Posted 06 March 2016 - 01:14 AM
A description
This networking API was initially built to simulate WIFI/LAN networks inside of Computercraft using a router based solution. What it turned into was more or less a security solution to localize traffic.
This API works similarly to rednet but without being able to be sniffed through just ONE channel (see my other program NetUtil/Libpcap & Libspoofer)
The way it works
This API uses one file to allow the creating, connecting/disconnecting to a wifi/lan network (or both if you set it up as such) to allow sending over that password protected network.
Passwords and SSID's for the network are not sent over the network, merely via Server to Connectee.
Pastebin: pastebin get pAksK8i6 net
scan() | Scans the area for SSID's and puts them into a table
getSSIDTable() | Returns all SSID's found in the scan
connect(ssid, passwd) | connects to the given SSID with the given password
disconnect() | disconnects you from current network
host(ssid, passwd) | starts up a host session with given SSID with the password being the given password
send(message, recipient) | send a message to recipient (note: recipients should be CC Computer ID's)
connect(ssid, passwd) | connects to the given SSID with the given password
disconnect() | disconnects you from current network
host(ssid, passwd) | starts up a host session with given SSID with the password being the given password
send(message, recipient) | send a message to recipient (note: recipients should be CC Computer ID's)
receive() | listen for messages coming to the receiving computers ID
To host a router session use, password)
To join, use net.connect(SSID, password)
To send, use net.send(msg, to)
To receive, use net.receive()
Have fun and enjoy
Main programmer | Scoopta
Other odds and ends in program | ME!
Edited on 06 March 2016 - 07:18 PM