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Keyboard Monitor Script (Turn a monitor to a working keyboard.)

Started by Tag365, 29 April 2015 - 02:08 PM
Tag365 #1
Posted 29 April 2015 - 04:08 PM
Use this script to make an advanced monitor show a keyboard which you can click on and it will actually act like you pressed a key. To use this run "monitor <monitor> <keyboard name="" script="">".

Download now! Run "pastebin get u8ffK9Qu keyboard" in the shell.

-- Keyboard script by Tag365 --
-- Free to use, edit, and copy. --
local nKbWid, nKbHei = 80, 18
local tKeyboard = {} -- This houses the keyboard keys.

-- Set up keyboard
tKeyboard[1] = {}
tKeyboard[1].y = 1/nKbHei
tKeyboard[1].height = 1/nKbHei
tKeyboard[1].keys = {
	{"esc", 1, 4, nil},
	{"f1", 5, 8, keys.f1},
	{"f2", 9, 12, keys.f2},
	{"f3", 13, 16, keys.f3},
	{"f4", 17, 20, keys.f4},
	{"f5", 21, 24, keys.f5},
	{"f6", 25, 28, keys.f6},
	{"f7", 29, 32, keys.f7},
	{"f8", 33, 36, keys.f8},
	{"f9", 37, 40, keys.f9},
	{"f10", 41, 44, keys.f10},
	{"f11", 45, 48, keys.f11},
	{"f12", 49, 52, keys.f12},
	{"ins", 53, 56, keys.insert},
	{"del", 57, 60, keys.delete},
	{"prnt", 63, 67, keys.home},
	{"sclk", 68, 71, keys.scrollLock},
	{"paus", 72, 76, keys.pause},
	{"brk", 77, 80, -1},

tKeyboard[2] = {}
tKeyboard[2].y = 4/nKbHei
tKeyboard[2].height = 2/nKbHei
tKeyboard[2].keys = {
	{"~", 1, 4, keys.grave},
	{"1", 5, 8,},
	{"2", 9, 12, keys.two},
	{"3", 13, 16, keys.three},
	{"4", 17, 20, keys.four},
	{"5", 21, 24, keys.five},
	{"6", 25, 28, keys.six},
	{"7", 29, 32,},
	{"8", 33, 36, keys.eight},
	{"9", 37, 40, keys.nine},
	{"0", 41, 44, keys.ten},
	{"-", 45, 48, keys.minus},
	{"=", 49, 52, keys.equals},
	{"<-", 53, 60, keys.backspace},
	{"nmlk", 63, 67, nil},
	{"/", 68, 71, keys.slash},
	{"*", 72, 76, keys.multiply},
	{"-", 77, 80, keys.minus},

tKeyboard[3] = {}
tKeyboard[3].y = 7/nKbHei
tKeyboard[3].height = 2/nKbHei
tKeyboard[3].keys = {
	{"tab", 1, 4,},
	{"Q", 5, 8, keys.q},
	{"W", 9, 12, keys.w},
	{"E", 13, 16, keys.e},
	{"R", 17, 20, keys.r},
	{"T", 21, 24, keys.t},
	{"Y", 25, 28, keys.y},
	{"U", 29, 32, keys.u},
	{"I", 33, 36, keys.i},
	{"O", 37, 40, keys.o},
	{"P", 41, 44, keys.p},
	{"[", 45, 48, keys.leftBracket},
	{"]", 49, 52, keys.rightBracket},
	{"\\", 53, 60, keys.backslash},
	{"home", 63, 67, keys.home},
	{"up", 68, 71, keys.up},
	{"pgup", 72, 76, keys.pageUp},
	{"+", 77, 80,},

tKeyboard[4] = {}
tKeyboard[4].y = 10/nKbHei
tKeyboard[4].height = 2/nKbHei
tKeyboard[4].keys = {
	{"caps", 1, 4, keys.capsLock},
	{"A", 5, 8, keys.a},
	{"S", 9, 12, keys.s},
	{"D", 13, 16, keys.d},
	{"F", 17, 20, keys.f},
	{"G", 21, 24, keys.g},
	{"H", 25, 28, keys.h},
	{"J", 29, 32, keys.j},
	{"K", 33, 36, keys.k},
	{"L", 37, 40, keys.l},
	{";", 41, 44, keys.semiColon},
	{"'", 45, 48, keys.apostrophe},
	{"enter", 49, 60, keys.enter},
	{"left", 63, 67, keys.left},
	{"5", 68, 71, keys.numPad5},
	{"righ", 72, 76, keys.right},
	{"+", 77, 80, keys.numPadAdd},

tKeyboard[5] = {}
tKeyboard[5].y = 13/nKbHei
tKeyboard[5].height = 2/nKbHei
tKeyboard[5].keys = {
	{"shif", 1, 4, keys.leftShift},
	{"Z", 5, 8, keys.z},
	{"X", 9, 12, keys.x},
	{"C", 13, 16, keys.c},
	{"V", 17, 20, keys.v},
	{"B", 21, 24, keys.b},
	{"N", 25, 28, keys.n},
	{"M", 29, 32, keys.m},
	{",", 33, 36, keys.comma},
	{".", 37, 40, keys.period},
	{"/", 41, 44, keys.slash},
	{"shift", 45, 60, keys.rightShift},
	{"end", 63, 67, keys["end"]},
	{"down", 68, 71, keys.down},
	{"pgdn", 72, 76, keys.pageDown},
	{"ent", 77, 80, keys.numPadEnter},

tKeyboard[6] = {}
tKeyboard[6].y = 16/nKbHei
tKeyboard[6].height = 2/nKbHei
tKeyboard[6].keys = {
	{"ctrl", 1, 5, keys.leftCtrl},
	{"alt", 6, 9, keys.leftAlt},
	{"space", 10, 40,},
	{"alt", 41, 44, keys.rightAlt},
	{"ctrl", 45, 60, keys.rightCtrl},
	{"insert", 63, 71, keys["end"]},
	{"delete", 72, 76, keys.delete},
	{"ent", 77, 80, keys.numPadEnter},

local tochar = {
	[2] = "1",
	[3] = "2",
	[4] = "3",
	[5] = "4",
	[6] = "5",
	[7] = "6",
	[8] = "7",
	[9] = "8",
	[10] = "9",
	[11] = "0",
	[12] = "-",
	[13] = "=",
	[16] = "q",
	[17] = "w",
	[18] = "e",
	[19] = "r",
	[20] = "t",
	[21] = "y",
	[22] = "u",
	[23] = "i",
	[24] = "o",
	[25] = "p",
	[26] = "[",
	[27] = "]",
	[30] = "a",
	[31] = "s",
	[32] = "d",
	[33] = "f",
	[34] = "g",
	[35] = "h",
	[36] = "j",
	[37] = "k",
	[38] = "l",
	[39] = ";",
	[40] = "'",
	[41] = "`",
	[43] = "\\",
	[44] = "z",
	[45] = "x",
	[46] = "c",
	[47] = "v",
	[48] = "b",
	[49] = "n",
	[50] = "m",
	[51] = ",",
	[52] = ".",
	[53] = "/",
	[57] = " "

local tocharshift = {
	[2] = "!",
	[3] = "@",
	[4] = "#",
	[5] = "$",
	[6] = "%",
	[7] = "^",
	[8] = "&amp;",
	[9] = "*",
	[10] = "(",
	[11] = ")",
	[12] = "_",
	[13] = "=",
	[26] = "{",
	[27] = "}",
	[39] = ":",
	[40] = '"',
	[43] = '|',
	[51] = '<',
	[52] = '>',
	[53] = '?',

local nWidth, nHeight = term.getSize()
local nBgColor, nTextColor = colors.lightGray,
local nKeyBgColor, nKeyTextColor =,

local setTextColor, setBackColor = term.setTextColor, term.setBackgroundColor
local setCursorPos, clear = term.setCursorPos, term.clear

-- Fix the width of each key.
for row, rowval in ipairs(tKeyboard) do
	for key, keyval in ipairs(rowval.keys) do
		keyval[2] = keyval[2]/nKbWid
		keyval[3] = keyval[3]/nKbWid

-- Clears the screen and restores it to the default colors.
local function clearTerm()
	setCursorPos(1, 1)

-- Used to draw the keyboard.
local function drawKeyboard()
	local curHeight = 1
	for row, rowval in ipairs(tKeyboard) do
		curHeight = math.ceil(rowval.y*nHeight)
		local rowHeight = math.floor(rowval.height*nHeight)
		for key, keyval in ipairs(rowval.keys) do
			for k=curHeight, curHeight + rowHeight - 1 do
				setCursorPos(math.floor(keyval[2]*nWidth), k)
				term.write(string.rep(" ", math.floor(keyval[3]*nWidth) - math.floor(keyval[2]*nWidth)))
			setCursorPos(math.floor(keyval[2]*nWidth), curHeight)
		curHeight = curHeight + rowHeight

local function touchKeyboard(x, y)
	for row, rowval in ipairs(tKeyboard) do
		curHeight = math.ceil(rowval.y*nHeight)
		local rowHeight = math.floor(rowval.height*nHeight)
		if y >= curHeight and y <= curHeight + rowHeight - 1 then
			for key, keyval in ipairs(rowval.keys) do
				if x >= math.floor(keyval[2]*nWidth) and x <= math.floor(keyval[3]*nWidth) then
					os.queueEvent("key", keyval[4])
					if keyval[4] == 42 or keyval[4] == 54 then
						bShift = not bShift
					if not bShift then
						if tochar[keyval[4]] then
							os.queueEvent("char", tochar[keyval[4]])
						if tocharshift[keyval[4]] then
							os.queueEvent("char", tocharshift[keyval[4]])
						elseif tochar[keyval[4]] then
							os.queueEvent("char", string.upper(tochar[keyval[4]]))
					return keyval[4]
		curHeight = curHeight + rowHeight

-- This is called when the terminal resizes.
local function onTermResize()
	nWidth, nHeight = term.getSize()


-- Main loop
while true do
	local event, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
	if event == "monitor_touch" then
		touchKeyboard(p2, p3)
	elseif event == "monitor_resize" or event == "term_resize" then
Edited on 01 May 2015 - 10:46 PM
flaghacker #2
Posted 29 April 2015 - 04:36 PM
I recommend uploading your program to pastebin, that way people can install it in-game.

Maybe provide some screenshots too?

EDIT: Are you supposed to to run this program in a coroutine? Or where can I type stuff?
Edited on 29 April 2015 - 02:39 PM
Exerro #3
Posted 29 April 2015 - 05:21 PM
I recommend uploading your program to pastebin, that way people can install it in-game.

Maybe provide some screenshots too?

EDIT: Are you supposed to to run this program in a coroutine? Or where can I type stuff?

Well I'm guessing in a coroutine, as the keyboard fires char events. Now I think about it, this is designed for a monitor, so it would make sense for you to type "bg monitor left keyboard" and be able to use the monitor to type on the computer when you go back to the main tab.

As for pastebin and pictures, yeah, they're a must really. You can upload to pastebin with a guest account, and I would recommend image services such as imgur or puush for uploading pictures (if you don't know how to, that is).
flaghacker #4
Posted 30 April 2015 - 11:21 AM

Well I'm guessing in a coroutine, as the keyboard fires char events. Now I think about it, this is designed for a monitor, so it would make sense for you to type "bg monitor left keyboard" and be able to use the monitor to type on the computer when you go back to the main tab.

I don't think it is possible to resume the shell while keeping the main loop alive. Maybe you can get away with overwriting os.pullEvent(Raw) to catch events. Never thought about that before…
Exerro #5
Posted 30 April 2015 - 04:44 PM
Huh? Coroutines allow you to run 2 bits of code that yield at the same time (multitasking). Of course you can run a shell and the main loop of this going at once. os.queueEvent() adds an event to the java-side queue I believe, so the TLC is then resumed with the event at some point in the future.
flaghacker #6
Posted 01 May 2015 - 08:10 AM
Huh? Coroutines allow you to run 2 bits of code that yield at the same time (multitasking). Of course you can run a shell and the main loop of this going at once. os.queueEvent() adds an event to the java-side queue I believe, so the TLC is then resumed with the event at some point in the future.

I meant without using coroutines, as that's not really a clean sulution to run a program.
Bomb Bloke #7
Posted 01 May 2015 - 10:23 AM
It's either that, or re-write the script so that the code you wish to use with it is integrated into it.

It could alternatively be modified to act like the commonly used button APIs.

But really, there's nothing wrong with using a co-routine for the job, and if you're going to use a co-routine, you may as well let multishell handle it for you - although that'll introduce its menu bar to the system doing the work, that won't matter, as you'll be running your other script on a monitor, too… said other script doesn't need to be modified to support this at all if multishell's doing all the work.