
This is my first post but I thought I'd share my creation. The program I have made is a program that maps out the movements needed to cover every block in a room/area. The area Must be totally surrounded at the time of mapping! (Pro tip: use diamond blocks) To do this I save the necessary movements to an array as an assigned value. Also the turtle must be placed facing down an edge in a corner. These values are -1 = backwards, 0 = forwards, 1 = turn right, and 2 = turn left. After the turtle has mapped the room it then maps a path back to the starting position by following the edge that connects back to the start. (I have an idea to make this more efficient and will update eventually) The turtle should be able to handle most room shapes as long as there isn't more than a 4 long stretch of wall for it to check for a possible turn. (I'll post a picture of an example that would fail the turtle) To start the program you must input two parameters the first being the desired directory and the second being the name of the file for the map to be saved as. To use the map you just have to read the file in order and have the turtle do the correct command. An example of what this could be used for is a farming program. I will also include a program that uses the map to traverse the room/area and uses the same parameters (directory and file name).

Link for mapping program

Link for sample program

1st picture is ok 2nd is not

If you have any questions/suggestions please comment below.
Also if something like this exists feel free to post it in the comments, I just thought of it one night trying to fall asleep.

See you in the game,
