Posted 31 October 2015 - 05:20 PM
Hey guys, LewisTehMinerz here. I'm back with another application! I call it PacProxy! PacProxy's first three letters come from Pac-Man, and Pac-Man is PacProxy's official mascot! Anyway, to the documentation!
PacProxy Documentation side )
Opens up a rednet modem on side.
PacProxy.setComputerIP( newIP )
Sets the computer's IP address.
'Hey, that's the os.getComputerID function!' Yes, I know, but PacProxy overwrites it so it now returns the IP address FIRST before the ID.
PacProxy.send( iptosend, message )
Sends a table through a rednet message containing your IP address and the message you sent under the protocol 'PacProxy'.PacProxy.recieve()
Runs rednet.recieve( 'PacProxy' ) and gets the table containing your IP address and message. Queues a 'PacProxy_Message' event containing the raw data which you can get from os.pullEvent( 'PacProxy_Message' ) instead of gettings 2 variables. Returns the IP address it was sent from and the message.
To install, run:
pastebin get LRnW013b PacProxy
That's it for now!
Edited on 23 December 2015 - 03:28 PM