1715 posts
Posted 24 September 2015 - 02:16 AM
Because the pastebin command is way too basic, I made my own
really good file downloader that gets stuff from several different webpages! It also access a repository of applications downloadable by name (not ID), stored on my Pastebin account as well.
So I give you…
SUPER…. ……………
Here are the websites it can download from:
(xx=website code, xxxxxxx.com/org = website name)
hb - Hastebin.com
pe - Pastie.org
pb - Pastebin.com
PB - Pastebin.com (taken from front page, not raw page)
fn - fnPaste.com
gh - Github.com (single files only)
gg - Gist.Github.com
cp - Codepad.com
sn - Snippt (s.drk.sc)
id - Ideone.com
db - Dropbox
dd - Direct Download (enter whole download URL)
dd64 - Direct Download with Base64 decoding
ld - Gets URLs from an array repository of programs I made and found. Do 'std ld' to get the list.
pbupload - Uploads file to pastebin
pbupload64 - Uploads file to pastebin with Base64 encoding
Contract your STD with
pastebin get 3PBKGR4k std
std update [channel name] --Updates the list of URLs and store URLs for the inputted channel, as well as updates the program itself. ("std ld ...")
std <websitecode> <fileid> <filename> --Saves to disk as <filename>
std <websitecode> <fileid> --Runs without saving to disk
std ld --Activates the GUI store!
std list --Lists all website codes
std pb x9ajKSc0 map --My minimap on Pastebin
std pe 4668374 config-api --ben657's Config API on Pastie
std gh oeed/OneOS/master/README.md oneos-readme --The readme file for OneOS on Github
std id B1aJeT example --An example file on Ideone
std gg willwac/0885db04d66abcc72199 quest --Quest by Oeed on Gist Github
std pb XxkBiYJ6 --Runs my 'Ports' program off of Pastebin
std ld map map --Also my minimap on Pastebin
It errors every time I try updating the list!
This could be because of two things. One, I accidentally borked the list by forgetting a comma or a quote; or it didn't download the entire file. Check the file ".std_list" to see if it looks cut off.
What's the difference between 'pb' and 'PB'?
Downloading pastebin files with 'pb' downloads the same as with 'pastebin get'. However, if you update a paste too much, Pastebin will not give you the latest version in the raw output (which is what 'pb' gets from.) 'PB' takes the file from the 'RAW Paste Data' part of the paste. This benefits from never giving you the wrong paste, but if pastebin.com changes its interface, it might break.
Can I add my own program to the list?
The main thing with STD is that programs are single files, and that's the main flaw with it. If your program is an installer, then I'll strongly consider adding your program. Just make sure it works first, cos' that's a prerequisite. Or just add it to Discover store. PM me if you want to add whatever to the main store repo.
Why 'STD'??
Because I said so.
Why did you add forum post metadata for programs?
Well, I-um…why DID I indeed? I forgot. It's not as if you can click on the hyperlinks.
There's an abundance of Utilities program/lack of Command type program!
Hey, it's hard to find games that work. And there just seem to be more general utilities than command programs. Look how small the command programs section is on the forums! It's so tiny!
Can you add Dropbox/Google Drive/Mediafire/etc.?
Believe me, I tried making download codes for all the download sites I could. And all three of those listed above have file codes so long, you might as well use 'wget' or 'std dd' at that point. Also, people generally store .ZIP or .TAR.GZ or .7Z or whatever files on those websites, and CC cannot unzip files without hanging until the heat death of the universe.
Why use the store when I can use Discover store?
The Discover store takes longer to load. STD is designed with speed and convenience in mind, whereas Discover store has a lot of social elements that I can't really do with STD-GUI. You can still download the same set of files, though.
Will you make a normal version of your store?
Done. Bam.
How come you spell category as 'catagory' in the list files?
Before I realized that I had, it was too late. The list was too big! And changing it now would break other STD-based stores (Opus OS's). Oh well.
Do you want to make an icon for STD?
I guess. But, considering the name, you probably don't.
What's your favorite color?
Blue. But gray has been on my mind. It contrasts with orange well.
The color palate for STD-GUI is ugly!
Not a question, but understandable. The whole reason I use a grayscale color palate is because I think it looks cleaner. I've seen people on the forum try to pull off interfaces with a variety of colors, and it ranges from okay to the number-one cause of pinkeye.
Could you add screenshots to STD-GUI?
God, no. Do you know how long it would take to get a screenshot of every program on STD-GUI? About as long as it takes an advanced computer to unzip a file.
This store channel isn't working!
Sometimes, the internal structure of another appstore could change, and I have to figure out how it works and fix STD with it.
Why say store 'channel' when 'catalog' is more accurate?
Shut up.
Bass! We are not enemies! Why must I fight you!
Shut up.
Why!? Why do you have the keyblade!?
Shut up.
Edited on 19 December 2017 - 03:28 PM
1715 posts
Posted 24 September 2015 - 03:57 AM
Update! Added a ton of new websites, most of which no one has heard of!
2427 posts
Posted 24 September 2015 - 11:24 AM
do you have
gist support from github?
1715 posts
Posted 24 September 2015 - 11:40 AM
do you have
gist support from github?
No, just normal github. I should add that.
EDIT: Okay, just added it.
EDIT PS: Another update, replaced a built-in list with a list hosted on Pastebin. Much easier to edit and update.
Edited on 24 September 2015 - 01:14 PM
779 posts
Posted 03 October 2015 - 07:44 PM
Suggestion: put support and direct download from url
1715 posts
Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:00 PM
Suggestion: put support and direct download from url
Hm, good idea. I'll do that!
EDIT: Added prefix 'dd', for direct download. Rather than a code, you input the whole url.
Edited on 03 October 2015 - 07:02 PM
1715 posts
Posted 10 October 2015 - 08:53 PM
New update! Added a run function. If you want to run a program and not save it to disk, then don't enter a filename.
Also, I'm not going to add a 'put' function for STD, because not every text storage website would support that. Also, I don't want to.
Edited on 10 October 2015 - 07:47 PM
724 posts
Kinda lost
Posted 10 October 2015 - 09:25 PM
Hmm this is a good idea for a program. While i personally use only one of those websites i can see this as useful tool for many players.
Edited on 10 October 2015 - 07:25 PM
1715 posts
Posted 10 October 2015 - 09:49 PM
Hmm this is a good idea for a program. While i personally use only one of those websites i can see this as useful tool for many players.
Why thank you kind sir! For that comment,
and for answering the 'Ask a Pro' thing I posted. Now there is a new…
Update! When displaying help screen, it gives a list of all the website codes and their addresses.
1715 posts
Posted 22 January 2016 - 03:11 AM
Update since last update post! Added 'ld' option, which downloads from an array of programs. Do 'std ld' to get the full list.
1852 posts
Posted 22 January 2016 - 08:56 AM
Std? You didn't find anything wrong with that acronym? :P/>
But I've taken a quick look at the program and I have to say that it looks pretty nice, I'm probably going to take a deeper look as soon as I get home and have access to a computer, and then I'll give some more useful feedback.
1715 posts
Posted 22 January 2016 - 12:37 PM
Std? You didn't find anything wrong with that acronym? :P/>
I did that acronym because the official acronym is now STI, or Sexually Transmitted
Infection, and I wanted to tell people that when they inevitably commented that. Muahahaha.
But I've taken a quick look at the program and I have to say that it looks pretty nice, I'm probably going to take a deeper look as soon as I get home and have access to a computer, and then I'll give some more useful feedback.
Oh, why thank you kind sir! I designed it to be usable as a drop-in replacement for the default pastebin command, but with more sources to download from. Pastebin, Pastie, Hastebin, Ideone, Gist, Any given URL, etc.
1852 posts
Posted 22 January 2016 - 01:14 PM
I did that acronym because the official acronym is now STI, or Sexually Transmitted Infection, and I wanted to tell people that when they inevitably commented that. Muahahaha.
Haha, I didn't know that, guess I learned something new today then :P/>
1715 posts
Posted 31 January 2016 - 05:16 AM
New update v1.1!
I changed the format of the list of programs, so they all have metadata (name, creator, description, forum url). I also added a few more programs, including Firewolf 3.5, Piclock, and some others.
You can update STD just by running it again, and it'll detect the version number and redownload.
Edited on 31 January 2016 - 04:16 AM
1715 posts
Posted 01 February 2016 - 07:17 PM
New update 1.2! This is a pretty good one, basically finishing up 1.1.
It adds metadata for each of the URLs to download on, namely the name, amount of characters in the file ID, and the URL to download from.
The update also makes it strip extra characters off the code of the file ID, cos' in emulators, it tends to paste text twice at the same time.
1715 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 02:26 PM
New update 1.3!
After realizing that pastebin only allows 500 pastes per IP per day (or so I think,) I thought that redownloading the URL/Store list every time STD is run is a pretty stupid idea. So now it works a bit more similarly to apt-get, meaning you update the list with a command, then download everything off le URLs.
Basically, do 'std update' to update the list. If you have never updated before (checks if '/.std_list' exists) then it will automatically do it for you.
EDIT: Another thing, I'm kinda confused why I get so few comments. I often have to update my programs just to get an excuse to bump it.
Edited on 09 February 2016 - 01:28 PM
2679 posts
You will never find me, muhahahahahaha
Posted 09 February 2016 - 03:36 PM
if you want a comment that says nothing, here it is. :P/>
Anyways, I think the improvement you made makes sense.
2427 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 03:36 PM
Another thing, I'm kinda confused why I get so few comments. I often have to update my programs just to get an excuse to bump it.
Good programs get that problem, try putting a bug in it and see how many people complain/report it
Edited on 09 February 2016 - 02:36 PM
1715 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 05:13 PM
Another thing, I'm kinda confused why I get so few comments. I often have to update my programs just to get an excuse to bump it.
Good programs get that problem, try putting a bug in it and see how many people complain/report it
Yeah, that sounds depressingly likely. Before releasing my programs, I want them to at
very least work. Then I handle all the unexpected errors and whatnot, like pressing printscreen at a key event prompt or something.
EDIT: I added a bug to it. A literal ASCII art bug. And it's only accessible if you go into the program and set 'serious' to false. It has a 1/64 chance of displaying it in a red font (if using an advanced computer)
Edited on 09 February 2016 - 04:50 PM
2427 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 05:18 PM
Another thing, I'm kinda confused why I get so few comments. I often have to update my programs just to get an excuse to bump it.
Good programs get that problem, try putting a bug in it and see how many people complain/report it
Yeah, that sounds depressingly likely. Before releasing my programs, I want them to at
very least work. Then I handle all the unexpected errors and whatnot, like pressing printscreen at a key event prompt or something.
You should try what I did for hive. "Hey guys I've had this idea and am starting to make it. Do you want to help out?"
1715 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 06:01 PM
You should try what I did for hive. "Hey guys I've had this idea and am starting to make it. Do you want to help out?"
I tried that with my minimap, I think. It didn't work out that much, to my knowledge.
2427 posts
Posted 09 February 2016 - 07:03 PM
"snippity snip snip" --#this may have gone to far
You should try what I did for hive. "Hey guys I've had this idea and am starting to make it. Do you want to help out?"
I tried that with my minimap, I think. It didn't work out that much, to my knowledge.
I guess it depends on your program
1715 posts
Posted 24 March 2016 - 05:22 PM
Pretty nice update! Do 'std update' to get it.
Added a new prefix for Pastebin.com, "PB". Since I've been noticing that pastebin's anti-spam filter is annoying as hell, this prefix will make STD take the code from the page (more specifically, the part where it says "RAW Paste Data" below the preview.) It DOES work, I HAVE tested it.
I also modified STD so it can be used as an API without any print() calls.
1715 posts
Posted 08 August 2016 - 06:50 AM
Besides adding some new programs, I added a FAQ to the OP.
1715 posts
Posted 03 November 2016 - 12:45 AM
New update 1.43!
+Added argument: 'std list' to list the website codes, because being bombarded with website codes is annoying
*Fixed PB and DD either not showing up or being incorrectly labelled (one or the other, I forgot)
-Removed line numbers from various errors like 'invalid store code' or 'FAIL!'
Not much, but I've been meaning to do them for a bit.
I'll go put a poll on the thread. What are your thoughts on the program? On a scale from CD-i to SNES, how great is it?
1715 posts
Posted 15 November 2016 - 03:21 AM
An update, borrowed from STD-GUI.
+Added channels to allow downloading from Discover Store and OnlineAPPS (and more, maybe!)
Use 'std update [channel]' to see all channels/set channel.
And that's all. Currently, Discover store crashes in CCEmuRedux (as of November 14th, 2016), so if you also can't access the store, then
this is the only way to access the appstore part of the appstore, muhuhahahahaha!
1715 posts
Posted 19 March 2017 - 09:45 PM
A small update.
*Changed 'contextualGet' to 'std.contextualGet'
*In STD-GUI, if a channel returns false, then it will revert back to the previous channel.
I also added a few more things to the store, like Opus OS and its editor, and wave-amp.
More on the 'contextualGet' thing. If you made another STD-GUI store using your own UI (cough cough Opus) then you will need to change all instances of 'contextualGet' to 'std.contextualGet'.
This was done in an effort to get rid of all floating variables that other programs could potentially accidentally use.
BTW, 'std.contextualGet' is used for downloading a program from a source that cannot be accessed through just calling one single http.get() function. Some stores, like Discover, require more than that, hence contextualGet. In case you were curious.
1715 posts
Posted 19 December 2017 - 04:28 PM
Another change.
+Added code "dd64", to directly download from a URL and then decode from Base64.
+Added command "pbupload", so you can upload a file to pastebin
+Added command "pbupload4". which is the same thing but encodes in Base64.
-Removed heroin
Some special characters don't download properly in CC, so that's the rationale behind using Base64.