You have folder.
In this folder you put ALL code/assets of program.
You name main program (that makes next things work) just "Main" or "Startup".
You use sort of "cs" (for Closed Source) api. Take a look:
local www = cs.openAsset("texts/jokes/funlevel9000/joke1") --While the directory does not stand for actual directory. Use FS api for it. Instead it stands for asset location in programs main folder.
There would be 2 programs. First:"Compile"
Craft OS 1.8
>compile myprog --myprog is directory of "startup" file for program
It would create myprog.exe (or so) file that would be ran normally by typing myprog.exe in prompt.Second:
Usage: Same as with compile, but it runs your program instantly in "debug" mode.
How would it speed up? Look at (propably true) way of running CC program: LuaJ —> Java Virtual Machine —> Actual CPU
After compiling: Hanlder (NON INTERPRETION!) —> JVM —> CPU.
Just imagine Os'es in it. Speed… Speed. SPEEEEED! + one file with no variable in code. What i mean by it is when you make program with all graphics in it you make billion variables. It is bad.
My thoughts:
LuaJ: i was reading that it is capable of encrypting at speed of ~30kB/s
Compiled: it could be even ~200kB/s
I hope dan reads it :)/>/>