This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
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Rednet Snooper

Started by Lego Stax, 02 October 2015 - 03:45 AM
Lego Stax #1
Posted 02 October 2015 - 05:45 AM
Ever wanted to listen to (almost) everything that's going on around you on a server? Well now you can.

Rednet Snooper

Rednet Snooper can listen to up to 128 channels simultaneously. The results will be displayed on the screen along with all of the parameters that come with the modem_message event.

NOTE: This program only works on Advanced computers as of right now.

- Listens and displays all messages in a fashion that is understandable
- Scrolling log with text wrapping
- Send messages on any channel with reply channel as the maximum channel set
- Help menu for quick interpretation of received parameters
- Supports mouse clicks

SpoilerMain interface:

Help menu:

To do's:
- Option to save log to file
- Specifying reply channel for sending a message
- Support for regular computers
- Code cleanup

Message parameter format:
C<channel>/<replychannel> D:<distance>: 
For example:
C20/32 D:15: 

To send a message type:
<channel> <message>
For example:
20 Hello world!

Is this program allowed?
You tell me.

Please do not use this to add unwanted traffic to someone else's base. This program comes with no warranty. I am not responsible for what you do with this software.

pastebin get tcXdbwe7 rsnoop
packman install rednet-snooper

Known bugs:
SpoilerI've done the most testing that I can in the short amount of time that I have. There's a very good chance that I missed some things.

Feedback is always appreciated! Tell me what you think.
Edited on 11 August 2016 - 07:47 PM
Waitdev_ #2
Posted 02 October 2015 - 07:16 AM
are you sure this is allowed? i know some scripts aren't
hbomb79 #3
Posted 02 October 2015 - 08:16 AM
I know you cannot post programs that are malicious, like ones that crash servers and such. But I don't really consider this malicious personally however I might be wrong and this could be considered too malicious to post on the forums.
Lego Stax #4
Posted 02 October 2015 - 02:18 PM
I wasn't sure if this was either. I remember I found a forum definition of "malicious programs" somewhere, I just need to find it again. If I remember correctly, it considered malicious programs to be ones that modified the file system, attempted to hide code from users, basically were viruses/worms, etc. I'll find it again and edit this post when I do.

EDIT: I found it. It's at the bottom of the forum guidelines from Advert.
SpoilerNow to interpret this program with (hopefully) the least amount of bias possible: (tell me if I'm wrong)

First definition 'spammers': The user could use this program to spam people, but they could also use the built-in CC chat program to spam a chat network too.
Second definition 'file deletion/hiding': This program does not even touch the file system.
Third definition 'joke program': This program does not modify the user experience on the host computer. However, it could be used to send extra traffic to a base's controller or something of that nature.
Fourth most general definition 'cause grief in any way': This program can only truly cause grief through the sending of information. Not that I condone malicious behavior on servers, but someone could use it to get back at another player who already caused grief.
I know. I sound like a politician.
If a moderator feels it is necessary to remove or lock this topic because of its content, then please do so.
Edited on 02 October 2015 - 01:03 PM