Posted 21 January 2016 - 10:23 PM
This is a single peripheral that add minecraft world manipulation commands, such change block states(wip), change blocks, entity and blocks nbt(including players) and world properties.
Command already implements:
This mod still in WIP, I'll add new command and update to 1.8.9 later.
This mod don't have texture yet.
Now have :D/>/>
Updated to 1.8.9 (check Github for new commands)
Sorry for my bad english.
Command already implements:
getPlayers([boolean uuid]) //Return all nick/uuid of the players
getWorlds() //Return all dimensions id and his names.
getWorldSeed() //Return world seed
getWorldTime(number dimension) //Return dimension time
isWorldBlockLoaded(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z) //Check if the block's chunk is loaded
getBlock(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z) //Return block name
getAllBlocksName() //Return table of all game's block
setBlock(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z, name) //Set block
setBlockState //WIP
getBlockState(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z) //Return table with blockstate
getBlockNbt(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z) //Return table with nbt of this block, if he has TileEntity or false
setBlockNbt(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z, json nbt) //Set block nbt using table getted in last command !!Warning. Can bug your game with invalid nbt!!
addBlockNbt(number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z, json nbt) //Plus block nbt with the argument nbt, I recommend you this instead setBlockNbt
getEntityList([number dimensionId, number x, number y, number z,] string match) //Get list with all entities UUID from the match minecraft's style (, default coord/world is 0,0,0,0
getPlayer(nick/uuid) //Return table with some player stats, but for more complexity action, use commands for change entity nbt.
getEntityNbt(UUID) //Return table with entity nbt.
setEntityNbt(UUID, nbt) //Set entity nbt !!Warning. Can bug your game with invalid nbt.!!addEntityNbt(UUID, nbt) //Plus entity nbt with the argument nbt, safer than setEntityNbt.
setEntityPosition(UUID, boolean relative, number x, number y, number z) //More efficient than change position via nbt.
setEntityRotation(UUID, boolean relative, number yaw, number pitch) //More efficient than change rotation via nbt.
setEntityVelocity(UUID, boolean relative, number x, number y, number z) //More efficient than change motion via nbt.
This mod still in WIP, I'll add new command and update to 1.8.9 later.
This mod don't have texture yet.
Now have :D/>/>
Updated to 1.8.9 (check Github for new commands)
Sorry for my bad english.
Edited on 13 February 2016 - 03:33 PM