Posted 30 August 2015 - 05:27 AM
So, usually when I have doors, I have door locks, especially on servers. It's great, but there's just one pesky problem - They brute force it.
The solution? Door locks with Dynamic passwords! Every time someone enters a correct OR wrong password, the password updates, so they won't be able to guess it.
But wait.. If THEY don't know the password, and if it changes itself, how do I, myself, as the owner get in? It's simple, really, Terminal Glasses.
1x Terminal Glasses (works with more)
1x Terminal Glasses Bridge (works with more)
2x Computers (Yep, that's right, NO Advanced Computers needed)
2x Wired Modems (or more, if multiple terminal glasses through networking cables)
2x Networking cable (or more, if multiple terminal glasses through wired modems)
…. Wait a second, why wired modems?
A: You don't want your password to be broadcasted in plain text to all computers in range, do you?
1x Door
1x OpenPeripheral Sensor (Only updates when password is entered)
Believe it or not, that's all!
Unfortunately it's not as easy as a pastebin get, so you'll have to copypaste the codes into pastebin yourself, configure it, set it to unlisted, and to expire in 10 minutes, then download it to your computers.
Part I - The lock
Part II - The Terminal Glasses
Unfortunately the server I was using this code on is crashing, so I cannot post any screenshot, but thanks for reading!
EDIT: Escaped the 's in comments, since BBCode doesn't like them very much.
EDIT: BBCode still hates them, removed them entirely.
The solution? Door locks with Dynamic passwords! Every time someone enters a correct OR wrong password, the password updates, so they won't be able to guess it.
But wait.. If THEY don't know the password, and if it changes itself, how do I, myself, as the owner get in? It's simple, really, Terminal Glasses.
1x Terminal Glasses (works with more)
1x Terminal Glasses Bridge (works with more)
2x Computers (Yep, that's right, NO Advanced Computers needed)
2x Wired Modems (or more, if multiple terminal glasses through networking cables)
2x Networking cable (or more, if multiple terminal glasses through wired modems)
…. Wait a second, why wired modems?
A: You don't want your password to be broadcasted in plain text to all computers in range, do you?
1x Door
1x OpenPeripheral Sensor (Only updates when password is entered)
Believe it or not, that's all!
Unfortunately it's not as easy as a pastebin get, so you'll have to copypaste the codes into pastebin yourself, configure it, set it to unlisted, and to expire in 10 minutes, then download it to your computers.
Part I - The lock
modemSide = "right" -- Modem Side
modemChannel = 1 -- Modem Channel
modemReceiveChannel = 1 -- Modem Receive Channel, useless.
promptText = "Password: " -- Self-explanatory
correctPWDText = "Welcome back!" -- Self-explanatory
wrongPWDText = "Sorry, wrong password!" -- Self-explanatory
charToReplacePWDWith = "*" -- Replace all input characters with this
redstoneOutputSide = "left" -- The side to output redstone signal
redstoneOutputTimeout = 5
retryTimeout = 2 -- How long until next retry?
--You should not have to edit anything beyond this line
modem = peripheral.wrap(modemSide)
-- This function does the password generation, can be modified to create a more secure password.
function update()
local rand = math.random(1, 100) -- Generates an integer randomly as password
local rand = rand.."" -- Turns it into a string as strings != (or ~=) numbers
modem.transmit(modemChannel, modemReceiveChannel, rand) -- Sends it to the other computer
return rand
pass = update() -- Generates a password on startup
-- Your basic door lock code (shamelessly copypasted from wiki)
while true do
term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
print(promptText) -- Asks for password, nicely.... I hope..
input = read(charToReplacePWDWith) -- Input text here.
if input == pass then
print(correctPWDText) -- Yaay, password is correct!
pass = update() -- Updates the password
redstone.setOutput(redstoneOutputSide, true) -- Turns on redstone output
sleep(redstoneOutputTimeout) -- Wait a bit
redstone.setOutput(redstoneOutputSide, false) -- Turns off redstone output
pass = update() -- Oh, wrong password, better update it to prevent guessing.
print(wrongPWDText) -- I do not know you.. Who are you? BACK OFF.
sleep(retryTimeout) -- Wait a bit until user can retry
Part II - The Terminal Glasses
modemSide = "top" -- Modem Side
modemChannel = 1 -- Modem Channel
sensorSide = "right" -- OpenPeripheral Sensor side
-- These are used for multiple Terminal Glasses, if you only need one, you can remove 2 and 3, then configure the name.
gl = {}
gl[1] = "openperipheral_bridge_1"
gl[2] = "openperipheral_bridge_2"
gl[3] = "openperipheral_bridge_3"
-- Again, you should not need to edit anything after this line
modem = peripheral.wrap(modemSide)
-- Basically gets sensor data and calls draw.
function update(pwd)
local sensor = peripheral.wrap(sensorSide)
draw(pwd, sensor.getPlayers())
-- Draws a rather plain Box with numbers in it, and then usernames.
function draw(pwd, players)
-- Draws for every pair of glasses
for k,v in pairs(gl) do
-- Wipes the glasses clean, if you have other programs, please integrate this to your own.
currentPair = peripheral.wrap(v)
-- Draws a box, then the password
currentPair.addBox(5, 20, 30, 15, 0xFFFFFF, 0.2)
currentPair.addText(11, 24, pwd)
-- This is where it should begin drawing usernames
loc = {}
loc[1] = 26
loc[2] = 38
-- Rather inefficient method to draw usernames in a rather cool way.
for k,v in pairs(players) do
currentPair.addText(loc[1], loc[2],
loc[1] = loc[1] + 5
loc[2] = loc[2] + 12.5
currentPair.sync() -- Refreshes the glasses only when drawn so that sysadmins wont come yelling at me.
-- Until we get a password, we show dashes (fixed by typing a random password into the lock)
-- Continuously tries to receive message
while true do
local uselessEvent, uselessModemSide, uselessSenderChannel, uselessReplyChannel, message, uselessSenderDistance = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
Unfortunately the server I was using this code on is crashing, so I cannot post any screenshot, but thanks for reading!
EDIT: Escaped the 's in comments, since BBCode doesn't like them very much.
EDIT: BBCode still hates them, removed them entirely.
Edited on 30 August 2015 - 05:49 AM