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Started by kobkob1, 28 June 2015 - 05:19 PM
kobkob1 #1
Posted 28 June 2015 - 07:19 PM
This is my first "big" piece of code, and it is called Commando!
Commando is a program that runs and allows you to setup your monitors colours, text sizes and text colours. It then allows you to run commands that I have programmed in with a easy to understand interface(words)
Since the "list" command in Commando is broken, I will tell you all of the programs that are currantly runnable. With more to come!
time- displays the time
timer- a timer that waits x amount of seconds and tells you on your monitor.
random- lets you set a pair of parameters and generarates a number within those parameters.
day- Tells you the world day.
runcalculator(Broken)- Runs my Simple Maths Calculator, which can be obtained here:
list(Broken)-Lists all programs.

Thank you for checking out my program.
Notes: This still has features which are broken. They will force your computer to turn off. In order for runcalculator to work, the Maths program I made needs to be called calculator. Sorry:(.

Pastebin code: pastebin get HgDJ5zJY Commando
Edited on 28 June 2015 - 05:41 PM
Creator #2
Posted 28 June 2015 - 07:37 PM
Please do not use tinyurl. The moderators don't like it at all!

Else, this seems quite interesting. Is it like a bunch of functions that will print on the monitor?
kobkob1 #3
Posted 28 June 2015 - 07:40 PM
Please do not use tinyurl. The moderators don't like it at all!

Else, this seems quite interesting. Is it like a bunch of functions that will print on the monitor?
I will change the tiny url, thank you for noticing. Yes, it is a bunch of functions that will print on a monitor, however you do need to go in the code and change where the monitor is wrapped. Stuff like time has a infinite loop, while the random prints its number onto the monitor then restarts the comp.
kobkob1 #4
Posted 28 June 2015 - 08:12 PM
Updated Calculator code, which allows you to link your calculator with your monitor:
pastebin get Qd5Ex2hE calculator.
This also fixes a bug with the runcalculator, which would make the calculator never terminate.
Note: This caused a bunch of bugs with the calculator program itself, so here is the fixed version of the calculator program:
pastebin get FwBDW1Hh calculator. Im keeping the old one there for people who want to see my errors:P
Edited on 28 June 2015 - 06:21 PM
kobkob1 #5
Posted 01 July 2015 - 10:54 PM
Since this has nearly hit 100 views on this post, I will begin development on Commando V1.1
Things to expect-
run program
list to be fixed
any other ideas you may want, post them down below:P