After creating getTankInfo() program for 675785… time i got irritated and created this:

Simple and easily configurable tank monitor.

After running it first time program will create config file with all tanks that got detected. You have to edit that file to suit your needs.
SpoilerHere's example:

  interval = 5,
  tanks = {
		redstone = {
		  side = "top",
		  bundled = 0,
		signalWhen = "above",
		percentage = 50,
		contents = {
		  rawName = "Liquid XP",
	  peripheralName = "right",
Config file is as easy to understand as possible so ill explain only key points.
redstone.bundled - this app supports bundled cables/similar stuff, so you have to use specific color code here. If you want to use basic redstone signal just leave it as 0.
signalWhen - "above" or "below".
rawName - here's something interesting. If it has any text in it this app will only work if name of the liquid exactly match. if its set to empty string ( "" ) it will work with any fluid.
After editing config file you just have to run it again.

Known Bugs:
This app has problems with blocks that have multiple tanks inside, MFR Sewer is good example.