@Bomb Bloke
What's the program do - or if you don't know, what do you know about it? I can tell there's a program on it as when I plug it in, it starts flashing one of the LEDs and when I push the switch known as SW2, it pauses, then continues.
Can you extract the code? No, as number one, I don't have the IDE on my PC anymore and two, you cannot access the file system, even with the IDE. You can only push programs to it.
What're you using to confirm there's software on there? My eyes.
Couldn't be. They'd put an Arduino symbol on it to make it look real.
Yeah, I'll snoop around their website seeing what I can find.
I didn't buy it, it was a gift.
So, I searched up that non-blurry image to get this:

I was like
WHAT THE?!Ignore the white bar at the bottom, you just gotta love MSPaint when you're PrintScreening an image, eh?