pastebin get rXcmdbc6 selectionMenu

What it does:
A function that you can either load via os.loadAPI() or copy/paste in your own code.
It will draw some nice menus in your terminal with a title and a list of items.
You can either give it strings or a table, or even multiple table (it'll be interpreted as columns).

Here's what it can do (this is three rows of 4 columns):

ID, Item = selectionMenu(title, item1, item2, ...)
[01] item1
[02] item2

ID, Item = selectionMenu(title, {item1, ...})
[01] item1
[02] item2

ID, Item = selectionMenu(title, {item1, ...}, {itemA, ...}, ...)
[01] item1 itemA … itemWhatever
[02] item2 itemB … itemWhatever

Also, do note that this doesn't work. Don't feed it a table filled with tables. :(/>
ID, Item = selectionMenu(title, {   {item1, ...}, {itemA, ...}  })
Lua: Some error

Just go there, there are plenty of them.
