I had a thought but I don't no if I'm being too adventurous. … could this work by a floppy disk inserted…the program runs. And then the floppy pops out… every time it's inserted the programs starts
Creator ,is this plausable?
ive also been doing some "working out" about the above code,
i apologise for my ignorance if im wrong , however from what i BELIEVE to be correct is this
local timerLength = 10 –Time in seconds
local monitorLocation = "left" –The monitor location, it can be monitor_XXX or the side the monitor is on
local redstoneSide = "right" –What side of the computer the redstone is on
mon.setCursorPos( 1, 1 )
mon.write( i )
monitor clear -
setcursorpos is the position of where the text start
mon.write .- write the value of i
im not sure what local is , however, the timerlength , monitorlocation and redtstone are variables declared later in the code?
rs.setOutput - side of redstone output ( self explanatory )
for i=10,0,-1 do
i is a variable, a thing. or and object that is decalred as a value , the 10 is the value of i , 0 is lowest the value of i can go to , and the -1 is the value to subtract ??
DO - is the the action,