Well now you can!
Video Player: pastebin get W69aKDBh player
Rick Roll file
Move Your Feet file (high resolution, might be slow)
|| The video is paused, play the video.
|> The video is playing, pause the video.
L Load a video.
X Close the player.
When you click on the time bar at the bottom it skips.
It is recommended that you set the maximum disk space to at least 100 MB in the file %appdata%\.minecraft\config\ComputerCrafÂt.cfg:
To convert a video to the video player format, you first need to convert the video to
a bunch of JPGs or PNGs using something like the Video to JPG Converter by DVDVideoSoft.
When you've done that, launch the VideoConverter application.
Click on the "Select First Frame" button and select the first image.
Note that all images need to be in a separate directory, so you can't have 2 videos in one directory.
Enter the width, height and FPS in the text fields.
It's recommended that you don't make the video bigger than 50x50 pixels and that it isn't higher than 30 FPS.
The limit is 255 pixels wide and high, 255 FPS and 65536 frames.
At 30 FPS, the maximum length is 36.4 minutes.
When you're done setting the options, click on the "Convert" button and save the video to the folder of your ComputerCraft computer.
It will take a few seconds/minutes and then you're done.