The Internet Pack is a software package of which contains some of the greatest networking software.
It contains some needed tools for the server and client to communicate, securely and with reliability. The team of The Internet Pack is Sledger721 & I (samrg472).
Make sure to give credit if you take code from the team
Servers it comes with:
- DNS server
APIs it comes with:
- Firewall API
IRC Network:
IRC Channel: #theinternetpack
You may visit The Internet Pack channel at any time for help
Future software includes an FTP server, HTTP server, Firewall, LAN & Router support and more.
You may use any of the code in you're software as long as credit is given to the team who created this
Server Downloads:API Downloads:Misc Downloads:
- Demo DNS send client – Requires DNS API and sends a message to the DNS Server and prints back what the DNS Server finds
- Demo Firewall test – Requires Firewall and tests your configuration; send a message to the receiver, save this program as "receive"
All about DNS:
Using the DNS Server:
1) Download the software packages dns & dns-M in the root directory of the pc
2) Make three files dataA, dataC, and dataT
3) Inserting A-Rrecord entries:
3a) Open dataA
3b) Insert ->
-- A is for A-Record
-- 0 is the computer ID you want the address to point to
-- can be any domain you wish
4) Inserting CNAME-Record entries:
4a) Open dataC
4b) Insert ->
-- C is for CNAME-Record
-- is where points to
-- points to
-- Useful if you make multiple domains that point to one master domain
5) Inserting TXT-Record entries:
5a) Open dataT
5b) Insert -> T:I'm a TXT
-- T is for TXT-Record
-- "I'm a TXT record" is the TXT record
-- is what address the txt is assigned to
-- Useful to provide extra information about a domain
6) Launch dns-M and the server will be active!
-- id is simply the id of the DNS Server
-- valid record types are C, A, and T
-- address is the domain e.g.
dns.resolve(id,"record","address")-- Sample dns programos.loadAPI("dns")"top")
-- rednet.receive() is built directly in the dns api
-- so you don't have to call ith = dns.resolve(0,"A","") print(h)
————————Using the Firewall:
Note: The Firewall defaults to denying ALL.
1) Download the firewall to a place of your choice.
2) Open the firewall and customize the RulesPath (default: file named "rules" in root directory)
3) Open the rules file
4) Insert rules of your choice (see rules section)
5) Use the Firewall API in your software! (see the Firewall API)
Firewall API:
-- It works exactly rednet.receive() except id is false and msg is nil IF the id has been denied
-- message and distance is self explanatory
id, msg, distance = firewall.receive()
-- status is either "accepted" or "denied", the id, msg, and distance WILL be the actual id, msg, and distance,
-- Useful if you want to send things back to the sender if they have been rejected
status, id, msg, distance = firewall.receiveAll()
Firewall rules:
Note: All rules are separated by a line
The first word is always "accept" or "drop"
"*" are supported which means ALL
But instead of a * you can put an ID
– This will drop ID 10 and allow the rest
drop 10
accept *
- Start the future projects
Firewall v1.1
- Allow receiveAll() function to return status unknown (caused by invalid keywords in rules file)
- Fixed a bug in the receive() function returning the id and message no matter what
- Initial post of the firewall and other software with the firewall
Initial Release
- Posted initial software