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DeadGlass - CC & OpenPeripheral terminal glasses base monitoring

Started by Deadlock989, 08 September 2015 - 12:17 PM
Deadlock989 #1
Posted 08 September 2015 - 02:17 PM

What is it and who is it for?

Do you have a big sprawling base filled with glittering technology, but have become jaded by the repeated hauling of your filthy meat body through space to inspect things directly?

Do you enjoy having lasers projected directly on to your retinas? Who doesn't?

Do you obsess about power ratios and efficiency? Constantly worried that the lights are about to go out at any moment without warning?

Do you have security concerns? Would you like to know who has been snooping in your base, and would like to design countermeasures?

Do you have a big fat reactor and love to have it turn itself on and off as required?

Then look no further. For your convenience, DeadGlass leverages the Terminal Glasses from the OpenPeripherals/ComputerCraft mods to access a network of cheap computer relays. Just slip on this pair of comfy glasses to have information about your factory's operations displayed discreetly on-screen and be granted wireless redstone abilities, remote controls and more.

Main features
  • Energy storage and generation stats sent straight to your HUD
  • Item storage, ME Drive status at a glance
  • Liquid tanks monitored on-screen
  • Remote control wireless redstone system literally on your face
  • Automatically govern RF-producing Big Reactors to save fuel
  • The ability to recolour every light in your base with a word or two
  • Multi-level security: sensor networks log player intrusions into your base and provide a basis for countermeasures, noteblocks will play alarms
What do I need to get started?
  • At least two CC Computers.
  • At least two Wireless Modems.
  • One pair of Terminal Glasses.
  • One Terminal Glasses Bridge.
What machines and blocks does DeadGlass work with?

(Last edited 2/6/2016): The following devices are compatible.
  • Power generation
    • TE Dynamos
    • Big Reactors (RF generating or steam generating)
    • Big Reactors Turbines
    • IC2 Nuclear Reactor
    • Railcraft steam boilers and turbines
  • Power storage batteries
    • TE Energy Cells
    • IC2 battery blocks (batbox, CESU, MFE, MFSU)
    • AE2 Energy Cells and Network Controllers
    • Immersive Engineering capacitors
  • Item storage
    • Vanilla chests
    • AE2 ME Chest and ME Drive (shows green/orange/red status of cells)
    • AE2 sky block chests
    • Iron Chests (& gold, copper etc.)
    • TE Caches
    • JABBA Barrels
    • MFR Deep Storage Units
  • Liquid storage
    • Railcraft iron and steel tanks (client/modem must be on a valve)
    • IC2 Nuclear Pressure Vessel tanks (client/modem must be on a coolant port)
    • AE2 certus quartz tanks
    • Extra Utilities drums
    • OpenBlocks tanks (only shows adjacent block, not whole tank)
    • Buildcraft tanks (only shows adjacent block, not whole tank)
    • TE portable tanks
  • Miscellaneous
    • TE Lumium Lamps
    • Noteblocks
    • Item Selectors
Instructions / Tutorial

Wireless networks

Wireless networks are the easiest to organise - no cabling required. You just plonk a modem down. They do require an Ender Pearl each, and the lower in the world the modem is, the shorter the range it has, so they don't work well at the bottom of mines. Wireless range also drops by 75% during storms. A wireless modem at the top of the sky (y=255) in clear weather can broadcast to any other modem within a 384m radius sphere. At bedrock level during a storm, it's 4m. (Note for advanced users: it's possible to extend the range of your wireless network and fill gaps by using computers as wireless repeaters, use Google to find out how.)

Wired or wireless, the DeadGlass system uses a primitive kind of "server/client" model. You must have one (and only one) "server". This can be any CC computer but it's recommended you make an advanced (yellow) one for the server.

Craft the computer, a wireless modem and the Terminal Glasses Bridge. Place the computer somewhere central in your base and put the modem on one side and the TGB on another. Now craft some Terminal Glasses and right click with them on the Terminal Glasses Bridge. This pairs them with the bridge. Put them on - but you won't see anything just yet.

Right click on the computer. You'll get a flashing command prompt.

DeadGlass is set up to update itself automatically, so when Deadlock adds new stuff and fixes bugs, the computers will automatically fetch the latest version whenever the chunk they are in is loaded. So you only need to set up each individual computer once.

First, you have to manually download the update script. Type the following (or you can cut and paste from this page, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V for Windows users):

pastebin get A8TbGF8s startup

To set the server running, use the startup command you just installed:


You should see a "DeadGlass" box appear top left, if you're still wearing the glasses.

The server will start and update itself from now on whenever it's chunkloaded. If there's no modem or TBG, the server won't run and it'll nag you. Place the required peripherals and then run the startup command again.

Now you need some "clients". These are other computers which can be placed near machines or blocks you want to monitor. The process is pretty similar. Let's say you want to monitor an MFSU. Craft another computer (a grey basic one is fine) and a wireless modem. Place the computer directly adjacent to the MFSU, and place the wireless modem on another side of the computer.

Download the client startup script by typing the following:

pastebin get nxazpGwV startup

At this point you can optionally give the client a label. You don't have to, and it will name itself "dgclient" if you don't. There are some optional commands that rely on naming clients. But you can always rename them later.

label set MFSUmonitor

And then run the client for the first time with the startup command:


After a short delay, if you're still wearing the glasses, you should start seeing an energy capacity bar on the left side of your screen. Welcome to DeadGlass!

The process is the same for any other compatible machine. You only have to install the script once per new client computer. If a computer stops for some reason, or if you want to manually reboot it, open the screen and hold down Ctrl-R to reboot. To relabel a client, open the terminal and hold down Ctrl-T until the software terminates, then enter the label command, and then hold Ctrl-R to reboot.

Wired networks

If you don't have any Ender Pearls, or if you're deep underground, or your base is huge, or you are just plain paranoid about wardrivers, you can use a wired network as well. The principle is exactly the same as above, but uses a wired modem and cables instead of wireless. When you've placed both modems, attach the client's modem to the server's modem with Network Cable. Then right click on each modem to activate it - it'll turn red.

The disadvantage of wired networking is that you have to run network cable everywhere, but there are lots of advantages as well. Unlike wireless, the range isn't affected by height or the weather: network cables can stretch for 256 blocks. Another big advantage is that while all clients will monitor any machine that they're placed directly next to, that limits you to maximum of five faces on the client (and in a very improbable arrangement). With wired networks, you can also attach a wired modem directly to the side of most machines, meaning that one client could monitor a whole bank of them.

You can (and probably should) mix wired and wireless. Both clients and servers will attach to more than one modem. As long as every client can reach the server somehow, it'll all hang together. Below is a picture of a server (the yellow advanced computer, bottom) which is both wired and wireless, talking to a wireless-only client placed directly next to a machine (left), a wired-only client which is also wired to a bank of machines (centre), and a wireless client which is also wired directly to a bank of cells (right).

There are some blocks that a wired modem can't attach to directly, usually because they're not fully block-like (eg. chests), but sometimes because they are from a mod - IC2 battery blocks are the main example. There's a way around this - a block called the Peripheral Proxy. Place the PP with the green arrows facing the machine or block you want to monitor. Then attach the modem to the back of it.

Advanced networking

It's possible to boost wireless range by using computers set up as "repeaters". Search for ComputerCraft documentation to find out how to do this. Remember that repeaters are subject to the same wireless range mechanics, ie. affected by height and weather.


Sensors can be placed either directly next to a client, or they can be wired to one remotely by using Proxy Peripherals.

Sensors scan for a radius of five blocks. Any player entering their radius is logged on the DG server computer. Furthermore, the client that the sensors are attached to will emit coloured redstone signals based on a security rating that you specify. See commands below for more info.


You can control redstone signals emitted by clients - both vanilla and bundled/coloured redstone - with chat commands. This can be for every client on the network or just specific ones. You can also create in-game controls with an Item Selector peripheral. Use coloured wool, stained glass or stained clay in the Selector to toggle the coloured redstone outputs for that particular DG client. Use redstone dusts, blocks or torchess in the Selector to toggle regular redstone output.

You can also change the colour of TE Lumium lamps. The lamps must be either directly adjacent to a client or attached remotely with a wired modem.

Finally you can operate some machines such as Big Reactors remotely with commands as well. Any Big Reactor in RF-producing (passively cooled mode) will be automatically governed by the client computer - if the internal battery reaches 90% capacity, the reactor will be turned off, and turned back on when the battery reaches 10%.

You can also install note blocks around your network. These will play pings and alarms when any sensors on the network detect neutral or blacklisted players.

For more info on these features, see the Command list below or search this thread.



The following commands can only be issued while you're wearing the glasses. Glasses commands all start with two dollar signs ($$).

$$small, $$medium, $$large

Changes the width of the display. This is set to medium by default. The size of the display also depends on your Options > Video Settings > GUI Scale setting.


List the players that have been detected by your sensor network within the last month.

$$lamps ABC123 [clientlabel]

Change the colour of TE Lumium Lamps on your network. The middle number is a hex RGB colour. The client label parameter is optional - if specified, only clients with that label will execute the command.

$$brrods 0-100 [clientlabel]

Control the insertion level of your Big Reactors from afar. If no client label is specified then every reactor on the network is affected.

$$brflow 0-2000 [clientlabel]

Control the steam flow rate for Big Reactors Turbines from afar. If no client label is specified then every turbine on the network is affected.

$$redstone on/off [clientlabel]
$$credstone colourname on/off [clientlabel]

Tell clients on the network to emit a redstone signal. Again, the optional clientlabel specifies it only for clients with that label. The $$redstone command emits normal redstone at max strength (15). The $$credstone command needs a colour specified, any of the typical 16 Minecraft dye names, and will emit it only on that Project Red or MinefactoryReloaded colour channel. You must connect a bundled cable to the client computer first, you can't attach one-colour insulated cables directly.


List the players currently on your sensor whitelist and blacklist. These are lists of players that affect the way that sensors behave. A whitelisted player entering range of an active sensor will cause the client computer monitoring the sensor (not the sensor itself) to emit a green redstone signal on a bundled cable channel. A blacklisted player will trigger a red signal. A player in neither list will emit a yellow signal.

$$whitelist add/remove name
$$blacklist add/remove name

Add and remove player names from your lists. You also will go on ze list.


Redraws everything on the glasses HUD, to get rid of glitches. Like a "soft reboot".


Tell the server to do a hard reboot. Last resort. Won't work if the server has crashed. Won't reboot crashed clients.

Labelling computers

To re-label a client computer, open its screen and hold down Ctrl-T until you get the flashing command prompt. Type the following, replacing MyLabel with something useful:

label set MyLabel

Then hold down Ctrl-R until the client reboots and resumes monitoring.

Can you make it work with another machine/block?

Possibly - just post a request below!

Some mods work better than others. The mods with the most compatibility are TE, Railcraft, BC, Enderstorage, Forestry, MinefactoryReloaded and a couple of others. Non-supported mods can sometimes be made to work if they provide standard Minecraft or Forge facilities like inventories, tanks, RF power etc.

Things already attempted that didn't work out were: Extra Utilities generators; IC2 non-nuclear generators; anything in EnderIO; Storage Drawers.

Known issues / bugs
  • There are some rare glitches with liquid tanks, although the situations are pretty rare. If you have a lot of different types of tanks with a lot of different types of fluids all draining back and forth into each other, all connected to the same client, weirdness will probably result. Workaround: don't do this. If you have tanks that drain into each other a lot, monitor them with separate client computers.
  • Weird things might happen if you break and add a lot of monitored machines while the client is still running. Some displays might get frozen or duplicated. It might sort itself out, but if that happens, reboot the server and the affected clients. It's best to turn a client off while you reorganise your machines.
  • The DeadGlass network is utterly and completely insecure, wide-open to hackers.
Edited on 04 June 2016 - 06:32 AM
Deadlock989 #2
Posted 08 September 2015 - 02:34 PM
Moar screenshots

cphoenix #3
Posted 21 September 2015 - 08:01 PM
Looks nice. Any chance for EnderIO support? (Specifically the multi-block capicitors which store RF.)
se7en #4
Posted 24 September 2015 - 09:40 PM

Edited on 02 October 2015 - 02:38 PM
Deadlock989 #5
Posted 27 September 2015 - 12:57 PM
Looks nice. Any chance for EnderIO support? (Specifically the multi-block capicitors which store RF.)

Possibly - it's not a mod we use on our server due to crippling lag issues - but I can take a look


No idea what this is supposed to represent
se7en #6
Posted 28 September 2015 - 02:01 PM
Looks nice. Any chance for EnderIO support? (Specifically the multi-block capicitors which store RF.)

Possibly - it's not a mod we use on our server due to crippling lag issues - but I can take a look


No idea what this is supposed to represent
my program for screenshots broken ;D
will fix and post updated screenshot…
Edited on 02 October 2015 - 02:39 PM
se7en #7
Posted 02 October 2015 - 04:39 PM
screenshots fixed ;D
giantawesomemeep #8
Posted 25 November 2015 - 03:03 PM
Can you add ender IO support and also can it be set up so computers will save their revenant programs and run them when they can't connect to pastern because I generally play minecraft when I don't have internet connection
aleben #9
Posted 21 February 2016 - 01:47 PM
It's a very nice project!
Can you make it work with IC2 Nuclear Vessel Reactor?
funniray10 #10
Posted 24 February 2016 - 10:29 PM
can you add the JABBA barrel, i modded this program to allow it to make it work, but it was very hacky (i like to know how much steak i have)
Edited on 24 February 2016 - 09:29 PM
Zuler0 #11
Posted 28 February 2016 - 11:42 PM
Could you add the reactor from Draconic Evolution at some point?
Yanniclord #12
Posted 09 March 2016 - 11:43 AM
SGCraft RF and EU Power Units would be a nice support. I tried putton Peripheral Proxies onto them, but the PC says it does not recognize them.

Also the SGCraft Stargate itself would be a nice addition, to see how much power/energy it has stored.
Edited on 09 March 2016 - 11:10 AM
Yanniclord #13
Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:12 PM
Also, the TE Energy Cells do not work anymore, their name now just is "powered_tile"
Yanniclord #14
Posted 09 March 2016 - 03:30 PM
@Everyone : This program is dead and will not update anymore. If you check Deadlock989's last seen online time stamp, you will know why (Last Active Oct 04 2015 11:47 PM).
Deadlock989 #15
Posted 02 June 2016 - 09:59 PM
It's a very nice project!
Can you make it work with IC2 Nuclear Vessel Reactor?

Unfortunately not, due to the way IC2 works. DeadGlass does attach to the pressure vessel (if you use a coolant port) so it is already compatible. But the pressure vessel blocks only expose the tanks (hot and cold coolant). To get the EU readings you would need to attach a modem/computer to the inner reactor and that breaks the reactor design. They are not a proper multiblock.

Can you add ender IO support and also can it be set up so computers will save their revenant programs and run them when they can't connect to pastern because I generally play minecraft when I don't have internet connection

See the next post below for EIO issues.

If you don't want the programs to auto-update, then download 9zHBxCSz for the clients and bDj52xHR for the server.

can you add the JABBA barrel, i modded this program to allow it to make it work, but it was very hacky (i like to know how much steak i have)

I will definitely look at barrels, caches and drawers soon.

Could you add the reactor from Draconic Evolution at some point?

No. I loathe that mod with a passion

@Everyone : This program is dead and will not update anymore. If you check Deadlock989's last seen online time stamp, you will know why (Last Active Oct 04 2015 11:47 PM).

Steady on now.

Also, the TE Energy Cells do not work anymore, their name now just is "powered_tile"

I can't duplicate this. They work fine for me with the TE versions in recent modpacks.

SGCraft RF and EU Power Units would be a nice support. I tried putton Peripheral Proxies onto them, but the PC says it does not recognize them.

Also the SGCraft Stargate itself would be a nice addition, to see how much power/energy it has stored.

I'm unaware of this mod but will put it at the bottom of my to-do list.
Edited on 02 June 2016 - 08:39 PM
Deadlock989 #16
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:30 PM
Version 1.02

- Added support for Immersive Engineering capacitors
- Added Thermal Expansion portable tanks

Also attempted to add EnderIO capacitor banks but they do not expose their full functionality to OpenPeripherals. Multiple cap blocks on the same modem network don't get registered even if they are separated by space. Multiblock cap banks don't work properly either, only exposing the attached block.

Also attempted to add some of the Imm Eng machines but had difficulties with tanks returning empty fields etc. Again, IE is not explicitly supported by OP at this time.
Edited on 03 June 2016 - 06:48 PM
Deadlock989 #17
Posted 03 June 2016 - 08:47 PM
Version 1.03

- Added support for "barrel" types of storage: Thermal Expansion caches, JABBA Barrels, MFR DSUs.

The icon for these gauges changes to show what the cache/barrel is storing. Separate barrels/caches are not combined into one bar.

Storage Drawers was also explored but it does not expose the same functions as these mods, nor does it provide an accurate inventory interface, so it couldn't be made to show anything useful.

Good luck filling the bar on a DSU.
Edited on 03 June 2016 - 11:26 PM
Pyuu #18
Posted 04 June 2016 - 04:30 AM
Wow nice program. Looks great and you put a lot of effort into it.
endriklos977 #19
Posted 10 June 2016 - 02:25 PM
Can't use it? Client says cannot find dgserver?
Any help would be appreciated.
Deadlock989 #20
Posted 10 June 2016 - 09:55 PM
Can't use it? Client says cannot find dgserver?
Any help would be appreciated.

If you're using wireless, your client computer is out of range of the server computer. Or you don't have a server computer at all.

Remember that y height of the modem and the weather both affect wireless modem range.
instinx #21
Posted 11 June 2016 - 02:02 AM
Deadlock989 This is very awesome, thank you!

Suggestion - In game method to change the hostname from DGServer, I am worried that once I show it off others will use it and they will step on each other if too close.
Also, have you tried making it work with RFTools? I think they have a block that is an RFMonitor… My thought is to use it to monitor my EIO capacitor and use Deadglass on the RFTools monitor :)/>
I have not gotten around to trying it however…

Also, any thoughts on using the terminal keyboard? I was curious if we could create buttons that way in the hud to control items that you already use text commands for…
Deadlock989 #22
Posted 11 June 2016 - 04:25 PM
Suggestion - In game method to change the hostname from DGServer

This is something I hadn't thought of since I usually play alone or in close co-op with another player. Good idea, I will investigate it.

RFTools - possibly but not a high priority
foolish_tobs101 #23
Posted 07 August 2016 - 07:14 PM
Would it be possible to be able to have a setting to change the side that the ui change side cos it doesn't play well with jetpacks and anything that displays on that side
jonny190 #24
Posted 27 October 2016 - 08:19 PM
Not sure if i'm just being daft but i cant get a MFSU monitor working, i've attached some screenshots below if its any help:
Thanks in advance
Edited on 27 October 2016 - 11:21 PM
Deadlock989 #25
Posted 28 October 2016 - 01:52 AM
Not sure if i'm just being daft but i cant get a MFSU monitor working, i've attached some screenshots below if its any help:
Thanks in advance

That looks like the right set-up. Check that all the wired modems are turned on

Would it be possible to be able to have a setting to change the side that the ui change side cos it doesn't play well with jetpacks and anything that displays on that side

Most mods have a config that lets you move their display. "Simply Jetpacks" definitely does.
Sciguy249 #26
Posted 26 November 2016 - 06:05 AM
This is awesome I love it but I have a few peripheral suggestions
  • Blood magic alter (I think internally its just a tank, but I might be wrong)
  • Botania mana pool (No clue how this one would work)
  • Jabba Barrels
  • Ic2 reactor time remaining
  • Logistics Pipes? (Could there be ANY support here, Not sure if its possible at all, maybe showing current crafting recipes)
IntelectualMind #27
Posted 26 November 2016 - 08:27 PM
Can you add suporrt for Warpdrive, reactors, and Auric Energy Bank and anything that produces or stores energy or has storage, and can you also add compat with matter Overdrive if possible, and can you add a % of full for storage and a transfer rate for energy storage, great for monitoring flow between, buffers and generators and storage banks

also can you add a part that allows you to multiply the return value for production and energy storage/liquid storage, so u can make a tower that's for example 5 wide 10 high and 6 deep, u can use wired modems to cover either the 10x6 or 10x5 surface then multiply by 5 or 6 respectively, like for essentially big non-(multiblock) structures, bc they can be disigned to power up evenly
i take MFSU's and build Fibre cable layer then MFSU's to whatever y hieght i want with outputs ontop then a layer of MFSU's on the top then i go 2 out on one side of the pack for the fiber cables in the center edge on same side then go straight down like in my screenshots
i have 6x5x10 MFSU pack so that's 300 MFSU's each able to hold 40 mil EU
so 300x40,000,000 = 12,000,000,000 EU total
i have one face and it's the 6x10 side so that face is 1 fifth of the whole pack so 12 bil *5 =2,400,000,000 so 2.4 billion a face, so my equalizer would have a random number and the top layer charges first and the bottom last so lets say it had a read of 1 mil for the entire top layer it would only say 6 mil on that face but since its the same accross, it's actually x5 that and is 30 mil, but the display would say 6 mil,i would like to have a section that allows us the people to set the return values by a muliple like a function where when we start up a section it says something like "would you like to modify the readout for 3-d consistant measures?" then we can do +,-,*,/, ^ of a number decimal or whole numbers
like for this i woud put *5 and it would muliple the reads to x5 of that block for the enire row line in line with the ports.
Edited on 29 November 2016 - 10:12 PM
Sniper_killshot #28
Posted 16 December 2016 - 12:21 AM
Hey, I'm having a problem, when I try to start the server, it says 'no terminal glasses bridge attached, aborting' even though the terminal glasses bridge is attached to the monitor. Help?

Sorry not monitor, the advanced computer.
Lupus590 #29
Posted 16 December 2016 - 12:50 PM
Hey, I'm having a problem, when I try to start the server, it says 'no terminal glasses bridge attached, aborting' even though the terminal glasses bridge is attached to the monitor. Help?

Sorry not monitor, the advanced computer.
can we have a screen shot of your setup?
Deadlock989 #30
Posted 16 December 2016 - 01:25 PM
This is awesome I love it but I have a few peripheral suggestions
  • Blood magic alter (I think internally its just a tank, but I might be wrong)
  • Botania mana pool (No clue how this one would work)
  • Jabba Barrels
  • Ic2 reactor time remaining
  • Logistics Pipes? (Could there be ANY support here, Not sure if its possible at all, maybe showing current crafting recipes)

Hi there, thanks for kind comments
  • I'm allergic to magic mods, especially when mixed with tech, so no, will never support Blood Magic, Thaumcraft etc
  • Botania is on that borderline between tech and magic but … c'mon … it's flowers.
  • Jabba Barrels are already supported, or are supposed to be
  • IC2 support has been pushed to the limit, nothing else useful can be extracted, unless there's been updates to IC2 to OpenPeriph I don't know about
  • LP, not sure, don't recall seeing anything in OpenPeriph docs about it
Can you add suporrt for Warpdrive, reactors, and Auric Energy Bank and anything that produces or stores energy or has storage, and can you also add compat with matter Overdrive if possible, and can you add a % of full for storage and a transfer rate for energy storage, great for monitoring flow between, buffers and generators and storage banks

also can you add a part that allows you to multiply the return value for production and energy storage/liquid storage, so u can make a tower that's for example 5 wide 10 high and 6 deep, u can use wired modems to cover either the 10x6 or 10x5 surface then multiply by 5 or 6 respectively, like for essentially big non-(multiblock) structures, bc they can be disigned to power up evenly
i take MFSU's and build Fibre cable layer then MFSU's to whatever y hieght i want with outputs ontop then a layer of MFSU's on the top then i go 2 out on one side of the pack for the fiber cables in the center edge on same side then go straight down like in my screenshots
i have 6x5x10 MFSU pack so that's 300 MFSU's each able to hold 40 mil EU
so 300x40,000,000 = 12,000,000,000 EU total
i have one face and it's the 6x10 side so that face is 1 fifth of the whole pack so 12 bil *5 =2,400,000,000 so 2.4 billion a face, so my equalizer would have a random number and the top layer charges first and the bottom last so lets say it had a read of 1 mil for the entire top layer it would only say 6 mil on that face but since its the same accross, it's actually x5 that and is 30 mil, but the display would say 6 mil,i would like to have a section that allows us the people to set the return values by a muliple like a function where when we start up a section it says something like "would you like to modify the readout for 3-d consistant measures?" then we can do +,-,*,/, ^ of a number decimal or whole numbers
like for this i woud put *5 and it would muliple the reads to x5 of that block for the enire row line in line with the ports.

Really … "can you add support for anything that has storage" … the answer to that would be "no"

I'm not sure what that big block of text actually means. For energy storage and tanks that support it properly, the gauges (bars) are already combined if they're of the same type and connected to the same client

Essentially I've reached the limit of what I can do for now - I'm also not playing much Minecraft these days and when I do it's with packs that don't include CC, so if there's ever a major new version, it'll be a total rewrite for OpenComputers. Sorry folks but it was fun while it lasted, thanks to all for the help and nice feedback.
Edited on 16 December 2016 - 12:31 PM
Lupus590 #31
Posted 16 December 2016 - 02:00 PM
  • Logistics Pipes? (Could there be ANY support here, Not sure if its possible at all, maybe showing current crafting recipes)
  • LP, not sure, don't recall seeing anything in OpenPeriph docs about it
That's because it provides it's own:

Essentially I've reached the limit of what I can do for now - I'm also not playing much Minecraft these days and when I do it's with packs that don't include CC, so if there's ever a major new version, it'll be a total rewrite for OpenComputers. Sorry folks but it was fun while it lasted, thanks to all for the help and nice feedback.

What do you think of someone taking the torch for this project? I can't do it myself but someone else may.
Deadlock989 #32
Posted 16 December 2016 - 02:08 PM
What do you think of someone taking the torch for this project? I can't do it myself but someone else may.

They'd be welcome - I can't actually stop anyone from doing that anyway and wouldn't want to even if I could. I'm not big on copyright

They might find it easier to start from scratch, though - bear in mind that this was the project I used to teach myself Lua. The code is sometimes … inelegant.
EnderScout_77 #33
Posted 05 March 2017 - 12:01 AM
theres an issue im having with big reactors. The computer seems to be causing the reactor to randomly shut off. any idea why this is happening?
AlecPlays #34
Posted 06 March 2017 - 11:09 PM
theres an issue im having with big reactors. The computer seems to be causing the reactor to randomly shut off. any idea why this is happening?
Its not a glitch, if look in the code, you can see:

-- auto control
	    if energy > 9000000 then pblock.setActive(false)
	    elseif energy < 1000000 then pblock.setActive(true)

If you don't like it, just remove that piece of code. Its pretty useful though, if you don't have one yet.
RedNeckSnailSpit #35
Posted 13 May 2017 - 06:00 PM
Is there any way to prevent DG from attaching to a monitor? I only have one in my base currently, and I use that for other stuff. DG keeps messing with it each time I start it, and the only way I could find to prevent it is commenting lines 493 - 499 in gserver and disabling the auto update in startup.

It would be nice to have that as a parameter or setting of some sort. I love the app, but I can't have it messing with my other apps.

Edit: Also, I've attached one BigReactors reactor (Has 3 fuel rods, 2 fuel input/output thingies, and 2 computer ports) but DG is showing 4 reactors on my screen?

On first setup, it showed only one. After I quit and rejoined the world, it showed 3. Both of these were before I commented the above lines. Now (After the commenting and a few reboots) it's showing me 4 reactors, and each one has a different output.

I also only have one reactor in the entire world, apart from one that I have disassembled and only ever put up when I need to move my quarry somewhere remote (And it hasn't been set up at all while running DG.)

Nevermind. As it turns out, all the clients I have in my base are all reading the reactor at the same time, meaning instead of one, I get about 5 of the same reactor.

Another Edit:
I seems like when I use a wired connection and peripheral proxies, it combines all their inventories. For example:
3 chests:
chest_0 - 3 items
chest_1 - 5 items
chest_2 - 2 items

The glasses report one chest with 10 times. I haven't been able to test the issue with reactors yet, but it seems to happen with chests.

I later went to a testing world and tested a couple of things and noticed some stuff happening (I used wireless for the most part, apart from the final bit)

I connected 1 reactor, 3 crystal chests (iron chests mod), 3 buildcraft tanks, 3 vanilla single chests, and one MFE (IC2)

My only issue I had was the tanks trying to all show up in the same place. Using $$reboot seemed to fix that, and they all showed up separately.

After that, I used another PC and connected that PC to a wired and wireless modem. The wired modem went to 3 double chests with proxies. After I connected the client and started it up, everything seemed fine in the screen (Connected well, detected the chests, all that) but I still only had 3 vanilla chests, instead of 6.

I tried some rebooting on all clients and the server, but it stayed the same. I put an item in one of the double chests and one of the 3 chest icons added an item (After a really long delay), then I added 2 items to a single chest, 3 to the next, and 4 to the last. Now my HUD says I have 3 chests with 2 items, 3 items, and 4 items. Not even registering that there's any double chests with items in them.

I'm assuming this is a bug, and I don't know how to fix this :(/> I guess I have to go out enderman hunting again
Edited on 13 May 2017 - 05:33 PM
Olfi01 #36
Posted 06 October 2017 - 11:28 PM
Hi, thanks for this awesome program! As you already have some methods for BigReactors, would it be possible to add a command to engage / disengage a turbines coils?
Best regards, Olfi01
Lupus590 #37
Posted 07 October 2017 - 02:36 PM
Hi, thanks for this awesome program! As you already have some methods for BigReactors, would it be possible to add a command to engage / disengage a turbines coils?
Best regards, Olfi01

Essentially I've reached the limit of what I can do for now - I'm also not playing much Minecraft these days and when I do it's with packs that don't include CC, so if there's ever a major new version, it'll be a total rewrite for OpenComputers. Sorry folks but it was fun while it lasted, thanks to all for the help and nice feedback.
apoc123 #38
Posted 07 July 2019 - 07:26 PM
could you add ender io storage,draconic evolution storage to peripheral support for energy storage pls.