This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
TimTheRedstoner's profile picture

Marvelous Magnificent Grandiose LuaLand!

Started by TimTheRedstoner, 22 March 2015 - 03:48 PM
TimTheRedstoner #1
Posted 22 March 2015 - 04:48 PM
[indent=1]The most popular, replied to and most resilient ComputerCraft Server.[/indent]

[indent=1]LuaLandLL provides happiness for everyone with the hope of learning to code in Lua, to the people who just like to mess around with it. The server is up 24/7 besides restarts which occur every four hours. The server currently features, two Xeon v2 Processor, a total of 16 cores and 3GB RAM. The server is practically lag free unless an extremely intensive command is performed such as as a huge World Edit. The server is running Cauldron, so we also have Bukkit Plugins. We have no banned ComputerCraft items, so you're free to go and play around with turtles and such. The server is owned by myself, JasperDeKiller, and Maxmahl2013.[/indent]

[indent=1]1. No Griefing[/indent]
[indent=1]2. No Spamming[/indent]
[indent=1]3. No Scamming[/indent]
[indent=1]4. No Hacking[/indent]
[indent=1]5. Respect Everyone[/indent]
[indent=1]6. No Stealing[/indent]
[indent=1]7. No Racist or Sexist Remarks[/indent]
[indent=1]8. Don't abuse commands/your power[/indent]
[indent=1]9. Don't touch others Computers without permission[/indent]
[indent=1]10. Use Common Sense[/indent]

[indent=1]In order to play on LuaLandLL, you need to install the Technic Launcher from, then you need to go to the following page: http://technicpack.n...-modpack.509613, then click on "Install this Modpack" whilst you have the Technic Launcher open.[/indent]
[indent=1]Download: http://technicpack.n...-modpack.509613[/indent]
[indent=1]IP Address:[/indent]
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 12:44 AM
AssossaGPB #2
Posted 22 March 2015 - 05:36 PM
I can't wait! I hope I will be able to be staff and plugin developer :)/>
ironmountain #3
Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:17 PM
Hey, the server has been down for almost an hour after you said the map was resetting.
awesomness1290 #4
Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:26 PM
TimTheRedstoner what version of the modpack is it? 1.9? everyone is saying there is a 2.0 version yet I don't see it.
TimTheRedstoner #5
Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:51 PM
TimTheRedstoner what version of the modpack is it? 1.9? everyone is saying there is a 2.0 version yet I don't see it.
There used to be a 2.0 We downgraded to 1.9 So the OFFICIAL one is 1.9
_removed #6
Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:56 PM
Cool! You made a new thread for it which is cool.
rahph #7
Posted 22 March 2015 - 06:59 PM
I don't understand. How "apply"? so i will be on whitelist? i don't understand entirely!
Cloud Ninja #8
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:00 PM
So whens the official launch date? Or is it already up and running?
awesomness1290 #9
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:03 PM
@kok there is no whitelist, this server is whitelist free
rahph #10
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:07 PM
@kok there is no whitelist, this server is whitelist free
ok. But when this FREKIN server will be up? i want to play. Single-player mode is boring…
awesomness1290 #11
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:11 PM
On the other forum lebuildman said "the server does not agree with the modpack so Tim is having difficulties setting up the server."
Cloud Ninja #12
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:17 PM
Yea CoFHcore i believe isnt in the modpack but the server has it, im trying to join and its giving me that error
awesomness1290 #13
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:20 PM
the server was up?! dang I missed it then.
KennethDev #14
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:34 PM
I can't wait! I hope I will be able to be staff and plugin developer :)/>

They said they already have enough staff and developers when I asked to become a developer. :(/>
Cloud Ninja #15
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:49 PM
So i just tried to join, theres a mod conflict or something, and now whitelisted?
TimTheRedstoner #16
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:50 PM
Guess what guys? THE SERVER IS UP! Join it with the new modpack :P/>
Version 1.10
KennethDev #17
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:57 PM
My client keeps crashing on it….
Cloud Ninja #18
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:58 PM
Guess what guys? THE SERVER IS UP! Join it with the new modpack :P/>
Version 1.10
Um, im sitting here trying to connect, it isnt up :/ Nvm
Edited on 22 March 2015 - 06:59 PM
_removed #19
Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:13 PM
You might need to fix /prefix, as it doesn't work.
valithor #20
Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:21 PM
You might need to fix /prefix, as it doesn't work.

It actually does. It requires the custom permission vali.prefix, but it does not have a no permission or a incorrect arguments message. To use it just do /prefix newprefix
jasperdekiller #21
Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:27 PM
Hello all,

Finally the server got back up!
We're still working on alot of things..
If you have a question, just pm me or ask it here on the forums.
Want to Apply? ( There will be Max. 2 selected but though )

- Jasper
Geforce Fan #22
Posted 22 March 2015 - 10:56 PM
Long Live Lualand!
xXThunder607Xx #23
Posted 23 March 2015 - 12:11 AM
Unbanned, thanks jasper.
Edited on 23 March 2015 - 06:30 PM
LDDestroier #24
Posted 23 March 2015 - 02:42 AM
Heil LuLa!

I'd like to apply for Staff.
- I have moderated on a server before, and I had done pretty well in terms of relations with other players and kicking/banning according to rules.
- I have sufficient knowledge of WorldEdit and Essentials (I can //copy, //paste, //schematic, //pos1|2, //cyl, //hcyl…).
- I believe I can be on LuaLand fairly often, and I will use teamspeak whenever I am.
- My ingame name is EldidiStroyrr.
- My ingame rank is Expert++, meaning I have played on the server for a while.

Please consider me as a staff member. Thoos rah dah!

EDIT: Just sent my application through the link above.
Edited on 23 March 2015 - 01:49 AM
Geforce Fan #25
Posted 23 March 2015 - 02:53 AM
Day one of the new owners: I was banned. I have absolutely no idea why. After 2 months of being on the server (I almost have 12 days clocked) and being on the autorank leaderboard, I have been banned. I didn't think the new owners would do as well as cdel and valithor, but I didn't imagine that they would ban me the first day. Again, I have no idea why. Please give my things and creations to Luker. Tell him thanks for everything.

Thanks to everyone for the laughs we have SHARED. Farewell lualand.
or, yknow, you could ask for a ban appeal.
LDDestroier #26
Posted 23 March 2015 - 02:54 AM
I just asked people to join LuaLand on
jasperdekiller #27
Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:01 AM
Day one of the new owners: I was banned. I have absolutely no idea why. After 2 months of being on the server (I almost have 12 days clocked) and being on the autorank leaderboard, I have been banned. I didn't think the new owners would do as well as cdel and valithor, but I didn't imagine that they would ban me the first day. Again, I have no idea why. Please give my things and creations to Luker. Tell him thanks for everything.

Thanks to everyone for the laughs we have SHARED. Farewell lualand.

This sounds really strange. You know the player who banned you?
And what is your IGN? Like I will try to find out who banned you. I will unban you as soon as possible.

- Jasper
rahph #28
Posted 23 March 2015 - 12:04 PM
minute ago, the 1.11 update came out. will i be able to connect to the server with it?
LDDestroier #29
Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:21 PM
Can someone get a link to the modpack zip file, in case someone (like me atm) doesn't have the technic launcher?
jasperdekiller #30
Posted 23 March 2015 - 03:32 PM
Can someone get a link to the modpack zip file, in case someone (like me atm) doesn't have the technic launcher?
_removed #31
Posted 23 March 2015 - 03:40 PM
If I get a chance, I will move the application form to a new domain. For now, it will be on the RetroServices page, monitored by me and Jasper.
jasperdekiller #32
Posted 23 March 2015 - 04:05 PM
Server is back up! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Cloud Ninja #33
Posted 23 March 2015 - 06:53 PM
So i keep crashing whenever i load now. I load in, get about five seconds, then either light blue screen (in game) or black screen (in game) and theres no explination.
valithor #34
Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:13 PM
So i keep crashing whenever i load now. I load in, get about five seconds, then either light blue screen (in game) or black screen (in game) and theres no explination.

There is a crash report somewhere in where you installed the modpack. Posting a link to that would help narrow down the cause (upload to pastebin and post link).
xXThunder607Xx #35
Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:20 PM
Unbanned, thanks jasper.
Edited on 23 March 2015 - 06:30 PM
Cloud Ninja #36
Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:13 PM
Heres the crash report:
valithor #37
Posted 23 March 2015 - 10:46 PM
Heres the crash report:

Looks likes its a crash from the sky blocks in open blocks. If someone can delete the block at Block location: World: (596,81,138) then you should be able to connect. The solution to this problem is dont use those blocks. Those blocks often cause problems.
Edited on 23 March 2015 - 09:52 PM
Cloud Ninja #38
Posted 23 March 2015 - 11:49 PM
Yet again, like on the old server, Lur is abusive as usual. Me and Ironmountain have a house together, and lur teleported in, and killed both of us with radioactive waste.
Agent Silence #39
Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:23 AM
I applied for staff! If you want any more details, please PM me.
TimTheRedstoner #40
Posted 25 March 2015 - 02:00 AM
Guys, I will be redoing all staff tommorow, all staff wannabe's must have a mic and skype, for I will be doing personal interview on each player. Just a heads up so msg me on skype about it and I will get to you when I can. Skype: TimTheRedstoner
_removed #41
Posted 25 March 2015 - 06:10 AM
Guys, I will be redoing all staff tommorow, all staff wannabe's must have a mic and skype, for I will be doing personal interview on each player. Just a heads up so msg me on skype about it and I will get to you when I can. Skype: TimTheRedstoner

What time will it be in UTC time?
anybody #42
Posted 25 March 2015 - 07:28 AM
Server = Amazing!!! I will devote all my time here!!!
Cloud Ninja #43
Posted 25 March 2015 - 10:15 AM
Guys, I will be redoing all staff tommorow, all staff wannabe's must have a mic and skype, for I will be doing personal interview on each player. Just a heads up so msg me on skype about it and I will get to you when I can. Skype: TimTheRedstoner

What time will it be in UTC time?
I was talking to him on skype when the decision to do this was made. It'll be happening after 2 PM EST roughly.
apemanzilla #44
Posted 25 March 2015 - 12:44 PM
Guys, I will be redoing all staff tommorow, all staff wannabe's must have a mic and skype, for I will be doing personal interview on each player. Just a heads up so msg me on skype about it and I will get to you when I can. Skype: TimTheRedstoner

Does this mean I have to resubmit an application form, or just send you a skype message?
TimTheRedstoner #45
Posted 25 March 2015 - 03:05 PM
Just send me a Skype message, I will be doing it from 2:45 pm EST to about 8:00 pm EST that's if i don't have to work :P/> but I might take more applications tommorow as well so that everyone has a chance.
delaney519 #46
Posted 25 March 2015 - 08:42 PM
I lost staff for something I physically could not have done.
TimTheRedstoner #47
Posted 25 March 2015 - 09:05 PM
I lost staff for something I physically could not have done.
Replied on Skype.
Ninja8370 #48
Posted 26 March 2015 - 04:22 PM
Hey I havn't been able to get on at all because I need to catch back up on my school. What'd I miss?
jasperdekiller #49
Posted 26 March 2015 - 10:40 PM

Like because there were lots of problems, like people who got banned for no reason. And Tim and me were not able to find out who did it. I made a new ban plugin what will give us as Staff the ablity to see who did and for what reason. Hope this will solve the ban issues.

- Jasper
_removed #50
Posted 27 March 2015 - 06:58 AM

Like because there were lots of problems, like people who got banned for no reason. And Tim and me were not able to find out who did it. I made a new ban plugin what will give us as Staff the ablity to see who did and for what reason. Hope this will solve the ban issues.

- Jasper
Yay! Also if they do get banned, why don't you edit the ban message and make it say:

You have been banned by … for … because of …
jasperdekiller #51
Posted 27 March 2015 - 03:15 PM

Like because there were lots of problems, like people who got banned for no reason. And Tim and me were not able to find out who did it. I made a new ban plugin what will give us as Staff the ablity to see who did and for what reason. Hope this will solve the ban issues.

- Jasper
Yay! Also if they do get banned, why don't you edit the ban message and make it say:

You have been banned by … for … because of …

That is added aswell.
cdel #52
Posted 28 March 2015 - 12:02 PM
A lot of people are crashing the server on join, its ruining everyone elses experience.
jasperdekiller #53
Posted 28 March 2015 - 12:14 PM
A lot of people are crashing the server on join, its ruining everyone elses experience.

We know this. But I cant just delete every player file. Like maybe we need another reset without CI2 and add TE in it.
But like I dont want to lose players.. And I need to wait until Tim is back.
Sorry for all problems.
Cloud Ninja #54
Posted 28 March 2015 - 02:22 PM
Tim and some of the newer staff have talked, we may have found the problem. Tinkers Construct is the main source of the crashes. We are currently thinking about a reset.
_removed #55
Posted 28 March 2015 - 03:57 PM
Tim and some of the newer staff have talked, we may have found the problem. Tinkers Construct is the main source of the crashes. We are currently thinking about a reset.
Yeah, TC has a large history of crashes, most notably a crash that had the server down for 6 hours.
_removed #56
Posted 28 March 2015 - 07:19 PM
Uh oh, gonna have to report that the right side of spawn is demolished. Don't ask me why.
Emma #57
Posted 29 March 2015 - 04:28 AM
I would like to reapply for my staff position back please.
Cloud Ninja #58
Posted 29 March 2015 - 05:41 AM
Uh oh, gonna have to report that the right side of spawn is demolished. Don't ask me why.
Already noted by the staff + Tim
I would like to reapply for my staff position back please.
Staff were redone, speak with tim in order to do this.
xXThunder607Xx #59
Posted 29 March 2015 - 06:35 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.
Lignum #60
Posted 29 March 2015 - 06:47 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.
xXThunder607Xx #61
Posted 29 March 2015 - 07:07 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.

I tried, but the server crashed before I could type anything.
TimTheRedstoner #62
Posted 29 March 2015 - 07:14 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.

I tried, but the server crashed before I could type anything.

I am not home at the moment but ill try to delete your player data.
xXThunder607Xx #63
Posted 29 March 2015 - 07:18 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.

I tried, but the server crashed before I could type anything.

I am not home at the moment but ill try to delete your player data.

Alright, thanks. But that will delete my claims also right? I have some valuable items in a claim I have. Message me somewhere when its deleted.
apemanzilla #64
Posted 29 March 2015 - 08:34 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.

I tried, but the server crashed before I could type anything.

I am not home at the moment but ill try to delete your player data.

Alright, thanks. But that will delete my claims also right? I have some valuable items in a claim I have. Message me somewhere when its deleted.
Claims are stored separately. You will lose your inventory however.
cyanisaac #65
Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:06 PM
Every time I join it makes the server crash. I'm at /warp slimechunk. If someone could please help me out, that would be amazing.

There's a certain block that crashes the server when loaded. You're probably in the area of that block. As soon as you join, type /spawn. It'll probably crash again but it'll work afterwards. Try to keep your coordinates negative and there should be no further crashes.

Two players have been triggering this crash, and will need their player data removed. It's really hurting the experience for some of us. What block is this, and can it be removed? Heck, a server reset is better than dealing with constant crashing due to a block.

(Thunder and Incin both have this bug)
Edited on 29 March 2015 - 08:12 PM
Emma #66
Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:10 PM
I recognize that I am in the /warp slimechunk!
Can an owner please delete my playerdata and then restore these items to my inventory:

EDIT: Actually you could install this plugin:
Then just teleport me and thunder out of the chunk.
Edited on 29 March 2015 - 08:25 PM
cyanisaac #67
Posted 29 March 2015 - 11:40 PM
I recognize that I am in the /warp slimechunk!
Can an owner please delete my playerdata and then restore these items to my inventory:

EDIT: Actually you could install this plugin: http://dev.bukkit.or...ine-teleporter/
Then just teleport me and thunder out of the chunk.

If it's one chunk, maybe a server admin could MCEdit the crashy blocks in question?
Cloud Ninja #68
Posted 29 March 2015 - 11:50 PM
To everyone complaining about crashes: The staff and owners are aware. Be patient, we are working on a fix. In the meantime, anyone who is having crashes, add me on skype to explain the situation instead of cluttering up the forums.

My skype is

Cloud Ninja
GreenGene #69
Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:11 AM
CloudNinja is takeing the fun out of this server I have NEVER seen a staff member this evil he will kick u because u have a few !s
Lur_ #70
Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:34 AM
I can agree greatly with GreenGene - he ruins the fun on the server for everyone.

Your staff decisions were random, it seems.
GreenGene #71
Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:44 AM
I can agree greatly with GreenGene - he ruins the fun on the server for everyone.

Your staff decisions were random, it seems.

Thank you lur!
rahph #72
Posted 01 April 2015 - 09:34 AM

So i try to log in . and i get this thing.
Edited on 01 April 2015 - 07:36 AM
Cloud Ninja #73
Posted 01 April 2015 - 11:23 AM
CloudNinja is takeing the fun out of this server I have NEVER seen a staff member this evil he will kick u because u have a few !s
Yesterday you took actions and i ended up talking to you multiple times to stop doing things. If i have to talk to you that much about stuff, i will kick you. Its how staffing is. If i talk to you multiple times, ill warn you about it like i did to you. Ive kicked you once and that was for complete and utter disrespect. And how am i 'takeing' the fun out of the server? You can do what you want as long as you're inside the rules of the server.

I can agree greatly with GreenGene - he ruins the fun on the server for everyone.

Your staff decisions were random, it seems.

And now to this. You've only been complaining about me recently Lur. You did worse than i have on the server. Why do you think you were demoted? All staff was demoted and reworked for a reason, and thats that. Stop complaining about it, and deal with the fact you were abusive with your power on both LuaLand and the new ownership LuaLand.
jasperdekiller #74
Posted 01 April 2015 - 03:49 PM
Hello all,

There are alot of problems at the moment.. Like the spawn, staff, crashes, etc.
I am not able to join this week, I wasn't expecting this.. I will be able to join again in 1-2 days.
The server will get a new reset again with IC2 removed and we're trying to get thermal expension, some other mods in.
Nobody will get a refund. I will talk to Tim about the Staff. Like if this isn't all fixed before 19-4 then I will not longer pay this
server. Like I got an situation and that doesn't make me able to join every day. Like for example this week I'm not able to join
next week I am. And after that week I'm not again. Etc. I will just try to fix the server A.S.A.P. and for the people who leave the server
because of the reset or no refund. I will thank you for playing on the server though. There are just so many problems after the first reset what
I wasnt expecting to happen.

- Jasper
Cloud Ninja #75
Posted 01 April 2015 - 08:22 PM
Server is really neat and fun, but spawn has been griefed really severely.

As mentioned above, we are aware of spawn and all grief. This is due to a few of the mods. Please be patient as we fix this.
xXThunder607Xx #76
Posted 01 April 2015 - 10:13 PM
Its been almost a full week waiting for my crashing problem to be fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it takes a week to delete a players file. A lot of players (including myself) are getting pissed off that the server crashes so frequently. It makes me wonder if any of the staff really care any more.
Cloud Ninja #77
Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:20 AM
Its been almost a full week waiting for my crashing problem to be fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it takes a week to delete a players file. A lot of players (including myself) are getting pissed off that the server crashes so frequently. It makes me wonder if any of the staff really care any more.
Dont blame staff. Blame the owners. Neither of them have been on the past few days. Be calm, the reset should be happening soon.
apemanzilla #78
Posted 02 April 2015 - 05:34 AM
Its been almost a full week waiting for my crashing problem to be fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it takes a week to delete a players file. A lot of players (including myself) are getting pissed off that the server crashes so frequently. It makes me wonder if any of the staff really care any more.

Staff like myself can't do anything except try to teleport you away the second you join and before you crash, which isn't easy. Only the owners have access to the server files, which means you'll just have to wait for an owner unfortunately.
GreenGene #79
Posted 02 April 2015 - 05:43 PM
CloudNinja is takeing the fun out of this server I have NEVER seen a staff member this evil he will kick u because u have a few !s
Yesterday you took actions and i ended up talking to you multiple times to stop doing things. If i have to talk to you that much about stuff, i will kick you. Its how staffing is. If i talk to you multiple times, ill warn you about it like i did to you. Ive kicked you once and that was for complete and utter disrespect. And how am i 'takeing' the fun out of the server? You can do what you want as long as you're inside the rules of the server.

I can agree greatly with GreenGene - he ruins the fun on the server for everyone.

Your staff decisions were random, it seems.
And now to this. You've only been complaining about me recently Lur. You did worse than i have on the server. Why do you think you were demoted? All staff was demoted and reworked for a reason, and thats that. Stop complaining about it, and deal with the fact you were abusive with your power on both LuaLand and the new ownership LuaLand.

Ok, fine list all of the things I did. The ONLY admin that I had issues with on ANY server is you cloud ONLY. And if a few players are complaining about you that says alot. :/
Edited on 02 April 2015 - 03:49 PM
Cranium #80
Posted 02 April 2015 - 06:03 PM
Friendly warning: If you guys can't settle your differences between yourselves in a quiet manner, then I will have no choice but to lock this topic.
Keep it civil. If you've got a problem with a specific person, deal with it in private chat.
Lyqyd #81
Posted 02 April 2015 - 06:08 PM
And be civil about it regardless of where you settle it. If you two can't play nice, we'll end up having to remove both of you from the forums.
rahph #82
Posted 02 April 2015 - 06:45 PM
i am curious. I have BAD connection, i try to login - fail. I try again:
Seriously! Guys fix it!
And btw: i got travelers suit from secret crate and every time i join: CRASH! Will it be possible to load up my inventory in program like inv edit and take away those items?
Edited on 02 April 2015 - 04:47 PM
valithor #83
Posted 02 April 2015 - 06:55 PM
That 2 min till you can try again is unfortunately part of something the host does. They have no control over it or the wait time.
rahph #84
Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:21 PM
apemanzilla #85
Posted 02 April 2015 - 08:20 PM

It has literally been a half hour since you posted. Please wait for an owner to read this and remove the items as normal staff have no control over it.
rik_mclightning1 #86
Posted 03 April 2015 - 01:41 AM
I'd love to play on this server, but the modpack doesn't seem to be working. Is it compatible with Mac?
valithor #87
Posted 03 April 2015 - 07:46 AM
I'd love to play on this server, but the modpack doesn't seem to be working. Is it compatible with Mac?

I know it works on a mac (is on a mac right now).

Does technic not work in general for you or is it only the modpack? If it is only the modpack would probably be best to reinstall the modpack and try to launch it again. If it is the launcher there is likely a log of some kind somewhere in the technic folder on your computer, which can help you solve the problem.
Edited on 03 April 2015 - 05:46 AM
jasperdekiller #88
Posted 03 April 2015 - 06:43 PM
Ok after all problems I decided to do one more reset to fix everything.


- Removed IC2 & Draconic
- World Reset
+ OpenComputers ( 3D printers), some others

I owe you an apology for this inconvenience!

Hope to see you back,
rik_mclightning1 #89
Posted 03 April 2015 - 07:05 PM
My problem seems to be the pack and I tried re downloading it, but it still doesn't work :/
jasperdekiller #90
Posted 03 April 2015 - 07:55 PM
My problem seems to be the pack and I tried re downloading it, but it still doesn't work :/

Hm, this is pretty weird.
I will check if it's still working for me..
delaney519 #91
Posted 03 April 2015 - 08:00 PM
Is the server dead for anyone else?

My problem seems to be the pack and I tried re downloading it, but it still doesn't work :/
Is your Java outdated? If you're running Java 8 try downgrading to Java 7.
GreenGene #92
Posted 03 April 2015 - 08:15 PM
And be civil about it regardless of where you settle it. If you two can't play nice, we'll end up having to remove both of you from the forums.
Sorry, we settled it

Server has been down for a while now :|
Edited on 03 April 2015 - 06:15 PM
jasperdekiller #93
Posted 03 April 2015 - 08:43 PM
And be civil about it regardless of where you settle it. If you two can't play nice, we'll end up having to remove both of you from the forums.
Sorry, we settled it

Server has been down for a while now :|

It is back up!
cyanisaac #94
Posted 04 April 2015 - 01:18 AM
Once again, I see tCon and AE2 caused ANOTHER CORRUPTED CHUNK GLITCH.

Please remove this issue, PLEASE. It is completely wrecking our experience!
delaney519 #95
Posted 04 April 2015 - 03:47 AM
My player data was corrupted. Please delete it. (It's NationalSecurity btw)
Edited on 04 April 2015 - 01:48 AM
jasperdekiller #96
Posted 04 April 2015 - 11:54 AM
Once again, I see tCon and AE2 caused ANOTHER CORRUPTED CHUNK GLITCH.

Please remove this issue, PLEASE. It is completely wrecking our experience!
My player data was corrupted. Please delete it. (It's NationalSecurity btw)

I will put the most mods back before we even start resetting the world.
Edited on 04 April 2015 - 10:39 AM
rahph #97
Posted 04 April 2015 - 02:39 PM
cyanisaac #98
Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:07 PM
I would've thought tCon would've been chopped off. But AE2 works.

I mean this is a CC server, and we already lost IC2, so this SHOULD be fine. I think :3.

As long as it means no more chunk glitches I'm happy.

P.S. you guys should also consider updating MoarPeripherals to latest. It allows ChatBox ranges to be set by players, to values including infinite. While this seems like a spam generator, I really feel there could be some cool stuff made with it. Of course, make a rule against chatspam. But it would allow for chatbots + other cool creations.

(i.e. Make a notification bot for players that interacts with the chat).
Edited on 04 April 2015 - 03:07 PM
jasperdekiller #99
Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:48 PM
I would've thought tCon would've been chopped off. But AE2 works.

I mean this is a CC server, and we already lost IC2, so this SHOULD be fine. I think :3.

As long as it means no more chunk glitches I'm happy.

P.S. you guys should also consider updating MoarPeripherals to latest. It allows ChatBox ranges to be set by players, to values including infinite. While this seems like a spam generator, I really feel there could be some cool stuff made with it. Of course, make a rule against chatspam. But it would allow for chatbots + other cool creations.

(i.e. Make a notification bot for players that interacts with the chat).

We will consider, thankyou for the feedback though.
So as you may notice the server is back up.
And hopefully we can keep it like this.
Lur_ #100
Posted 05 April 2015 - 07:24 AM
It seems the so-called "corrupted chunks infection" has spread over to the new world.
(Player causing crash atm: apemanzilla)

Please, I beg of you, remove AE2 or Tinkers' Construct to fix this issue!
Edited on 05 April 2015 - 05:25 AM
Lignum #101
Posted 05 April 2015 - 03:48 PM
It seems the so-called "corrupted chunks infection" has spread over to the new world.
(Player causing crash atm: apemanzilla)

Please, I beg of you, remove AE2 or Tinkers' Construct to fix this issue!

AE2 has already been removed. I was also causing a crash yesterday, though I think my player file is corrupted since there's no decoration on my name (might be anti spam doing its thing though).
Lur_ #102
Posted 05 April 2015 - 03:55 PM

AE2 has already been removed. I was also causing a crash yesterday, though I think my player file is corrupted since there's no decoration on my name (might be anti spam doing its thing though).

So it seems that a different mod is causing corrupted chunks.
May you look into this?

(Ligum just joined, insta-crash)
apemanzilla #103
Posted 05 April 2015 - 05:58 PM

AE2 has already been removed. I was also causing a crash yesterday, though I think my player file is corrupted since there's no decoration on my name (might be anti spam doing its thing though).

So it seems that a different mod is causing corrupted chunks.
May you look into this?

(Ligum just joined, insta-crash)
I believe the crash was either ender IO or OC. When the server crashed I had connected an ender IO capacitor bank to an OC power converter.
cyanisaac #104
Posted 05 April 2015 - 06:11 PM
I feel really bad for the server owners here. Crashes make people angry, but resets make people angry too.
jasperdekiller #105
Posted 05 April 2015 - 10:21 PM
I feel really bad for the server owners here. Crashes make people angry, but resets make people angry too.

We hate it to lose players.
But like if the old owners think it's fun to mess with the spawn and op some players on the server make me angry. I just dont get why.. But
we are still trying to fix all bugs and crashes.
valithor #106
Posted 05 April 2015 - 11:03 PM
I dont know what I am being accused of, but I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU. lol…

I wish it good luck despite me being unable to join anymore. Everyone have fun, this is still one of the few high quality CC servers out there.
apemanzilla #107
Posted 05 April 2015 - 11:06 PM
I dont know what I am being accused of, but I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU. lol…

I wish it good luck despite me being unable to join anymore. Everyone have fun, this is still one of the few high quality CC servers out there.

You (and cdel) were abusing powers.
valithor #108
Posted 05 April 2015 - 11:08 PM
I dont know what I am being accused of, but I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU. lol…

I wish it good luck despite me being unable to join anymore. Everyone have fun, this is still one of the few high quality CC servers out there.

You (and cdel) were abusing powers.

It wasnt really a question. Nor do you know the full story.

I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU.

It was also not a request for a unban.
Edited on 05 April 2015 - 09:09 PM
apemanzilla #109
Posted 06 April 2015 - 02:00 AM
I dont know what I am being accused of, but I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU. lol…

I wish it good luck despite me being unable to join anymore. Everyone have fun, this is still one of the few high quality CC servers out there.

You (and cdel) were abusing powers.

It wasnt really a question. Nor do you know the full story.

I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU.

It was also not a request for a unban.

I was just stating what I had been told by the other staff members.
big02001 #110
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:32 AM
Is the server down? Or is it just me?
Lur_ #111
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:44 AM
It is not just you. It is down for me as well.
big02001 #112
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:54 AM
It is not just you. It is down for me as well.

Anyone have any idea on when it will be back online?
NilLogic #113
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:05 AM
Soon I hope Big, I have a few things to show you.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 02:05 AM
big02001 #114
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:25 AM
Soon I hope Big, I have a few things to show you.

Hope its soon, you play with bloodmagic much more?
NilLogic #115
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:32 AM
Yup, quite a bit and a few other things.

Also the server would never never be offline for this amount of time before It changed ownership.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 02:34 AM
big02001 #116
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:33 AM
Yup, quite a bit and a few other things.
LDDestroier #117
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:34 AM
I know this isn't relevant to LuaLand (although it may be), but I just found out how to configure the RAID on my poweredge blade, so I can install something like CrunchBang or an arch linux derivative to host my own server, a teamspeak/mumble/IRC server, a Xonotic server, a Zandronum server, an sFTP server, and a quick, cheap HTTP web server telling people how to connect to it and stuff.

This could be relevant to LuaLand because last time I checked, the teamspeak server was down (for a while), and I could host my own, seeing as my blade runs x86_64 and not freaking ARM.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 02:35 AM
NilLogic #118
Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:19 AM
Server is back online everyone.
rahph #119
Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:37 AM
Um… I got basic question: So i run lualand-modpack (v. 1,14) in technic launcher. Looks normal? But lets go further. Mineraft starts. Still normal? But then MADNESS STARTS! I click "multiplayer" and what i see? "Minecraft server" 10 slots. MOTD: "LurCraft". And what happens after i enter server? I spawn in freaking Lurcraft!!! WTF!
jasperdekiller #120
Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:50 AM
Someone tried to mess up the server again (The old Owners).
Like Valithor tried to change the modpack..
And Connor tried to revoke the LuaLand Name rights.
But he cant because I already got a document where he signed for the transfer.
And the Modpack is back online!

Btw for the people who want to know:

Hopefully they will stop now,
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 09:04 AM
apemanzilla #121
Posted 06 April 2015 - 01:56 PM
Someone tried to mess up the server again (The old Owners).
Like Valithor tried to change the modpack..
And Connor tried to revoke the LuaLand Name rights.
But he cant because I already got a document where he signed for the transfer.
And the Modpack is back online!

Btw for the people who want to know:

Hopefully they will stop now,

And valithor claimed he was "innocent" less than 15 posts ago…
_removed #122
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:20 PM
Sorry about the crashes! I placed an ender conduit, can somebody remove it for me?
Agent Silence #123
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:42 PM
I am going to protest with cdel and valithor. I agree that revoking the name rights is a little childish, but I understand his reasons. This server has extremely poor moderation, constantly crashes, and it is underdeveloped. Not comparable to the old LuaLand. It is hardly marvelous and quite boring. He might have attempted to revoke the name because he wouldn't want to give the original LuaLand a bad reputation. Or most likely, he was going to transfer the rights of the name to Lur. Evidence supporting this statement : Valithor claimed to like LurCraft more than New Lua Land by a large margin and he changed the modpack server to LurCraft.
Zambonie #124
Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:13 PM
I am going to protest with cdel and valithor. I agree that revoking the name rights is a little childish, but I understand his reasons. This server has extremely poor moderation, constantly crashes, and it is underdeveloped. Not comparable to the old LuaLand. It is hardly marvelous and quite boring. He might have attempted to revoke the name because he wouldn't want to give the original LuaLand a bad reputation. Or most likely, he was going to transfer the rights of the name to Lur. Evidence supporting this statement : Valithor claimed to like LurCraft more than New Lua Land by a large margin and he changed the modpack server to LurCraft.

I rather second this to.
valithor #125
Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:29 PM
Someone tried to mess up the server again (The old Owners).
Like Valithor tried to change the modpack..
And Connor tried to revoke the LuaLand Name rights.
But he cant because I already got a document where he signed for the transfer.
And the Modpack is back online!

Btw for the people who want to know:

Hopefully they will stop now,

And valithor claimed he was "innocent" less than 15 posts ago…

Well that was a reference to old movies… But I guess the audience is to young to understand. I am completely guilty to the reason I was banned, unbanning cdel.
big02001 #126
Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:47 PM
Server down again?
_removed #127
Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:54 PM
My player crashes the server.
Cloud Ninja #128
Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:26 PM
Talking to jasper now. The server status is not good guys, start looking elsewhere.
jasperdekiller #129
Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:55 PM
Due alot of problems with modpack:

Here is the new one.
Desolstice #130
Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:02 PM
I joined for the second time yesterday, and following a server crash I attempted to join again but was banned for… "crashing the server..".

All i did was login how is that bannable?
Lur_ #131
Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:18 PM
I joined for the second time yesterday, and following a server crash I attempted to join again but was banned for… "crashing the server..".

All i did was login how is that bannable?

I experienced this as well; I feel that the server owners have been banning too often recently.

I was banned for the following reason: "Abusing ur powers.". I was AFK at the time, and do not understand how this leads to a ban.
Cloud Ninja #132
Posted 06 April 2015 - 11:14 PM
I joined for the second time yesterday, and following a server crash I attempted to join again but was banned for… "crashing the server..".

All i did was login how is that bannable?

I experienced this as well; I feel that the server owners have been banning too often recently.

I was banned for the following reason: "Abusing ur powers.". I was AFK at the time, and do not understand how this leads to a ban.
Lur, you had abused any and all power that you have ever gotten in LuaLand. You were demoted twice for abuse and then banned for abuse again even when you didnt even have rightful power. Just goes to show that you werent fit to have power on the server.
Agent Silence #133
Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:27 AM
I hardly think that was logical in any circumstance. If he was demoted, he wouldn't have power he could abuse. Then he was demoted again for abusing power he didn't have? And then proceeded to be banned permanently for power he couldn't have because it was 2 ranks above his current rank? Or did someone promote him back to staff 2 times like a complete fool?
Cloud Ninja #134
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:38 AM
I hardly think that was logical in any circumstance. If he was demoted, he wouldn't have power he could abuse. Then he was demoted again for abusing power he didn't have? And then proceeded to be banned permanently for power he couldn't have because it was 2 ranks above his current rank? Or did someone promote him back to staff 2 times like a complete fool?
He was given OP without permission from the owners due to a mishap and mischief.
NilLogic #135
Posted 07 April 2015 - 10:32 AM
Could a member of staff get on the server ASAP? My house was griefed!! :'(
apemanzilla #136
Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:56 PM
I hardly think that was logical in any circumstance. If he was demoted, he wouldn't have power he could abuse. Then he was demoted again for abusing power he didn't have? And then proceeded to be banned permanently for power he couldn't have because it was 2 ranks above his current rank? Or did someone promote him back to staff 2 times like a complete fool?
He was given OP without permission from the owners due to a mishap and mischief.
He also chose to attempt to buy staff powers from a rogue OP. Both were banned.
Dragon53535 #137
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:25 PM
In my personal opinion, this server seems to of become shit since connor and val left. I've seen nothing but constant crashes and admin complaints. I haven't joined since the owner swap and have no intentions of doing so.
_removed #138
Posted 07 April 2015 - 06:17 PM
In my personal opinion, this server seems to of become shit since connor and val left. I've seen nothing but constant crashes and admin complaints. I haven't joined since the owner swap and have no intentions of doing so.

I completely agree with you. LuaLand has gone to pot, and cdel and valithor were great owners of the server. You can not always prevent crashes, however, I agree with you on everything. He has also mentioned that he will not pay for the server anymore, and that he will only accept donations to pay it. Oh, did I mention he is giving the server to GreenGene? He is going to give it to him due to everything that has happened.

Come back cdel and valithor; your server needs you.
Agent Silence #139
Posted 07 April 2015 - 06:41 PM
I believe that cdel and valithor switched over to LurCraft.
jasperdekiller #140
Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:00 PM
In my personal opinion, this server seems to of become shit since connor and val left. I've seen nothing but constant crashes and admin complaints. I haven't joined since the owner swap and have no intentions of doing so.

I completely agree with you. LuaLand has gone to pot, and cdel and valithor were great owners of the server. You can not always prevent crashes, however, I agree with you on everything. He has also mentioned that he will not pay for the server anymore, and that he will only accept donations to pay it. Oh, did I mention he is giving the server to GreenGene? He is going to give it to him due to everything that has happened.

Come back cdel and valithor; your server needs you.
I believe that cdel and valithor switched over to LurCraft.

I'm not going to give away the server. I will end and close the server on the 22nd of April.
I wont use the name LuaLand anymore, and everybody is able to use it, only nobody is able to claim/copyright the name.
I will still own the name somewhere, so I dont give it totally away.

- Jasper
valithor #141
Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:15 PM
Okay lets clear this up a little…

Come back cdel and valithor; your server needs you.

The server is no longer ours. Our server closed over a month ago. Although this one shares the name, which no one owns not even Jasper, it is not our server. If you wish to go and copyright the name then fine it is yours, but until then no one owns it. It is a arbitrary name, which does not even meet the requirements to be copyrighted…

I lived up to my promise of helping them set up the server, and that is the end of my involvement here. It is true Jasper never really supported me helping, and that I had to go behind his back in order to do so.

I will likely not open another CC server as it requires much more work than it is worth, nor will I attempt to provide anymore support as it is clearly not wanted.



If you wish to speak to me about anything regarding the server please do so in a pm. This is no longer my forum post and posts regarding such do not belong here.
Edited on 07 April 2015 - 05:29 PM
ManBearPig #142
Posted 09 April 2015 - 01:20 PM
Aha, for it is I, ManBearPig! Raawwwr!
GreenGene #143
Posted 10 April 2015 - 10:35 PM
I am going to keep this server going, it is too good to let it die. Come and join again, it would be great!

Cloud Ninja #144
Posted 10 April 2015 - 10:49 PM
I am going to keep this server going, it is too good to let it die. Come and join again, it would be great!

Jasper isnt paying next month, and unless you can pay for it, good luck :/
ry00000 #145
Posted 11 April 2015 - 04:22 PM
IGN: none
Minecraft: ry00000
Griefed: Never
If I saw someone grief: Warn, then ban if continuing.
Lua knowledge: 8/10

if hello() then
GreenGene #146
Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:01 PM
I am going to keep this server going, it is too good to let it die. Come and join again, it would be great!

Jasper isnt paying next month, and unless you can pay for it, good luck :/

Going to try :/
ry00000 #147
Posted 12 April 2015 - 10:06 AM
In my personal opinion, this server seems to of become shit since connor and val left. I've seen nothing but constant crashes and admin complaints. I haven't joined since the owner swap and have no intentions of doing so.

I completely agree with you. LuaLand has gone to pot, and cdel and valithor were great owners of the server. You can not always prevent crashes, however, I agree with you on everything. He has also mentioned that he will not pay for the server anymore, and that he will only accept donations to pay it. Oh, did I mention he is giving the server to GreenGene? He is going to give it to him due to everything that has happened.

Come back cdel and valithor; your server needs you.
I believe that cdel and valithor switched over to LurCraft.

I'm not going to give away the server. I will end and close the server on the 22nd of April.
I wont use the name LuaLand anymore, and everybody is able to use it, only nobody is able to claim/copyright the name.
I will still own the name somewhere, so I dont give it totally away.

- Jasper
Why are you closing! The server is great!
ry00000 #148
Posted 12 April 2015 - 10:09 AM
I totally agree with the slogan, LuaLand is a great server! Please, GreenGene, do it! Keep the server up!
GreenGene #149
Posted 15 April 2015 - 11:12 PM
I totally agree with the slogan, LuaLand is a great server! Please, GreenGene, do it! Keep the server up!

I am going to try am only 11 :(/> But i will try hard ;)/>
LDDestroier #150
Posted 16 April 2015 - 02:40 AM
I am going to try am only 11 :(/> But i will try hard ;)/>

You're 11??
ry00000 #151
Posted 16 April 2015 - 03:00 PM
Plz, expand the spoiler below.
Expand this: ProblemsI keep crashing when I interact with a block
EnderIO seems to be the cause
because of a capacitor bank I crafted
ry00000 #152
Posted 16 April 2015 - 03:09 PM
I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!
GreenGene #153
Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:41 AM
I am going to try am only 11 :(/> But i will try hard ;)/>

You're 11??

Yea XD

I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

All staff quit, I am one of the only players.
GreenGene #154
Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:46 AM
That still play
ry00000 #155
Posted 17 April 2015 - 09:40 AM
I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.
Edited on 17 April 2015 - 07:41 AM
GreenGene #156
Posted 18 April 2015 - 01:19 AM
I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.

I will try
valithor #157
Posted 18 April 2015 - 01:54 AM
I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.

I will try

I would assume this server is dead seeing as both jasper and tim have not been on the forums in over a week. It also appears there will be no new people joining seeing as tim never updated the forum topic after Jasper deleted my modpack to get back at me for something…

Unless, of course, you have ftp access, in which I would suggest you either getting in contact with tim or starting a new topic in order to spread the pack.
Edited on 17 April 2015 - 11:59 PM
GreenGene #158
Posted 18 April 2015 - 05:46 PM
I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.

I will try

I would assume this server is dead seeing as both jasper and tim have not been on the forums in over a week. It also appears there will be no new people joining seeing as tim never updated the forum topic after Jasper deleted my modpack to get back at me for something…

Unless, of course, you have ftp access, in which I would suggest you either getting in contact with tim or starting a new topic in order to spread the pack.

H4X0RZ #159
Posted 18 April 2015 - 08:03 PM
Okay lets clear this up a little…

Come back cdel and valithor; your server needs you.

The server is no longer ours. Our server closed over a month ago. Although this one shares the name, which no one owns not even Jasper, it is not our server. If you wish to go and copyright the name then fine it is yours, but until then no one owns it. It is a arbitrary name, which does not even meet the requirements to be copyrighted…

I lived up to my promise of helping them set up the server, and that is the end of my involvement here. It is true Jasper never really supported me helping, and that I had to go behind his back in order to do so.

I will likely not open another CC server as it requires much more work than it is worth, nor will I attempt to provide anymore support as it is clearly not wanted.



If you wish to speak to me about anything regarding the server please do so in a pm. This is no longer my forum post and posts regarding such do not belong here.

Yes, it is not your server. But why have you left the old one? Everything is turning bad right now. LuaLand 1 closed their doors (i don't know why) and I were really sad. LuaLand 2 appeared, and I were really happy because I thought it will be like the old server but I became sad again, because everything changed. Now LuaLand 2 closes too…

What is happening?! Why is it so hard to keep a server running?!
Dragon53535 #160
Posted 18 April 2015 - 11:47 PM
What is happening?! Why is it so hard to keep a server running?!
Lack of interest/motivation. Not wanting to deal with the stress involved. Lack of funds. There's many reasons why servers will close, and even if you think it shouldn't it will happen one day.
ry00000 #161
Posted 19 April 2015 - 04:16 PM
I'm connecting…

I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.

I will try
Please gene, the server is great! I don't wanna crash every time i TOUCH something!

No, punched wood = BOOM! Connection lost: server closed
valithor #162
Posted 19 April 2015 - 08:11 PM
I'm connecting…

I'm a lot crashier than before
I can't even touch a block without crashing!

GreenGene, I don't know the cause of my crashes, but I think it's EIO. Plz try and fix that. Ender IO because when I R-Clicked a basic capacitor bank… BOOM! Instant crash.

I will try
Please gene, the server is great! I don't wanna crash every time i TOUCH something!

No, punched wood = BOOM! Connection lost: server closed

The problem is he can't fix anything… He has no access to the server files, which is what is required to fix your problem.
ry00000 #163
Posted 21 April 2015 - 03:24 PM
Tell Jasper the problem! I'll even PM him!
Cloud Ninja #164
Posted 21 April 2015 - 08:06 PM
Tell Jasper the problem! I'll even PM him!
Its no use dude. Jasper isnt going to pay for the server anymore, LuaLands dead until someone takes it over
valithor #165
Posted 22 April 2015 - 04:47 AM
Tell Jasper the problem! I'll even PM him!
Its no use dude. Jasper isnt going to pay for the server anymore, LuaLands dead until someone takes it over

Correction. LuaLand is dead until someone remakes it. Jasper has said he is not giving it to anyone.
Cloud Ninja #166
Posted 22 April 2015 - 11:23 AM
Tell Jasper the problem! I'll even PM him!
Its no use dude. Jasper isnt going to pay for the server anymore, LuaLands dead until someone takes it over

Correction. LuaLand is dead until someone remakes it. Jasper has said he is not giving it to anyone.
Which is essentially til someone takes the name over. Once they do so itll be out of his hair, out of everyones hair. Until someone else puts it up, with a new topic, im gone, im done with this server until it can be stable.
ry00000 #167
Posted 22 April 2015 - 04:51 PM
It is time. LuaLand will be shut down. Today, 22 April 2015, LuaLand will be shut down. Forever.
Agent Silence #168
Posted 22 April 2015 - 06:02 PM
Nah, not forever. If I have the time, I can run it.
I tutor at my school for $10/hour, so I can pay for it.
But I will only run it if I have the TIME.
Time = Money
Money =/= Time
Ninja8370 #169
Posted 22 April 2015 - 11:02 PM
I could host it, but my server machine right now is not the best for server hosting, it's only 1 core and a gig of ram. However I might be able to get an excelent server hosting machine for $400. (Which is an absolutely amazing price for a good server computer)
Agent Silence #170
Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:26 PM
Nah, I found a host. 5120mb and 60 player slots for $15USD/Month
Sillyjake #171
Posted 25 April 2015 - 01:21 AM
I'm just a ghost. Slowly being forgotten…
ry00000 #172
Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:09 AM
A h-h-h-host? Meaning lualand is back???
GreenGene #173
Posted 25 April 2015 - 06:09 PM
I could host it, but my server machine right now is not the best for server hosting, it's only 1 core and a gig of ram. However I might be able to get an excelent server hosting machine for $400. (Which is an absolutely amazing price for a good server computer)
Nah, I found a host. 5120mb and 60 player slots for $15USD/Month
A h-h-h-host? Meaning lualand is back???

I will host, do u want me to?

I could host it, but my server machine right now is not the best for server hosting, it's only 1 core and a gig of ram. However I might be able to get an excelent server hosting machine for $400. (Which is an absolutely amazing price for a good server computer)
Nah, I found a host. 5120mb and 60 player slots for $15USD/Month
A h-h-h-host? Meaning lualand is back???

I will host, do u want me to?

I can (maybe) get a domainname for it :P/>

Let me know soon so i can make the website and setup the server :P/>
LDDestroier #174
Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:23 PM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.
DannySMc #175
Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:34 PM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.
GreenGene #176
Posted 27 April 2015 - 10:43 PM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.

That is good advice. What host do you have?
DannySMc #177
Posted 27 April 2015 - 11:41 PM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.

That is good advice. What host do you have?

Nitrous Networks, They are probably the best I have ever used and I use a lot.
GreenGene #178
Posted 28 April 2015 - 01:53 AM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.

That is good advice. What host do you have?

Nitrous Networks, They are probably the best I have ever used and I use a lot.

ry00000 #179
Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:20 AM
So… Does that mean lualand is back?
venomstriker235 #180
Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:21 AM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.

Also as the issue of a bad dos/ddos attack will take it down quite easily.
DannySMc #181
Posted 28 April 2015 - 09:20 AM
Why not host LuaLand on a personal computer? Probably cheaper in the long term, not having to pay every month for hosting.

In all honesty it really isn't that expensive, considering my server costs me £5 a month and I can have around 50 players before the server's CPU goes over 60% usage…

Using a home computer is a badddd idea, if he has a slow connection it will be slow for any other players too, so if he has a 3mbps download and a 1mbps upload then it will impact on clients quite badly also slowing down everyone else's internet connection in his house. It also opens his houses internet to being hacked and DDoS'd as well considering it is based at home and probably won't have the correct security measures, and if he gets a lot of traffic he may get billed by his ISP for the traffic (does happen trust me).

Long story short:

Do not do it.

Also as the issue of a bad dos/ddos attack will take it down quite easily.

Indeed it would, I will look and setting up some hosting for Lua Land if the host doesn't mind as I am moving my server to bungeecord so we can have a few servers connected together…?
valithor #182
Posted 28 April 2015 - 12:51 PM
Indeed it would, I will look and setting up some hosting for Lua Land if the host doesn't mind as I am moving my server to bungeecord so we can have a few servers connected together…?

This server is actually dead, and the owners have not been on the forums for weeks. They have been talking about rebuilding it from scratch, which is frankly not worth it anymore.

Btw as for hosts both Lualands used exileservers, who were both cheap and reliable. I believe it is around 5$ a gig of ram for them to host a server.

This server is spent, no reason trying to reinvent it over and over.
Edited on 28 April 2015 - 11:18 AM
DannySMc #183
Posted 28 April 2015 - 01:49 PM
No I wish to rehost it in BungeeCord as I need at least 3 servers,

1. The Hub
2. ShinexusUK
3. Lua Land

On that I am paying £10 for 3 servers… The hub wil have up to 20 and the separate servers will have 50
Edited on 28 April 2015 - 12:19 PM
valithor #184
Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:03 PM
No I wish to rehost it in BungeeCord as I need at least 3 servers,

1. The Hub
2. ShinexusUK
3. Lua Land

On that I am paying £10 for 3 servers… The hub wil have up to 20 and the separate servers will have 50

This server is spent, no reason trying to reinvent it over and over.

Coming from one of the two people who made the name actually mean something… The server and name should both end. Be creative come up with something that is your own.
DannySMc #185
Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:34 PM
Fine with me
GreenGene #186
Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:14 PM
No I wish to rehost it in BungeeCord as I need at least 3 servers,

1. The Hub
2. ShinexusUK
3. Lua Land

On that I am paying £10 for 3 servers… The hub wil have up to 20 and the separate servers will have 50

This server is spent, no reason trying to reinvent it over and over.

Coming from one of the two people who made the name actually mean something… The server and name should both end. Be creative come up with something that is your own.

Ok, good idea val ;)/>
GreenGene #187
Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:28 PM
Fine with me

If u want to host our loved server, may I be part of the staff group :)/>
DannySMc #188
Posted 03 May 2015 - 11:02 PM
Fine with me

If u want to host our loved server, may I be part of the staff group :)/>

Well I need some more money before I can host it :(/>((( It would be £2.50 for 25 players or £5 for 50
Cloud Ninja #189
Posted 03 May 2015 - 11:42 PM
Fine with me

If u want to host our loved server, may I be part of the staff group :)/>

Well I need some more money before I can host it :(/>((( It would be £2.50 for 25 players or £5 for 50
I just got paid for some stuff, i can help pay for it.
DannySMc #190
Posted 04 May 2015 - 11:46 AM
Fine with me

If u want to host our loved server, may I be part of the staff group :)/>

Well I need some more money before I can host it :(/>((( It would be £2.50 for 25 players or £5 for 50
I just got paid for some stuff, i can help pay for it.

Well if you want then sure! :D/> What are you going to be survival world? or Creative? or other?
ry00000 #191
Posted 05 May 2015 - 03:15 PM
Why not both? like and! I would really enjoy having both!

Also, I applied for staff before the server got took down, so can I be staff?
valithor #192
Posted 05 May 2015 - 05:46 PM
This is honestly pathetic. Even if someone "rehosts" it, it is not the same.

No if you had staff before that means absolutely nothing. It is a completely new server run by a completely different person. This means it has the same name but that is as far as the similarity goes.

Guys be original come up with something that you can call your own. Let Lualand end with this failure, instead of making another server that will likely farther ruin the image.

Personally I am surprised this thread is still unlocked/people are still responding. This server has not been up in 2 weeks, not to mention I have reported it twice saying this. This server is dead, create your own come up with a original name and if it is a quality server is will be well off.
Edited on 05 May 2015 - 03:47 PM
Lyqyd #193
Posted 05 May 2015 - 05:58 PM
I've seen the reports. You aren't the current server operator. There is continuing discussion in the topic. There's no reason to lock it yet. Report it again when it's been down for a month and the topic has been quiet for two weeks, and we may lock it at that point. Take a step back and take some deep breaths. It's just a Minecraft server, after all.
valithor #194
Posted 05 May 2015 - 05:59 PM
I've seen the reports. You aren't the current server operator. There is continuing discussion in the topic. There's no reason to lock it yet. Report it again when it's been down for a month and the topic has been quiet for two weeks, and we may lock it at that point. Take a step back and take some deep breaths. It's just a Minecraft server, after all.

If you care to check… The technic pack that is linked on the front page doesn't even exist. And neither of the "owners" have been on in weeks. At least make it obvious that the server is not possible to join…

either way. Is the server forum the proper place for a discussion, maybe general is a better place?
Edited on 05 May 2015 - 04:06 PM
TechedZombie #195
Posted 05 May 2015 - 10:41 PM
Can we aplly for admin anywhere i have been playing since minecraft 1.5
DannySMc #196
Posted 05 May 2015 - 11:09 PM
I've seen the reports. You aren't the current server operator. There is continuing discussion in the topic. There's no reason to lock it yet. Report it again when it's been down for a month and the topic has been quiet for two weeks, and we may lock it at that point. Take a step back and take some deep breaths. It's just a Minecraft server, after all.

If you care to check… The technic pack that is linked on the front page doesn't even exist. And neither of the "owners" have been on in weeks. At least make it obvious that the server is not possible to join…

either way. Is the server forum the proper place for a discussion, maybe general is a better place?

Let's stop and talk before you start having a tantrum.

One I do not care about the name, the idea was to have some server names as I have a network of servers; not just one, I do not care for your precious server, I just want players to have a good time and everyone seems upset it was gone, so I offered to (if someone could) get the map and I could re-host it. So players still could build on it. As I have slots for servers. It's an offer that I had to help out, then if this guy ever does bring it back then he can take owner ship, idk who cares? It was just an idea.

1. And for the ruining the image… my server is quite content with our servers and currently we are doing quite well :)/> considering we have picked up a few players from Lua Land. So it was a suggestion for others whether they wanted it and if it was worth it. As it would mean players can skip back and forth between the two on the same server:)

2. You are quite rude aren't you: "speak, how you wish to be spoken to."

3. Yes this IS THE CORRECT TOPIC to talk about Lua Land on :o/> magical isn't it, we are talking about Lua Land on the …
*drum roll*

Now stop complaining and stop reading this topic if you can't deal with it, considering you are getting all worked up over a Minecraft server.

Why not both? like and! I would really enjoy having both!

Also, I applied for staff before the server got took down, so can I be staff?

Well we have a hub so we can have a creative world and a survival world, or you can work in the creative world we have? Tell me some of the peripheral mods for CC and I shall add them so you can keep your testing going:P
Edited on 05 May 2015 - 09:10 PM
DannySMc #197
Posted 05 May 2015 - 11:14 PM
Can we aplly for admin anywhere i have been playing since minecraft 1.5

Well I wouldn't say admin? xD as this server is down but you can help out on my server cluster? Just click here
valithor #198
Posted 06 May 2015 - 12:38 AM
2. You are quite rude aren't you: "speak, how you wish to be spoken to."

3. Yes this IS THE CORRECT TOPIC to talk about Lua Land on :o/> magical isn't it, we are talking about Lua Land on the …
*drum roll*

Now stop complaining and stop reading this topic if you can't deal with it, considering you are getting all worked up over a Minecraft server.

I perfectly agree the bungee cord idea is amazing… but you might want to finish setting up your own server first (was decent when you had the commands from the forge mod, but now its painful to play).

2. I have not hidden that I do not like Lyqyd (many of my friends in this community do not like him either, but that is what happens when you are in a position of authority). I honestly don't care if he speaks to me as I speak to him.

3. Btw no this is not the correct place. Seeing as it does not meet the criteria to be in the server group
(a active server, http://www.computerc...r-forum-rules/). Seeing as this is true it would be more appropriate to move this to a place like general or… as I sugested "make it obvious this server is not joinable" I remember when I was searching for a server how hard it was looking through all the dead servers to find a one that actually was up. I was mainly saying that to make it easier on new people…
Edited on 05 May 2015 - 11:37 PM
DannySMc #199
Posted 06 May 2015 - 11:19 AM
2. You are quite rude aren't you: "speak, how you wish to be spoken to."

3. Yes this IS THE CORRECT TOPIC to talk about Lua Land on :o/> magical isn't it, we are talking about Lua Land on the …
*drum roll*

Now stop complaining and stop reading this topic if you can't deal with it, considering you are getting all worked up over a Minecraft server.

I perfectly agree the bungee cord idea is amazing… but you might want to finish setting up your own server first (was decent when you had the commands from the forge mod, but now its painful to play).

2. I have not hidden that I do not like Lyqyd (many of my friends in this community do not like him either, but that is what happens when you are in a position of authority). I honestly don't care if he speaks to me as I speak to him.

3. Btw no this is not the correct place. Seeing as it does not meet the criteria to be in the server group
(a active server, http://www.computerc...r-forum-rules/). Seeing as this is true it would be more appropriate to move this to a place like general or… as I sugested "make it obvious this server is not joinable" I remember when I was searching for a server how hard it was looking through all the dead servers to find a one that actually was up. I was mainly saying that to make it easier on new people…

1. My server is set up… we have added everything we needed to and fixed a few bits and pieces.
1.2. BungeeCord is actualy really useful!

2. I guess but being rude is not really the way to speak to him. I am keen on him either but he is still a person.

3. Indeed but this is being left for a month or so incase the server is going to come back, he may have been told my the old server admin that it is coming back and do not delete the post, never assume. There could be many reasons.
Cloud Ninja #200
Posted 06 May 2015 - 11:23 AM
And not to intrude on the argument, you DO NOT own LuaLand val. If anyone truly owned it, it was Cdel, and he gave the name to jasper. Jasper has whole right over the name, and hes given anyone that wants to the right to use it. You can't stop him from making a server with lualand.

Another thing, you have no right val. You and Cdel caused harm to the server in giving Tim + Jasper false plugins and such.
valithor #201
Posted 06 May 2015 - 08:18 PM
Another thing, you have no right val. You and Cdel caused harm to the server in giving Tim + Jasper false plugins and such.

I didn't give him false plugins… I gave them a plugin I had back when I owned the server, which had a no permission op for testing permissions. Tim had the source code the entire time, and had full knowledge of everything in it (he even asked for the plugin specifically, fully knowing everything that was in it).

Btw if you really want to get into technicalities… Cdel gave me the name a month before the server closed. And as such was not his to give away. Either way you can't own something like this, sure you could try to copyright it, but it doesn't meet the requirements to be copyrighted.

Dragon53535 decided to message me saying he was contacting tim to come and resolve this, so it is best to consider this done until he responds (if he responds).

Honestly my goal in this is simple. To make it to where 2 things are obvious. This server is not joinable (would take a mod/admin 30 seconds to put a note in op or something).
And make it obvious that even if someone did remake it, it doesn't mean that it will be anything like the first or even this one. That is to say the name means nothing, it is all about the people who run it and as such they should be creative and come up with their own name so there is no confusion.

Despite what people think, both of these are to improve the community. Neither of them are personal things I am attempting to accomplish because I feel the server is still mine. The fact is keeping this discussion in the server forum only will lead to confusion for new players.
Edited on 06 May 2015 - 06:21 PM