Posted 02 January 2016 - 07:10 AM
Meant to completely harvest mature trees with branches, or aggregates of ore.
See details in the video comments and/or below:
Stand-alone usage:
1. Install the script to a mining turtle:
2. Place the turtle so that it faces the material that you want.
3. Refuel if needed. For mature oak trees, I think 500 units should be more than enough but I recommend generousness; make it an even 1000.
4. Run the script:
You can also use its components to help create or enhance other scripts, like full quarries and tree farms.
From there, see veinMiner.lua and deadReckoner.lua.
The deadReckoner keeps track of the turtle's bearing and location relative to where it started, and translates which way you want it to face (bear to starboard) to relative directions (turn left twice). This helps the programmer to manage complicated movement.
For ex-situ unit testing, I suggest you use/modify testDeadReckonerAndVeinMiner.lua and mockTurtle.lua to your own liking. Then you can run/debug the routines in eclipse.
When ready, "compile" the stand-alone by pasting the two components into a single file, fix the "require" statements at the top and call the "vm.mine()" function at the bottom.
The git repository is a pair of nested Eclipse Lua Development Tools (LDT) projects: computercraft-programs (presently empty, except for turtleApps), and turtleApps itself.
My scripts are all copyrighted with the MIT license which means you're allowed to do pretty much whatever you like with them -copy, modify, redistribute, sell… just keep the license and my names intact, and add your own name(s) to the lists as applicable.
See details in the video comments and/or below:
Stand-alone usage:
1. Install the script to a mining turtle:
pastebin get XguAbG4T vMiner
2. Place the turtle so that it faces the material that you want.
3. Refuel if needed. For mature oak trees, I think 500 units should be more than enough but I recommend generousness; make it an even 1000.
4. Run the script:
You can also use its components to help create or enhance other scripts, like full quarries and tree farms.
From there, see veinMiner.lua and deadReckoner.lua.
The deadReckoner keeps track of the turtle's bearing and location relative to where it started, and translates which way you want it to face (bear to starboard) to relative directions (turn left twice). This helps the programmer to manage complicated movement.
For ex-situ unit testing, I suggest you use/modify testDeadReckonerAndVeinMiner.lua and mockTurtle.lua to your own liking. Then you can run/debug the routines in eclipse.
When ready, "compile" the stand-alone by pasting the two components into a single file, fix the "require" statements at the top and call the "vm.mine()" function at the bottom.
The git repository is a pair of nested Eclipse Lua Development Tools (LDT) projects: computercraft-programs (presently empty, except for turtleApps), and turtleApps itself.
My scripts are all copyrighted with the MIT license which means you're allowed to do pretty much whatever you like with them -copy, modify, redistribute, sell… just keep the license and my names intact, and add your own name(s) to the lists as applicable.