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EniOS - the interactive GUI OS

Started by eniallator, 13 February 2016 - 10:09 AM
eniallator #1
Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:09 AM
Over the past few days have been making a program GUI styled OS that is a great upgrade from the normal computercraft craftOS. The reason being is that you navigate with your mouse instead of commands and everything will be displayed.

Pastebin Link


Spoiler- Completely automatic pagination (using an algorithm i've made)

- It will try to fit as much apps on the one page as possible (again an algorithm i've made)

- Customizable sizes of the icons for the apps (just an width/height type of input thats at the very start of the program)

- Left click can run apps, go into folders, choose pages, close the program and go back out of folders (basically anything that has a background colour)

- Right click to get drop down menus! - These will try to overlay wherever you have right clicked on the window
- - if you right click on empty space you can create a folder/app from the drop down menu
- - if you right click on an app you can edit or delete the app
- - if you right click on a folder you have the option of deleting it

- When you have multiple apps/folders, you can search for specific ones by simply typing! (this just uses a string.find() and the characters it accepts are lowercase a-z and also backspace. to reset the search just left click anywhere other than the page icons)

- Customizable colour themes in the user config

- Choose where the upper folder is in the user config

- I will be adding more and more features as i think of them so expect some updates.

1.2 Version update changelog
Spoiler- changed the X icon for terminating the program to an O

- when you click power icon at the top right, it will load a drop menu for restart, shutdown and terminate

- changed os.pullEvent() to os.pullEventRaw()

1.3 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added a pastebin option to create new files with!

- Fixed Various typos and made things look better

- Made a message appear when everything is loading before it starts

1.3.1 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Fixed a bug with creating new folders/apps where it wouldn't check if the name already existed

- fixed typos/added more comments

1.3.2 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added copy options for folder & app drop down menus

- Added clipboard to assign to directories and names

- Added paste option to the create drop down menu

- Made paste option to only appear once you have a clipboard

- Added a link to this page in the help text at the top

- Added numbers to searching folders

1.3.3 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Defined os.pullEvent as os.pullEventRaw so read() will use os.pullEventRaw

- Replaced the os.pullEventRaw()'s with os.pullEvent()'s

- Fixed an error when creating an app/folder when you have nothing as the name

1.3.4 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Made oldPullEvent variable thats defined as os.pullEvent

- will redefine os.pullEvent as oldPullEvent before running an app and then after defined as os.pullEventRaw

1.4 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Made a filtering system!

- Added a button next to the search bar that you can filter the current directory with

- Added a background colour for the search bar

1.4.1 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Fixed an error when being on last page and then filtering the directory

1.4.2 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added a Hidden filter to the directory filters thats automatically on to not show any files/folders that start with a "."

- Fixed an error when trying to connect to pastebin without an internet connection

- Fixed an error that would happen when you are on e.g page 2 and when you filter the directory so that it only has 1 page worth of icons

- Fixed the search background visibility issues

- Tweaked colours of the filter/search bar

1.4.3 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added coloured text to the filter list so that lime == activated and red == deactivated

1.4.4 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added the ability to rename files using the drop menu for apps

1.4.5 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Made the existing dropMenuFilterTags code much more efficient

- Added a checkFilterTags function to help dropMenuFilterTags

- Added a comment where i had missed one

1.4.6 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added an addNew icon (+) to where the apps/folders show up.

- Added a new filter for the addNew icon that will toggle it's visibility

1.4.7 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Switched the page buttons with the search and filter locations

1.5 Version Download:

1.5 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added compression to the file system so that the OS automatically compresses any files you create or edit.

- Added temporary file locations to the user config for running and editting files

1.5.1 Version update changelog
Spoiler- Added compressed file extensions

- Made OS handle the file extensions but display them without the extension

- Removed being able to search for the file extensions

- Automatically compresses any files without the file extensions

1.5.2 Version update changelog
Spoiler-Fixed a bug when compressing files automatically where their contents would be nothing
Edited on 27 July 2016 - 04:09 AM
Creator #2
Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:26 AM
Wow, it looks great!

My, I however suggest more colorful icons?
eniallator #3
Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:27 AM
Wow, it looks great!

My, I however suggest more colorful icons?

sure go ahead :D/>
Lyqyd #4
Posted 13 February 2016 - 07:49 PM
Moved to Operating Systems.
eniallator #5
Posted 24 February 2016 - 04:54 PM
I've recently made a startup program that will download any updates for the EniOS and 2 other apps that come with the OS, its alot easier to use and it just runs off of startup.

startup program:
eniallator #6
Posted 04 June 2016 - 01:29 PM
Just made the operating system automatically compress any files that you create/edit. This will make the storage of the file system much smaller as a result.

If you want to download the newer version with compression, you can do so here:

if you would like to know how the compression works, I've made a thread here:
LDDestroier #7
Posted 04 June 2016 - 06:31 PM
This is a nice OS. I like how it's all arranged. But, could you make detect if a file is compressed, and if not, compress it? And have compression an opt-in option?
eniallator #8
Posted 04 June 2016 - 06:38 PM
This is a nice OS. I like how it's all arranged. But, could you make detect if a file is compressed, and if not, compress it? And have compression an opt-in option?

it would probably involve the file getting bigger, its definitely possible and ill look into it :)/> if you don't want to use the compressed file system though, the first pastebin will just leave the files uncompressed since it's an earlier version :P/>
eniallator #9
Posted 05 June 2016 - 09:48 AM
Just added file extensions to the operating system for compressed files - its now using them everywhere, if you do find a bug with them, then please do post here because I would love to keep this reliable ;)/>

heres the pastebin