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MakePack -- Makeself in Lua!

Started by MindenCucc, 07 June 2015 - 10:38 PM
MindenCucc #1
Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:38 AM

Makeself in Lua!

Basic usage
Spoilermakepack [help] – display help
makepack pack <from folder> <to archive> – compresses the contents of <folder> to <archive>
makepack unpack <archive> <destination folder> – uncompresses the main folder from <archive> as <destination>
makepack sfx <directory> <archive> – creates a runnable Lua file that transforms itself into a directory
<archive> <directory> – extracts the contents of the SFX archive to the directory

Download it from Pastebin.

pastebin get xE5J2GS2 makepack

File format
SpoilerStrings: string_length:byte + content:string
Node: name:string + type:byte + info:int + body:bytebuf
Directory: type=0, info=#nodes, body=Node[]
File: type=1, info=filesize, body=compression_method:byte + compressed_stream:bytebuf

The pack'd file contains a root Directory node named "/", and all the things branch out of there.

The whole rom folder is 265451 bytes big, but it's 179357 bytes compressed! :P/>



local pk = loadfile("makepack")("api")

pk.compress(wat, where) -- compresses <wat> to <where>
pk.decompress(wat, where, [isSFX]) -- decompresses <wat> to <where>, but if [isSFX] then only use the binary part of the SFX

  • Added packing/unpacking of archives
  • Added SFX (SelF-eXtracting archive) creation
  • Added file-packaging support (no directory needed)
  • Added program integration thru an API
Edited on 09 June 2015 - 08:14 PM
Bomb Bloke #2
Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:55 AM
windows's file sizes are very inaccurate -_-/>

No they're not. :P/>

If you're getting confused between "size" and "size on disk", that has to do with cluster sizes. Your file system doesn't keep track of where every byte of data on your drive is - that'd mean using up a massive chunk of your drive space just to store the table of contents - so instead it tracks groups (or clusters) of bytes.

The rule is that data from only one file can be stored in a given cluster, so if you stick a 1kb file in a 4kb cluster then the whole 4kb of space is effectively consumed. Likewise, a 13kb cluster would effectively cover four 4kb clusters, taking up 16kb of space.

All clusters on your drive are the same size, but what that size is can vary from drive to drive (based on how it was formatted). 4kb is by far the most common. Space lost due to this system is referred to as "slack space", and applies to most any file system; Windows is simply nice enough to tell you about it.
MindenCucc #3
Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:59 AM
windows's file sizes are very inaccurate -_-/>

No they're not. :P/>


But in my language they translate to "size", and "size on disk" :P/> That's confusing

Edit: "DIR /S" ftw + updated #1Post
Edited on 07 June 2015 - 11:01 PM
Pyrif #4
Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:14 PM
Nice! This would be useful for when you have a large program made in CC and you need to make it more efficiently downloadable. Nice job! :D/>
Edited on 08 June 2015 - 05:14 PM
MindenCucc #5
Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:41 PM
HOLY COW, that was hard :D/>

Anyways, updated the program. Now added SFX (SelF-eXtracting archive) functionality :D/> Pack those dirs into one file!
MindenCucc #6
Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:48 PM
Nice! This would be useful for when you have a large program made in CC and you need to make it more efficiently downloadable. Nice job! :D/>

Sorry, I didn't refresh the page :P/> Btw, thanks :D/>
Pyrif #7
Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:27 PM
Nice! This would be useful for when you have a large program made in CC and you need to make it more efficiently downloadable. Nice job! :D/>

Sorry, I didn't refresh the page :P/> Btw, thanks :D/>
No prob! :D/>
Geforce Fan #8
Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:28 PM
Actually, I don't think this could be used to do so, without some sort of special service to send you a number 1-256 representing the byte.
You see, CC's strings can only handle 7 bits–or bytes up to 127, so this would not work, as it uses 1-256. That's the really simple version of it.
Edited on 08 June 2015 - 08:29 PM
Bomb Bloke #9
Posted 09 June 2015 - 01:03 AM
You see, CC's strings can only handle 7 bits–or bytes up to 127, so this would not work, as it uses 1-256. That's the really simple version of it.

More accurately, certain functions fail when passed strings containing non-ASCII characters. But not all of them, and the strings themselves can hold such characters without issues.