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Ultimate Redstone Control

Started by mast3rillusion, 14 April 2016 - 12:47 AM
mast3rillusion #1
Posted 14 April 2016 - 02:47 AM
#1 Redstone Program you will ever need!
With this special Pocket Computer program you can literally run an unlimited amount of redstone devices. Its pretty simple and has a nice GUI. I made it because I recently started to automate things in FTB:Skyblock and realized i had a lot of wireless transmitters. It got old quick when I had to keep looking at the different channels to know which lever controlled what system. This program works like this:
  • There are two programs. One is the server program and the other is the client. The client gets put on a Wireless Pocket Computer and the server gets put on a advanced computer with a modem on the top and bundled cable from project red mod on the back.
  • The server doesn't need and configurations at all it just needs to be running the server program. All 16 colors can be used on the bundled cable (I'll get to more of that in just a sec). When you are looking at the server program it will tell you the ID of the computer and this is need for the next thing.
  • Once you get the client program running on the pocket computer you are greeted with a page that says 'N' for new server. This is the main server list page of the program. You can set up unlimited servers. Each will have up to 16 redstone outputs (uses all colors from bundled cable)
  • When setting up a server simply type a name you want to call it (ex: Ore Factory) and then type the server id that you obtained earlier when asked.
  • After you add a server it will show up on the list. The list displays 15 servers per page and can have a unlimited amount of pages. When a server is click from the list a new page opens up that shows all the redstone outputs setup for this server. If a server was just created it won't have any, you have to add one (super easy).
  • To add a new redstone output for the server press 'N' and type a name (ex:Furnaces because furnaces are a machine in a ore factory)
  • Next you have to select a cable color. This color should be the color of the cable you want to turn on at the server. There are 16 available and two redstone outputs can't use the same color. If a color has already been used by another output for this server the color will be "XX" out.
  • Now that you have added a redstone output simple click it to toggle it on and off and watch as the server will turn the certain colored cable on/off
  • Each server can only have up to 16 redstone outputs at the moment (Didn't really see a need to be able to use more than that but if you do let me know).
  • Redstone Outputs and servers can be easily deleted by pressing the red x next to their names in the client program.
Program Files

Pastbin Get Method:

For server use:
pastebin get RAAjGNGB startup

For pocket computer use:
pastebin get RmK4JtjC startup

View Files Direct:

Pocket Computer

Images Are On IMGUR
I put the images on because there are a lot of screenshots show the program in use and the setup etc.
PomTom12 #2
Posted 19 April 2016 - 01:18 PM
It looks great I will definitely check it out :)/>
Cloud Ninja #3
Posted 21 May 2016 - 02:02 AM
Without even looking at how you're checking for the message, i can see you're using rednet. DONT. Me and a lot of other people know how to sniff rednet packets indefinitely. Learn how to use modem. Talk to me if you want help, i have an API to use modem super easily.
KingofGamesYami #4
Posted 21 May 2016 - 02:25 AM
Without even looking at how you're checking for the message, i can see you're using rednet. DONT. Me and a lot of other people know how to sniff rednet packets indefinitely. Learn how to use modem. Talk to me if you want help, i have an API to use modem super easily.

*cough* modems are exactly as secure as rednet is *cough*
Cloud Ninja #5
Posted 21 May 2016 - 02:29 AM
Without even looking at how you're checking for the message, i can see you're using rednet. DONT. Me and a lot of other people know how to sniff rednet packets indefinitely. Learn how to use modem. Talk to me if you want help, i have an API to use modem super easily.

*cough* modems are exactly as secure as rednet is *cough*
Secure as rednet? Within reason. Harder to sniff out the channel without knowing it, but just as easy to watch if you know the channel. If you use a randomly generated modem channel for every message (which the new one gets sent after each message, and is randomized each time) you can make a fairly secure (I know it can still be sniffed) but unencrypted connection.
Bomb Bloke #6
Posted 21 May 2016 - 02:38 AM
It could be argued that wireless security is pretty much irrelevant when playing SSP. Even in SMP, the likes of Skyblock probably won't produce any need for it.
Sammy #7
Posted 21 March 2017 - 05:26 PM
I like this programm and want to use this but something is wrong. The Redstone sygnal go On but dont want to go Off. Server type "white/Off" but it isnt.
My Minecraft version is 1.7.1 and CC 1.7. Im using Bundled Red Alloy Wire (from Blue Power) connected to back side of the computer and then White Red Alloy Wire connected to Bundled. I was trying with Insulated Redstone Conduid from Ender IO too but the same problem.

What can be the problem?

P.S. Sorry for my English. I hope you can understand what i mean.
Sammy #8
Posted 22 March 2017 - 12:22 PM
I get this.
The line nr 5 was:
rs.setBundledOutput(side, colors.subtract(rs.getBundledOutput(side), col))

and now is:
rs.setBundledOutput(side, colors.combine(rs.getBundledOutput(side) - col))

its all.

I dont know why but "subtract" dont work on my computers. If someone have this same problem its all what you need to do.
Bomb Bloke #9
Posted 23 March 2017 - 02:37 AM
You could simplify that to:

rs.setBundledOutput(side, rs.getBundledOutput(side) - col)

The issue with subtract relates to an older version of ComputerCraft. The main solution is to update.
the_faajaa #10
Posted 07 February 2018 - 07:33 AM
Sorry to necro, but I have a potential use for a program like this, and need input about a problem. The program won't allow me to have more that one bundled cable color on at a time… any lua saavy folks able to assist? As soon as I turn on a second color, it illuminates… but the first shuts off…

Thanks :)/>