496 posts
New Zealand
Posted 31 January 2012 - 01:21 AM
496 posts
Harlem, NY
Posted 31 January 2012 - 01:27 AM
496 posts
New Zealand
Posted 31 January 2012 - 02:02 AM
The sad thing about this display is that when finished I don't know how well my pc will handle 42 pc's sitting in loops at the same time.
411 posts
Posted 31 January 2012 - 04:41 AM
It won't be the PC's that kill you, it will be the amount of lighting/block updates you'll be passing through to your CPU.
My display was like 400 pixels for musicmaker and it couldn't handle fast updates very well. And my computer not crap ;(
411 posts
Posted 31 January 2012 - 05:28 AM

Each section contains ~30 lights?
32x32 sections…
I think thats light 30,000 lights… 1 FPS was great…
40 posts
Posted 31 January 2012 - 06:08 AM
Looks schmexy.
496 posts
New Zealand
Posted 31 January 2012 - 07:02 AM

Each section contains ~30 lights?
32x32 sections…
I think thats light 30,000 lights… 1 FPS was great…
Jeez, This is only 2048 lights.
496 posts
New Zealand
Posted 31 January 2012 - 07:05 AM
And it is gonna be nowhere near fast updating as I had to add a sleep to the wait loop otherwise dans infinite loop protection steps in before I have time to get all the pcs running :(/>/>
14 posts
Wales, UK
Posted 06 February 2012 - 08:13 PM
Jesus christ guys. Theres me moaning on irc earlier about my display being difficult!!
Thats impressive. Both of them. +1 to you both.
26 posts
The Netherlands
Posted 25 February 2012 - 01:35 PM
Wow, yeah! This will be a amazing project, guys! Tumbs up!
36 posts
Posted 27 February 2012 - 08:56 AM
So.. Is it finished yet? What can it display? ;)/>/>
496 posts
New Zealand
Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:28 AM
So.. Is it finished yet? What can it display? ;)/>/>
I kinda stopped working on it,
But it is pixel based so effectively anything you want,
I even had a function for displaying an image that is based in #'s
It uses around 5 different programs.
278 posts
Posted 05 March 2012 - 06:25 AM
The sad thing about this display is that when finished I don't know how well my pc will handle 42 pc's sitting in loops at the same time.
My good computer, I had one PC sitting in a loop, and it died in 30 secconds, there was like a 'Java.lang=eng cannnot make new thread' blah blah blah on the screen.
38 posts
Posted 13 March 2012 - 07:31 PM
The sad thing about this display is that when finished I don't know how well my pc will handle 42 pc's sitting in loops at the same time.
My good computer, I had one PC sitting in a loop, and it died in 30 secconds, there was like a 'Java.lang=eng cannnot make new thread' blah blah blah on the screen.
I'm pretty sure you don't have that great of a comp then. My computer easily handles a single loop =/ More than likely you found an error in the mod? Dunno.
36 posts
Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:03 AM
Wow, I tried something like this with lasermod. Using blue and red laser, to give me a third color purple. But it was too laggy on a large scale 48x22, works great at 8x8, maybe even 16x16. How laggy is it using redpower lamps? I wasn't going to rebuild my laser display with redpower. There's now a monitor for Computercraft, we can give up now :-)
Check out my laser display, the vid make it even more laggy.
99 posts
Posted 21 March 2012 - 10:22 PM
How did you connected the wires to the panels?
715 posts
Posted 21 March 2012 - 11:44 PM
How did you connected the wires to the panels?
You can only place wires on the outside of a block, so that means he placed it on the outside of the block area in which the panel is in.

68 posts
Posted 26 March 2012 - 10:11 PM
Just thought I would add,
Holy Moly! :o/>/>
259 posts
Posted 05 April 2012 - 12:31 PM