk onto the chest and 1 gold will be added to the player's inventory and the chest will be removes from the screen.
The player can open his inventory and it'll show a list of all the objects the player has with the amount in front of it. The player can select certain objects using enter, if the player presses enter and the selected objects form a crafting recipe, the recipe objects will be removed from your inventory and you'll be given the crafted object.
Each object has 8 properties:
Object ID (Unique ID)
The graphics (one character and two numbers)
ID of the required object to break this one (0 if nothing is required)
ID of the object the player gets when he picks it up (0 if the player gets nothing)
Amount of the objects the player gets when he picks it up
Crafting recipe to create this object (List of object ID's, 0 if it's not craftable)
These objects can be used for all sort of things, I could make an Stone object which would require a pickaxe to break and the pickaxe can be crafted using wood and a rock,
but I could also use it for a door, the door requires a key to break and the door gives the player nothing when it breaks, neither is it craftable.
The world also consist of different files, it contains the X and Y of the screen, tiles and objects.
And that's basically all the technical parts to this game, the technical part of this game is supprisingly simple, but that's not what makes this game fun to play.
I've finished all the technical parts and now I've to create objects and screens that make this game fun to play.
This will be the gameplay of this game:
The player enters a new area, the player will explore the area and find out what unique objects there are in that area. It'll also find a spot where the player won't be able to continue because a certain item is needed. The player will have gather objects needed to craft a special object which is then needed to continue in this area, this special objects could be something like a tool (pickaxe, shovel) but also something like a boat, a grappling hook or just a sword.
Eventually the player will find the dungeon of that certain area, in the dungeon the player will have to find keys to continue, maybe solve puzzels using the tool it created before or maybe fight some monster objects using a sword object. Once the player finished the dungeon he'll get a special object which is needed to continue to the next area.
And that's all you need to make a game, a player, a map, objects, and creativity.
The script is only 475 lines long and it won't get any bigger, however the assets is what this game is all about.
I'll keep you up-to-date about progress I make on this project, there's one feature (which is the main reason why I'm creating this game) that I haven't implemented yet, I won't tell you what it is because I might use this game concept for an actual game if it turns out to be fun.
If you've got any questions please feel free to ask!
More screenshots:
The inventory screen (The white objects are selected for crafting, the grey object is what the cursor)

When you enter a new area you'll get to see the name of that area for a few seconds