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Chat and help operators?

Started by DannySMc, 17 April 2015 - 10:48 AM
DannySMc #1
Posted 17 April 2015 - 12:48 PM
Hey guys,

I have an idea and well it is only an idea / concept… so here I go:

I want to make a live chat system, where we have a set of operators which are always online, okay? Operators have access to more commands etc. This means say we have 10 operators at least one of us are online all the time, and when someone has a problem they can literally go to an operator to have help live, I was going to enable file transfer to so they can send their code over so we can see it as well as allow users to share their screen… I plan to make it work with multishell?
It means we can have many chats and will work with a very simple GUI and we can help others.

The idea spanned from a new system I have set up on my website that allows you to chat with an operator and get help or ask questions? So idk if it would go anywhere but I like the idea and personally I think it would be useful as hell and if it gets used enough we can ask to get it put into ComputerCraft mod? Like if it becomes really successful? idk all ideas and concepts and I know someone is going to go WE HAVE IRC!!!! and to that I will say I tried to get help from IRC but they aren't very "helpful" well the people I was talking to anyway, they normally talk about some weird stuff… So yeah not sure.

Anyway here is the idea in full:

+ We have a set of operators that have access to the full system, these will be chosen via an application form, this means I need to see some good knowledge of your skills and a name and email, literally I will probably just ask if you have a ccsystems account and steal that info there. You will need to be useful and know a lot, we will use chat stores to store a chat id so users can retrieve these chats later on if they want to keep the help.

+ We will have access to send/receive files, share screenshots and send over error codes. Also will allow users to access the computer via command line and run things in their computer this will be allowed via the client though.

+ We will have stats to see all chats that have been initiated and at the end of every chat you get a rating, this rating then goes to what people think of you and we have the most popular operators etc. Awards will go out as I am now getting money for adsense on my website, we will allow a gift card every month for whoever gets the best reviews, I will know if you cheat :)/>)))).

+ The GUI will be simply a menu with your username, and some extra content and a notification bar to see anything new that comes up… Of course a user will initiate a stream between the computers where chat and data can be sent.

Anyway the idea is it is a huge online help system for CC, now for one don't get moody because we have the forums I know! But sometimes someone doesn't want to go online to get help and we will make a tutorial on how to run the script so new users know how to use it, will come with built in help etc. So like I get we have IRC and Forums but I guess I just want to make this and put this idea forward. I am currently making it anyway as this is to help me learn asynchronous chat :P/> But I just like the idea :P/>.

So if you want to apply for an operator (program should be finished in the next week) PM me with this info or email me with it at:

+ Full Name (First name if you don't want to put your full name),
+ Email (This is just to register you as an operator so you can get the gift card at the end of a month if you win),
+ Country and Timezone: EXAMPLE: England (GMT 0), (This is to of course make sure you are online when users will be)
+ Fluent / Spoken languages: This is so we can help users who find it hard to type english…
+ CCSystems Username: This is so I can review your data on the ccsystems database and just use your login details from there :P/>
+ Forums Username (So I know how to contact you),
+ Bio: ( A little information about you as a person),
+ Why you think you would be good with this (So i know why you want to do it)

Bomb Bloke #2
Posted 17 April 2015 - 01:10 PM
I know someone is going to go WE HAVE IRC!!!! and to that I will say I tried to get help from IRC but they aren't very "helpful" well the people I was talking to anyway, they normally talk about some weird stuff… So yeah not sure.

That has less to do with IRC, and more to do with people being… people. And you'll find people are people anywhere you go.

Long story short, my view is that if you're happy with building this "for the sake of building it" and for your own personal experience, then great! Go for it! But if your enthusiasm for this hinges on the enthusiasm of other people (short or long term), then you might want to rethink the scope of it.
DannySMc #3
Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:37 PM
I know someone is going to go WE HAVE IRC!!!! and to that I will say I tried to get help from IRC but they aren't very "helpful" well the people I was talking to anyway, they normally talk about some weird stuff… So yeah not sure.

That has less to do with IRC, and more to do with people being… people. And you'll find people are people anywhere you go.

Long story short, my view is that if you're happy with building this "for the sake of building it" and for your own personal experience, then great! Go for it! But if your enthusiasm for this hinges on the enthusiasm of other people (short or long term), then you might want to rethink the scope of it.

Yeah I guess it is just for my own learning curve but the idea would be useful, and I am sure to help with operating it… So yeah:P
_removed #4
Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:12 PM
I'ma gonna apply for an operator, this project seems really interesting! I hope this becomes successful.
Creator #5
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:01 PM
Can I be an operator? It is interesting and the idea of helping other people is great. Will it be like Ask a pro, but immediately. As for sharing the screen I have an idea. It works this way.

The screen is set to the default shell view. Then a program keeps track of all the draws and sends them to the operator. Every draw is executed on the operators screen. This way the screens are identical. Maybe you already thought of it, but I think it was worth sharing.
Lupus590 #6
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:16 PM
you may want to look into vncd and nsh for the screen sharing
Creator #7
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:18 PM
Yeah, but it is over the real internet. And I guess that it is how vncd works
Lupus590 #8
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:22 PM
you will need to intercept and wrap the rednet messages into http stuff

the main reason I said to look at it was to get an idea of how to capture the screen, send it to another computer and have that computer display the same
Edited on 17 April 2015 - 06:23 PM
Creator #9
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:39 PM
I think I kind of explained how it works. You catch all term calls and send them with the arguments to the receiver, who executes them.
flaghacker #10
Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:01 PM
I think the forums are good enough, it's not like there are that many questions, and having it in-game would be kinda wierd, you'd need to have minecraft open to chat to people?

If people aren't using IRC, there's not much chance they'll be using this…

Also, isn't it a bit early to start searching for administrators?
Edited on 17 April 2015 - 09:02 PM
Creator #11
Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:12 PM
It may be early, but it's better than it being too late. This project 'll be super similar to ask a pro. However, in the CC forums, we have 10000 members with 1 or more posts and 140 people have more posts that me (277 when I searched), so I do not think that this comunity 'll become very big, ot least big enought to be of any use. Moreover, being a admin is like have a ftime consuming job.
DannySMc #12
Posted 18 April 2015 - 12:26 AM
I think the forums are good enough, it's not like there are that many questions, and having it in-game would be kinda wierd, you'd need to have minecraft open to chat to people?

If people aren't using IRC, there's not much chance they'll be using this…

Also, isn't it a bit early to start searching for administrators?

This has potential and the idea is for users to get help with CC programs with simple file sharing and screen sharing, but you do have an opinion. No the program and scripts are made, we are currently just testing the system to make sure it is error proof.

Can I be an operator? It is interesting and the idea of helping other people is great. Will it be like Ask a pro, but immediately. As for sharing the screen I have an idea. It works this way.

The screen is set to the default shell view. Then a program keeps track of all the draws and sends them to the operator. Every draw is executed on the operators screen. This way the screens are identical. Maybe you already thought of it, but I think it was worth sharing.

I did explain on how to apply in the main post.