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[CSC] Password Generator

Started by CrakshotChrs, 16 June 2015 - 05:11 AM
CrakshotChrs #1
Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:11 AM
pastebin run iGiQZUbw

This will add a password generator to CC. It is a very basic program which is easy to use and read. This program basically just gives you a lot of random characters that you could use for a password. It also includes a help file which will run on download. Feel free to use this however you like, as long as I am given credit. Thanks!

Sorry for no images.
Creator #2
Posted 16 June 2015 - 02:59 PM
I see that in the genration part of the code, you if securityleve == thing. Instead do

local final = ""
for i=1,secLvl do
final = final..string.char(math.random(1,128))
biggest yikes #3
Posted 16 June 2015 - 04:04 PM
I see that in the genration part of the code, you if securityleve == thing. Instead do

local final = ""
for i=1,secLvl do
final = final..string.char(math.random(1,128))
the security level isn't the length of the string, and you would want to use 32,127 instead I believe
Creator #4
Posted 16 June 2015 - 04:10 PM
Ooooooooops, my bad. Wasn't sure where to start.