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How to enter the shell in Beginner's Turtles

Started by cyanisaac, 02 July 2015 - 09:30 PM
cyanisaac #1
Posted 02 July 2015 - 11:30 PM
To enter the shell in a beginner's turtle, simply put this code in a program:

if fs.exists("/startup") then"/startup")

And then run it. Your program will now lead into the shell, which is likely where you will want to be if you're not a beginner but just want a super awesome blue turtle with sunglasses or something like that.

I am focusing on making the above code optimized for using the turtles as a normal turtle, for those of you who just like cool stuff, give me some time to optimize it so that it works better :D/>
Edited on 02 July 2015 - 09:35 PM
dan200 #2
Posted 02 July 2015 - 11:58 PM
Or you can just Ctrl-T the IDE program!
cyanisaac #3
Posted 03 July 2015 - 01:52 AM
Or you can just Ctrl-T the IDE program!

Well now I feel like a real chump, I went way overboard with my solution.
biggest yikes #4
Posted 04 July 2015 - 02:54 PM
I guess I don't have to drag files into my library anymore
Posted 08 August 2015 - 05:25 AM
Or you can just Ctrl-T the IDE program!

But that is too simple

And arn't we supposed to be learning coding? Isn't using the code learning it (somewhat)?
biggest yikes #6
Posted 08 August 2015 - 10:17 PM
But that is too simple

And arn't we supposed to be learning coding? Isn't using the code learning it (somewhat)?
1. How is it too simple? You're learning how to code, and want to make your own programs in regular CC to see what else you can make with functions like print. Terminate IDE, there you go. There's no reason to make it extremely complicated just to let one escape into the shell. We're not in a labyrinth.
2. You're not learning how your browser was programmed by using it right now, are you?
A very off-topic statement that I couldnGenerally, putting a verb after a word that ends with "ing" is discouraged. "Learning to program" or "learning how to code" is better, however.
Edited on 08 August 2015 - 08:23 PM
vargaszm #7
Posted 11 August 2015 - 02:33 AM
CC supports resource packs, but as of now edu isn't supported, or i haven't figured out the extent that it is. I've tested loading other APIs from the resource pack via an autorun in the resource pack with if turtleedu then blah end successfully, but when i tried'bg lua', the lua prompt doesnt show up until you terminate the IDE.
LeotomasMC #8
Posted 23 August 2015 - 04:09 PM
just open a beginner turtle then go to Program then Code editor and type in this:"clear")"shell")

and you cant ctrl+t the ide program

and I tried installing my OS on a beginner turtle, you have to type OS or startup or you could add this line to the program"startup")

Edited on 23 August 2015 - 02:10 PM
LeotomasMC #9
Posted 23 August 2015 - 11:52 PM
uh oh


I fell bad kinda


well then, I thought u couldn't ctrl + t the ide program opps

so if you change the .jar file to a .zip file, you can browse the files, AND it will run like a .jar file, so you can edit files, so I removed the program in the /rom/autorun file and it runs shell on startup. but since the IDE program allows you to press the buttons on the remote and it does stuff, the buttons don't work. so I was thinking this: either make a program that runs in the backround and lets shell programs run and the buttons work, or add that whole part into the shell so that the buttons work, AND the shell works. im pretty sure that my first idea isn't possible (would look like running a program on a moniter). but i don't know. so could i copy and paste that part into the shell program or would that not work? or could someone put a link to a pastebin page that has what i need to put in the shell program? and wow. longest post on CCEDU fourm?