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ComputerCraft Encryption - crypto API

Started by computer, 09 April 2016 - 07:57 PM
computer #1
Posted 09 April 2016 - 09:57 PM
It's pretty simple, and it works just like the name suggests.
Anywhere you see "key" is a number that is used to generate a pseudorandom sequence. To share something encrypted with friends, share the key with them.

To download it:

pastebin get cEHfermh crypto


Converts a string into a string of binary.

Converts a string of binary into a string of text.

crypto.genSequence(key, length)
Generates a pseudorandom binary sequence of the desired length and based on the key.

crypto.applyShift(text, key)
Encrypts a string based on the key. Keep in mind that this function is its own inverse, so you only need one key.

The full API:

-- crypto API
-- Encryption software for ComputerCraft
-- Enjoy! -computer
--  Global Variables:

local charList =  {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
		"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
		"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
		"Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
		"h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p",
		"q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y",
		"z", " ", ".", ",", "!", "?", "'", "-", "_",
		"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
		"0", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "=",
		"+", "-", "/", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}",
		"<", ">", "\"", "'", ":", ";", "&frac12;", "&frac14;",
		"¡", "¿", "~", "⌂", "Ç", "ü", "é", "â", "ä",
		"à", "å", "Ç", "ê", "ë", "è", "ï", "î", "ì",
		"ä", "å", "é", "æ", "æ", "ô", "ö", "ò", "û",
		"ù", "ÿ", "ö", "ü", "£", "ñ"}

local reverseCharList = {}
for i = 1, #charList do
  reverseCharList[charList[i]] = i

-- Functions:

-- crypto.toBinary(text)
-- crypto.fromBinary(binary)
-- crypto.genSequence(key, length)
-- crypto.applyShift(text, key)

function toBinary (text)
  local binary = {}

  for i = 1, #text do
	local num = reverseCharList[text:sub(i, i)] - 1
	local curBit = 64

	for j = 1, 7 do
	  if, num) == curBit then
		binary[#binary + 1] = "1"
		binary[#binary + 1] = "0"

	  curBit = curBit / 2

  return table.concat(binary)

function fromBinary (binary)
  local text = {}

  for i = 0, #binary / 7 - 1 do
	local num = 0
	local curBit = 64

	for j = 0, 6 do
	  local stringPos = i * 7 + j + 1

	  if binary:sub(stringPos, stringPos) == "1" then
		num = num + curBit

	  curBit = curBit / 2

	text[i + 1] = charList[num + 1]

  return table.concat(text)

function genSequence (key, length)
  local sequence = {}
  local num = key

  while #sequence < length do
	local curBit = 64

	num = num ^ 2 + 1
	if string.len(tostring(num)) > 3 then
	  num = math.floor(num / 100)
	while num > 127 do
	  num = num - 127

	for j = 0, 6 do
	  if, num) == curBit then
		sequence[#sequence + 1] = "1"
		sequence[#sequence + 1] = "0"

	  curBit = curBit / 2

  return table.concat(sequence)

function applyShift (text, key)
  local binText = toBinary(text)
  local binOutput = {}

  for i = 1, #binText do
	local seq = genSequence(key, #binText)
	local digit

	if binText:sub(i, i) == seq:sub(i, i) then
	  digit = 0
	  digit = 1

	binOutput[i] = digit

	key = key + 1

  return fromBinary(table.concat(binOutput))

Enjoy! :)/>
Edited on 17 December 2016 - 12:14 PM
randomdude999 #2
Posted 08 June 2016 - 07:27 AM
How secure would this be cryptographically? Usually it's a bad idea to make your own algorithm, you should use something that's proven secure, such as AES.
Anavrins #3
Posted 08 June 2016 - 07:08 PM
How secure would this be cryptographically?
Not much better than Caesar cipher.
It's all fun and cool to make toy crypto algorithms, just to learn more about this kind of stuff, but as you said, it's generally a bad idea to use those in serious applications.
computer #4
Posted 17 December 2016 - 01:03 PM
Ok - just changed the code to make it more secure - characters do not repeat anymore. (Edited OP)
But honestly, who's going to need world-class encryption on a Minecraft world?

Now, aaabbbccc in the demo program (key 387) becomes åFYiYL^'Q
Edited on 17 December 2016 - 12:12 PM
Anavrins #5
Posted 17 December 2016 - 05:24 PM
But honestly, who's going to need world-class encryption on a Minecraft world?
Simply because it is relatively simple for somebody that knows crypto to break algorithms made by somebody inexperienced in this stuff, rendering it useless.

An equally good question would be:
Why use an encryption algorithm that doesn't do its purpose properly.
Edited on 17 December 2016 - 04:30 PM