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ComputerCraft APT

Started by AfterLifeLochie, 14 July 2012 - 01:54 AM
AfterLifeLochie #1
Posted 14 July 2012 - 03:54 AM

ComputerCraft APT - ComputerCraft's Free Advanced Packaging Tool (UNIX)

ComputerCraft APT, similar to the Unix-native APT tool (, is a way for developers to host and share programs, API's and even complete operating systems, while easily allowing users to update their installed software packages, with functionality similar to Github added for developers to submit code and develop in groups (SVN style), and then commit their changes to the server, and clients using the ComputerCraft APT.

You can read over the documentation for CC-APT at, and I also spend my time at #cc-apt on EsperNet (, where I generally discuss stuff to do with ComputerCraft APT with developers - feel free to ask me questions there!

CC - Get Comparison:


Revisioning System:


Interface Preview:

SpoilerUpdate #6 Did a whole load of coding tonight, this time on the ComputerCraft software side. See the below screenshots:
Noodle #2
Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:05 AM
Need help?
Seems like a cool idea, kinda GitHub-like.
It also allows social media type of stuff.
AfterLifeLochie #3
Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:11 AM
Need help?
Seems like a cool idea, kinda GitHub-like.
It also allows social media type of stuff.

I'm definitely going to need help, thanks, but I just need to get stuff structured and a bit of a framework going as well as getting myself actually organized for once.

At the moment I only have PNG mock-ups and drawings scattered about the place, but I'll let you know as soon as I'm ready for dev-work to be done on stuff, but you're most welcome to prototype code/concepts and then I'll try and stick them into the final product(s). The intention was to make it social and pretty communication-oriented like GitHub with the functionality of APT, but there's going to be a literal ton of work to do and communication between developers and users in this design stage is going to be pretty important (it's useless to make something if it doesn't meet any requirements or it's not functional/doesn't work as a user would intend it to).

I'm also wondering how I'm going to moderate dodgy scripts, I might have to add reporting functions as well. It's a bit disappointing that I have to think about that so soon into this project, but it's best to be careful, I suppose. :P/>/>
Noodle #4
Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:14 AM
You don't need to think right now, just do the work and get the initial framework done. Then worry about the seriously hard stuff. I find that is the easiest way to get done with stuff.
Although it doesn't always work…
AfterLifeLochie #5
Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:16 AM
You don't need to think right now, just do the work and get the initial framework done. Then worry about the seriously hard stuff. I find that is the easiest way to get done with stuff.
Although it doesn't always work…

It would depend on your definition of "work" though. :P/>/>

At the moment I'm knocking up the database/initial PHP classes and considering the API. Well, actually, it's more like finishing CSS, and then databases/PHP classes.
kazagistar #6
Posted 14 July 2012 - 05:11 AM
Wait, why exactly are you creating a custom PHP server backend? I think it would be easier to just use pastebin to host the files, no?
AfterLifeLochie #7
Posted 14 July 2012 - 05:22 AM
Wait, why exactly are you creating a custom PHP server backend? I think it would be easier to just use pastebin to host the files, no?

Indeed, it would be easier to host the files on Pastebin, but that'd cause problems with the whole "code-branch" functionality. The server would then have to keep track of every Pastebin "revision" for each branch, redirect the user to each branch and ensure that if the paste is removed by Pastebin or by the users, the server doesn't try and issue the user to the now non-existing paste. It also removes the ability to display revision changes by each user (similar to the way MediaWiki does).
kazagistar #8
Posted 14 July 2012 - 05:49 AM
Yeah, that functionality will probably be easier to implement as a standalone server.

I won't know until I try it out, but I feel like this goes against the "rational" workflow in CC. I edit files on my computer, and then I upload them to a server, when a user can download them. Building a collaboration layer accessible from CC, however? I dunno, tools like github work great for this already.
AfterLifeLochie #9
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:10 AM
Yeah, that functionality will probably be easier to implement as a standalone server.

I won't know until I try it out, but I feel like this goes against the "rational" workflow in CC. I edit files on my computer, and then I upload them to a server, when a user can download them. Building a collaboration layer accessible from CC, however? I dunno, tools like github work great for this already.

I probably wasn't clear enough with the whole workflow/procedure that you'd use APT for.

The collaboration layer is intended to be accessed via a web browser, kinda like a package-browser listing all available programs, API's, extensions (and potentially, OS'es) that are available online (and if they're up to date and working with the latest version of CraftOS / TurtleOS). The user can install packages using the APT package tool, which requests the package and files from the server and installs them as specified by the user / install script to the machine.

As for developers, it's assumed they will be developing on their own machines however they wish, but the entire revision-tracking/monitoring/etc is done by the server. Developers upload their code to the respective project, give a reason for the changes, and it's automatically marked as the Development Build of that project for that package. For example, if I was working on say, an FTP server, I might have a General Build, which is ready for anyone to use, bug free and stable, and a Development Build, which users can use, but it might not work or be completely bug-free. Developers can promote their Dev. Builds to the General Build at any time.

The intended advantage of this system is the ability for the user to be able to call a command such as apt-update, which grabs and downloads all the latest available builds of the software that they have installed already. Rather than hunting around for new builds, the installer will automatically find them and apply them.

As far as the collaboration interfaces go, it's designed to be pretty much identical to GitHub, but with the ability for CC code to come along and perform revision checks and download new, changed code files.

tl;dr, it's pretty much GitHub's functionality with the ability to push code / update machines without any effort at all.
Noodle #10
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:19 AM
I know that its kinda needed for the pastebin type thing, but again do that last.
Make a section in the area reserved for pastebin thing.
AfterLifeLochie #11
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:21 AM
I know that its kinda needed for the pastebin type thing, but again do that last.
Make a section in the area reserved for pastebin thing.

I don't understand what support I'd need for Pastebin, considering the server will hold the builds internally. Do you mean importing of scripts from Pastebin, or hosting scripts on Pastebin?
kazagistar #12
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:21 AM
Well, good luck I guess, that seems like a rather massive project. As long as I can programatically push code from my local git, have it deal with package selection and dependency resolution, and allow the packages to customize how they are installed, this seems like it would be incredibly cool.
AfterLifeLochie #13
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:24 AM
Well, good luck I guess, that seems like a rather massive project. As long as I can programatically push code from my local git, have it deal with package selection and dependency resolution, and allow the packages to customize how they are installed, this seems like it would be incredibly cool.

I still need to work out how to interface with push/pull from Git, but it will deal with package selection and dependency resolution internally (hence the APT program is going to be massive). Code developers will be responsible for how they handle their installations inside an install script as well, be it configuration, copying, etc.
Noodle #14
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:34 AM
^^ You will have to use HTTP API in CC to pull from the APT
AfterLifeLochie #15
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:35 AM
^^ You will have to use HTTP API in CC to pull from the APT

Indeed. I'm not going to use any code from the existing Pastebin program, however, because there's going to be dependency and requirement checking, additional scripts, etc. If the HTTP API isn't enabled in CC, then there's no point using APT anyway, because you'd have to copy 'n paste programs and the Pastebin program would be useless.
Noodle #16
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:37 AM
Err, Just a question.
How long will this take?
AfterLifeLochie #17
Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:39 AM
Err, Just a question.
How long will this take?

Surprisingly not too long. I've knocked up the entire HTTP-codebase, I'm just adding databases and the last of the core functions now. The current slow-down is just tweaking the UI around, and then it's time to start attacking the code that will be requested from CC itself.
Noodle #18
Posted 14 July 2012 - 07:00 AM
Another one,
Will this be free or moderated?
AfterLifeLochie #19
Posted 14 July 2012 - 07:01 AM
Another one,
Will this be free or moderated?

I have no intention on making anyone pay at all to use it. I absolutely love creating and using free stuff, and I don't see why I should, or ever would charge for something like this.

As far as moderation goes, I may have to work out some way of ensuring malicious scripts get rejected / moderated automatically.
Edited on 14 July 2012 - 05:04 AM
Noodle #20
Posted 14 July 2012 - 07:06 AM
Ahh I see
By free I meant like free forum/free posting.
I can see that it is now, As for moderation I would get forum moderators to look around and approve of stuff so it isn't a virus.
Have you figured out your registration form? You need some type of capta so no bots spam register… Had that problem on my site.
AfterLifeLochie #21
Posted 14 July 2012 - 07:09 AM
Ahh I see
By free I meant like free forum/free posting.
I can see that it is now, As for moderation I would get forum moderators to look around and approve of stuff so it isn't a virus.
Have you figured out your registration form? You need some type of capta so no bots spam register… Had that problem on my site.

Ah, gotcha.

It's going to be free posting of scripts/libraries/etc. There might be some sort of Reputation system (concepts, woo!). If people are willing to help moderate programs and stuff, I'm happy to create interfaces for that. Anyone can view code from the browser, and report programs that are suspicious/going to brick a computer.

As far as anti-robot code, I've got a couple of methods of dealing with them. The first is to make each registration page change dynamically (no, I won't say how, but bots will have a hard time understanding what's going on), and challenge questions.
Sxw #22
Posted 15 July 2012 - 05:03 PM
Wow, im looking forward. What about a bot that could push code from git to here, this is where bot protection is… Uhh IDK.
I can see this being an app store thing.
So heres a little thing. Im putting it in a spoiler because it might be a wall of text when im done. :P/>/> No pressure. Just suggestions.
SpoilerHave it so bots can post to EXISTING projects that they own with an API so code is autoupdated. Make it so comments or whatever and making new users and projects require verification. Hmmm. The following might be hard, but awesome.
Someone makes a server with CC. They Register their server online, and now they have to edit rom if they want to be able to host "servers" These servers would revieve data from the website, if a user used the accompanying program, and send some data back, so you could make global chat, mail, and whatever. Again, no pressure.
AfterLifeLochie #23
Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:29 AM
Wow, im looking forward. What about a bot that could push code from git to here, this is where bot protection is… Uhh IDK.
I can see this being an app store thing.
So heres a little thing. Im putting it in a spoiler because it might be a wall of text when im done. No pressure. Just suggestions.
[ .. spoiler snipped.. ]

I plan only to implement bot protection on registrations. As far as things like Push from Git and other functions, I'm likely to create a simple API that devs can use to authenticate with and then push code from Git or wherever they want (ie, just files on a HDD, from their favourite editor, from Git or SVN). API will probably be for users who get given the proper Dev title, to stop things like abuse and just getting spam requests.

As far as things like /forcing/ users to have programs update, I really want to keep clear of forcing people to update the installed packages. I've been asked this a couple of times so far, and I'm definitely confirming that CC-APT will not in any way make changes to the /rom, which could affect the way the entire server operates. I won't be liable for changes that administrators of servers make to the /rom, and I feel that making CC-APT have access to the /rom is a serious security risk to server administrators. It is my advice, as the developer, to ensure that you do not install CC-APT to a location where it could be able to change computers for everyone, or developers could make changes to core OS files and potentially break things! With this in mind, however, CC-APT can be built into the /startup file (ie, in a function). It is considerably easier to un-brick one machine, rather than all of them (and potentially causing damage to everyone's work!).

If people want to develop extensions to CC-APT and it's Web API or any of the functions that you can call with it (ie, news feed updates, program update history, notifications, etc), I'm quite happy to assist people in setting it up and getting started with the CC-APT web API.

As far as "code mirrors" go, there isn't going to be much considerable need. The server I'm using has (practically) unlimited resources, bandwidth, runs in the US and is protected with CloudFlare. If server admins want tools to help protect the HTTP API in CC from abuse, I have tested a lightweight Squid proxy for Java that allows infinite requests to Minecraft's login servers, but resource-limits on other domains. Servers that behave inappropriately may be blocked temporarily (up to 6 hours) if they start hitting an insane (~100) requests every few minutes. I highly doubt any server would get this level of traffic; however, if we have servers with this level of load, exceptions may need to be granted.
kazagistar #24
Posted 16 July 2012 - 12:42 PM
I feel like you are making correct calls on basically everything, and I am very excited about this project. I will probably just make a tool to publish versions of software to a pastebin somewhere, so that if I foresee a need to have high traffic, I can do so safely.
AfterLifeLochie #25
Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:49 PM
I feel like you are making correct calls on basically everything, and I am very excited about this project. I will probably just make a tool to publish versions of software to a pastebin somewhere, so that if I foresee a need to have high traffic, I can do so safely.

As far as "high traffic" goes, it's more calls to intensive-functions that I'm worried about (e.g., package specification checks, update checks, stuff that requires on-server processing). Physically downloading files from the server won't count towards counters, because, well, they'd be at best, a few hundred kilobytes. And, thanks very much for your support; it's good to know I'm doing what people think is right. :P/>/>

I might actually give devs the ability to link to other locations their code can be downloaded (ie, a development homepage, or a documentation site, etc), but APT won't be directly using them for it's download source - it will always download from the repo "" (as a security precaution).
Sxw #26
Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:55 PM
Wow, i can see there being a hacked version of this with ability to get from other repos. Hows it coming along?
AfterLifeLochie #27
Posted 17 July 2012 - 07:11 AM
Wow, i can see there being a hacked version of this with ability to get from other repos. Hows it coming along?

There would be the ability to change the repo, but it's not something I'd appreciate - I won't be releasing source code for the web interface, for the distribution checking or the HTTP accessible API (except documentation). Sure, you could reverse-engineer it, but I wouldn't really advise doing it, if you get my drift. :P/>/>

As far as the interface goes, I'm getting code display / project browsing up tonight. Might also get user registration and login up and running on the public preview as well. :)/>/>
kazagistar #28
Posted 17 July 2012 - 07:47 AM
I don't understand why you would not want to just GPL the server source or something… is there some particular reason you covet control over other people's source code? Not that it matters I guess, since all the code is implicitly copyright and unusable without permission anyways…
AfterLifeLochie #29
Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:03 AM
I don't understand why you would not want to just GPL the server source or something… is there some particular reason you covet control over other people's source code? Not that it matters I guess, since all the code is implicitly copyright and unusable without permission anyways…

The server back-end code is going to be running in an environment where I think handing out the code that powers it could become a significant security risk in the long run, considering anyone can upload code and could potentially have stuff damaged or completely destroyed (not that I think it'd ever happen based on the coding standards I'm using), but I don't see why anyone would really need access to the server's source code anyway. The whole "central repo" idea would go out the window if people started setting up their own.

User code (ie, stuff users create and upload) is done so in assuming that they own, and have permission to upload such code, and that we don't own it (ie, we are granted a license by you (the uploader) to store and transmit your code on your behalf). If they don't have licensing and it's copyright code they don't have permission to upload from the author, it will be removed.
Sxw #30
Posted 19 July 2012 - 11:58 PM
Thats just awseome, ill post a little thing with github and lua in a sec… Lemme dl it.
EDIT: Cant find it.. Just take a look at
AfterLifeLochie #31
Posted 20 July 2012 - 07:09 AM
Thats just awseome, ill post a little thing with github and lua in a sec… Lemme dl it.
EDIT: Cant find it.. Just take a look at

I'm actually idling on IRC at the moment, I'm AfterLifeLochie in #computercraft. I'm going to be working on CC-APT all night, and if you haven't already seen the screenshots in the opening post, check 'em out.
samrg472 #32
Posted 23 July 2012 - 10:36 PM
1) Improve compatiblity with other browsers
Firefox does the following:
Wihle Chrome is fine.

2) Create file button does absolutely nothing, cant create any files
AfterLifeLochie #33
Posted 23 July 2012 - 10:39 PM
1) Improve compatiblity with other browsers
Firefox does the following: http://ccapt.afterli...view:apttest2
Wihle Chrome is fine.

2) Create file button does absolutely nothing, cant create any files

It's weird, the URL works fine in IE and Chrome, as well as Safari, but not for Firefox. (Firefox, y u so pedantic about URLS?). I'll fix this today and push a release tonight.
As far as the Create File button, it's pure Javascript at the present moment, and I also suspect Firefox doesn't like that. I'll turn it into an actual form today and update. :)/>/>
Noodle #34
Posted 24 July 2012 - 12:12 AM
Saw the dev preview. It looks good! Keep up the good work!
limdingwen #35
Posted 24 July 2012 - 02:49 AM
Aww man, there goes my idea. Good job! :)/>/>
AfterLifeLochie #36
Posted 24 July 2012 - 07:19 AM
Saw the dev preview. It looks good! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the feedback. If you want to give it a try send me a PM and I'll give you access to play around whilst I fix bugs. :)/>/>
Noodle #37
Posted 24 July 2012 - 08:14 AM
NP, and I will certainly be PM'ing you.
AfterLifeLochie #38
Posted 24 July 2012 - 08:36 AM
NP, and I will certainly be PM'ing you.

Awesome. I also keep everyone updated at or in the #cc-apt IRC on (same as #computercraft).
samrg472 #39
Posted 26 July 2012 - 10:37 PM

1) Make a delete file option
2) Change the revision system and create a revision when
- You create a file
- Delete a file
- Edit a file
And the you must put in a commit message for why you put the change
3) In the editor it shows "File: /test ($v: 2)" it should display only the file name: "test"
4) Make branches, numerous branches, e.g. we can make a dev branch, a stable branch, an alpha branch, etc… and we can name the branch whatever we like

AfterLifeLochie #40
Posted 26 July 2012 - 10:46 PM

1) Make a delete file option
2) Change the revision system and create a revision when
- You create a file
- Delete a file
- Edit a file
And the you must put in a commit message for why you put the change
3) In the editor it shows "File: /test ($v: 2)" it should display only the file name: "test"
4) Make branches, numerous branches, e.g. we can make a dev branch, a stable branch, an alpha branch, etc… and we can name the branch whatever we like


The file editor isn't actually finished yet… you'll have the ability to rename, move, delete and clone files (eventually!). As far as re-revisioning being fired each time a user moves/deletes/creates/edits a file, I think it'd be way too excessive on both the server and the revisioning engine. As far as the file editor goes, it's also not done; I'm planning fullscreen editing and customization of the editor (User CP).

And branches; they're going to be managed by the user. Every project revision is considered a "Dev" version until it's promoted to "Public", which is what users with a non-developer enabled build of CC-APT will be able to download. You can still download developer builds; you just need the developer-build enabled version of CC-APT. Once a build is committed to "Public" it cannot be edited and can only be deleted by the project super-user.
Sxw #41
Posted 28 July 2012 - 04:40 AM
But what about updates? Oh, different branches?
AfterLifeLochie #42
Posted 28 July 2012 - 05:38 AM
But what about updates? Oh, different branches?

Complete "updates" would increment the revision counter on that particular branch (dev/general). I should diagram this process or something, gimme a few minutes. :)/>/>

EDIT: Updated the OP post with the diagram (or here: Hope this explains it better.
Edited on 28 July 2012 - 03:59 AM
Sxw #43
Posted 02 August 2012 - 05:29 AM
Ohhhh, thanks, that explans it.
EDIT: Take a look at this:
AfterLifeLochie #44
Posted 02 August 2012 - 10:10 PM
Ohhhh, thanks, that explans it.
EDIT: Take a look at this: http://cdn.afterlife...ccapt/stats.png

You're welcome. :ph34r:/>/>

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "take a look at this"; it's a fixed image and doesn't update. xD
Sxw #45
Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:58 PM
I didnt see the first post updated :P/>/>
Anyways, will this apt have super cow powers? ;)/>/>
AfterLifeLochie #46
Posted 05 August 2012 - 10:22 PM
I didnt see the first post updated :P/>/>
Anyways, will this apt have super cow powers? ;)/>/>
Ah, I hadn't realized I haven't turned off DirectoryIndexes, whoops. I'm not sure what you mean by "super cow powers" though.
MysticT #47
Posted 05 August 2012 - 10:48 PM
Ah, I hadn't realized I haven't turned off DirectoryIndexes, whoops. I'm not sure what you mean by "super cow powers" though.
Doesn't your apt have soper cow powers? (Type "apt-get moo" in a linux bash/shell) :P/>/>

btw, this looks really good. Hope to see it ready ;)/>/>
AfterLifeLochie #48
Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:33 AM
Ah, I hadn't realized I haven't turned off DirectoryIndexes, whoops. I'm not sure what you mean by "super cow powers" though.
Doesn't your apt have soper cow powers? (Type "apt-get moo" in a linux bash/shell) :P/>/>

btw, this looks really good. Hope to see it ready :(/>/>

Oh. my. god. I totally forgot about that. I'm definitely going to implement that in the ready-to-go release of the client endpoint. ;)/>/>
It's well and truly on it's way to being ready, I'm going to be working on it for most of tonight, so I'll be on #cc-apt on if you're around then.
samrg472 #49
Posted 14 August 2012 - 10:46 PM
Coming along nice other than those few bugs :P/>/>
Sxw #50
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:26 PM

Not Available :P/>/>
You do not have permission to view this object or resource.
Afterlifelochie's network.
But I was finally getting around to uploading cl0udysk1es. D=
AfterLifeLochie #51
Posted 15 August 2012 - 10:40 PM

[snip 403 error]
But I was finally getting around to uploading cl0udysk1es. D=
I took down the public beta because it just wasn't being tested enough and was being slammed with registrations and requests (bruteforcing). I'll probably bring the beta back up sometimes soon.
cant_delete_account #52
Posted 16 August 2012 - 12:25 AM
Already something like this? Cc-get?
AfterLifeLochie #53
Posted 16 August 2012 - 07:44 AM
Already something like this? Cc-get?

I'll write you (and everyone else) up a table of differences. :(/>/>

Edit: Here's the comparison image ('tis also in the OP post).
Edited on 16 August 2012 - 06:02 AM
cant_delete_account #54
Posted 17 August 2012 - 06:55 PM
Already something like this? Cc-get?

I'll write you (and everyone else) up a table of differences. :(/>/>

Edit: Here's the comparison image ('tis also in the OP post). http://cdn.afterlife...-comparison.png
A bit wrong there, you can have multiple files in a project.
AfterLifeLochie #55
Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:27 AM
A bit wrong there, you can have multiple files in a project.

Indeed, my mistake: the image has been updated.
AfterLifeLochie #56
Posted 29 August 2012 - 10:50 PM
Coming along nice other than those few bugs :)/>/>

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "bugs"… everything should be up and working by now.
Tiin57 #57
Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:18 AM
By the way, this is awesome.
It's also available.
I just don't know if it's updated any more.
Cranium #58
Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:21 AM
I like this. I probably won't have a reason to use it cause I use pretty basic code, but still…. Good job! +1
AfterLifeLochie #59
Posted 30 November 2012 - 12:48 AM
By the way, this is awesome.
It's also available.
I just don't know if it's updated any more.

I haven't actually updated (or finished it). The code got benched a while back, because as soon as I went to the Public Beta, things went… dead. I'll probably start this up at full speed if people are interested again.
Tiin57 #60
Posted 30 November 2012 - 12:55 AM
Once I revamp TiinOS, I will put it up on CC-APT. I am interested. :P/>
AfterLifeLochie #61
Posted 30 November 2012 - 11:00 PM
Once I revamp TiinOS, I will put it up on CC-APT. I am interested. :P/>

I guess that means I'm back in active development again. Lemme brush the dust of this project…
russjr08 #62
Posted 30 November 2012 - 11:07 PM
Once I revamp TiinOS, I will put it up on CC-APT. I am interested. :P/>

I guess that means I'm back in active development again. Lemme brush the dust of this project…
Yay! I for one would love to see development on CC-APT again. It looks amazing :)/>
AfterLifeLochie #63
Posted 10 December 2012 - 10:45 PM
So to keep you all updated on what's going on - I started going back over the code I wrote server-side to do the majority of the content delivery and the general user-interface, and it's pretty unsightly. It's not the worst code I've ever written, but it needs a lot of cleaning (this would be it's second or third pass). This is probably going to mean a relatively large overhaul, but I've got a lot of time free as of late.

As far as the Lua end of things, it's actually written on a 1.3 emulator. There are a lot of features that are in the classic APT that I've even yet to consider, and the potential ability to properly utilize colors and other functions introduced by the Advanced Computer is going to be pretty insane, if I can integrate them well.
Tiin57 #64
Posted 11 December 2012 - 02:26 AM
Awesome! Is the public beta still up?
AfterLifeLochie #65
Posted 14 December 2012 - 11:11 AM
Awesome! Is the public beta still up?

Yes - although I'm not sure what level of functionality I left it in. (err).