This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
LDDestroier's profile picture

STD-GUI - A multi-appstore appstore! Advanced/Normal compatible! Works with Axiom and SimSoft!

Started by LDDestroier, 22 April 2016 - 01:35 AM
LDDestroier #1
Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:35 AM
Finally, I got around to making a graphical interface to probably one of my most useful programs, STD. And for normal computers, too!

pastebin get P9dDhQ2m stdgui
std ld

Super Text Downloader GUI (STD-GUI) is an appstore designed to be as modular as I could make it without getting a cease-and-desist order from Lego.

The original program, STD (no gui) was for downloading files from many different websites, as a response to there only being a 'pastebin' command in vanilla CraftOS.

A repository of apps was created to save time, but soon, I built this into an appstore-sort-of!

Download application files from:Input (how to operate):

UP/DOWN arrows: Scroll up and down respectively
LEFT/RIGHT arrows: Scroll names left and right if they are too long for the screen
PageUp/Down: Go up or down one screen's worth
Home/End: Go to top or bottom of the list
Mousewheel: scroll up and down
Click and drag on the scrollbar to scroll as well
F: Find (a search function)
F1 or click on top bar: open category menu
F3 or click on top bar: open appstore channel menu
F5: refresh list
F12: update STD-GUI from pastebin
'[' or 'NUMPAD-': Previous category
']' or 'NUMPAD+': Next category
1-9: If normal computer, then click on the spots labeled with a number.
Click on an app to select it.

[ inside app description ]
D: Download app (even if using SimSoft)
I: Install app, only if using SimSoft
R: Run app (arguments can be provided)
V: View contents of app

The title screen. Can be enabled if you go into the file. I drew it in, like, twelve seconds.

A display of the scrollable list of apps. You can use pageUp and pageDown, as well as Home and End to scroll faster. That black dot is a scrollbar!

The yay/nay prompt for downloading. Press 'Q' to quit, 'R' to run, 'D' to download, and 'V' to view.

A menu for selecting what category to filter with. If you click the part that says "Select category," it disables filtering. Becomes a selection menu for normal computers.

The GUI for normal computers. As an example with this screenshot, press '1' for Tron, '2' for Column Drop…

At this second, you can select the default STD repository, the Discover app list, or the OnlineAPPS store using F3 or by clicking the button labeled Chan.

STD-GUI itself doesn't support users or a way to upload applications, but if you PM me or ask on the thread (or ingame on a server), I'll consider adding it. As long as it can be packaged as one, completely self-sufficient file. Or you could just put it on Discover.
Edited on 27 February 2018 - 12:18 PM
Posted 22 April 2016 - 04:01 PM
Graphical User Interface Interface?
LDDestroier #3
Posted 22 April 2016 - 06:55 PM
This program has been brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. Now enter you PIN number here…
Creator #4
Posted 22 April 2016 - 06:57 PM
Into the ATM machine. We all suffer from the RAS syndrome…
Waitdev_ #5
Posted 20 May 2016 - 01:48 PM
Graphical User Interface Interface?
This program has been brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. Now enter you PIN number here…
Into the ATM machine. We all suffer from the RAS syndrome…

What's with all the RAP phrases? Why isn't this a game in forum games? Or is it?
Edited on 20 May 2016 - 11:48 AM
LDDestroier #6
Posted 22 May 2016 - 10:20 PM
Graphical User Interface Interface?
This program has been brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. Now enter you PIN number here…
Into the ATM machine. We all suffer from the RAS syndrome…

Can someone actually comment on the program itself and not the name?
H4X0RZ #7
Posted 22 May 2016 - 10:48 PM
I couldn't test it yet but it looks nice!

Have you thought about adding Backspace to STD? Maybe Backspace could get some more attention this way (sorry for the self-promotion) xD
LDDestroier #8
Posted 22 May 2016 - 11:05 PM
Have you thought about adding Backspace to STD? Maybe Backspace could get some more attention this way (sorry for the self-promotion) xD

I'll go add that right now! And here I did! It's under "backspace" (category 11 / 'HTTP')
ry00000 #9
Posted 24 May 2016 - 10:03 AM
// OFFTOPIC: I recognised the department of redundancy department from a little site (not really, it's really big) here:

// ONTOPIC: This program looks great, I'll surely take it for a spin
LDDestroier #10
Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:03 PM
Thanks! I'd quote you but apparently phones can't do that.
Creator #11
Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:10 PM
Thanks! I'd quote you but apparently phones can't do that.

If you screen is big enough and your browser supports it, switch to desktop client. That way you'll get the desktop version of the site. It works wonders for me.
LDDestroier #12
Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:43 PM
Thanks! I'd quote you but apparently phones can't do that.

If you screen is big enough and your browser supports it, switch to desktop client. That way you'll get the desktop version of the site. It works wonders for me.

I'm on a laptop now. And yeah, I've tried that before. Oh well. Nothing to spill milk over.
Try it out guys, you dunn know what y'all missin'….
KingofGamesYami #13
Posted 24 May 2016 - 01:12 PM
Thanks! I'd quote you but apparently phones can't do that.

They can. You just click on the post to get the 'quote' button to appear ;)/>
LDDestroier #14
Posted 04 July 2016 - 01:27 AM
New update. Not a big one, but one I should've done a while ago. Keywords!

The search function would look at only a file's name and creator, but now it looks for keywords that I would put in it. For example, ccDHD now has the keyword of 'stargate'.

Also, I added a few of the CCJam projects, and appropriately given them the tag "ccjam2016".

Make sure to do 'stdgui upgrade' (or press F12 inside the program) and press F5 to redownload the file list.
Edited on 03 July 2016 - 11:43 PM
sci4me #15
Posted 04 July 2016 - 10:53 AM
LDDestroier #16
Posted 04 July 2016 - 08:40 PM

That video is funny, but…um, what's it got to do with STD?
sci4me #17
Posted 04 July 2016 - 08:45 PM

That video is funny, but…um, what's it got to do with STD?

LDDestroier #18
Posted 14 November 2016 - 01:55 PM
A wonderous new update for the GUI version of STD!

*Changed the forum post title so it doesn't sound crap
+Added appstore 'channels' allowing downloading Discover or OnlineAPPS programs (press F3)
+Added '[' and ']' for category changing

This update doesn't obsolete Discover, it just allows people to download from that repository. No social features whatsoever.
…oh, and I added, like, ten or eleven more apps to the default STD listing.
LDDestroier #19
Posted 25 November 2016 - 11:09 PM
An update. Finally! Normal computer support for STD-GUI. It's a bit hacky, honestly, but I think it's fine. All functions that otherwise would require the mouse have been taken over by using buttons 0-9 for selecting items, and using UP/DOWN arrow keys and Enter/spacebar to select category or channel.

I'm also going to redo the title screen for (normal/advanced) (computers/pocket computers).
LDDestroier #20
Posted 13 February 2017 - 04:09 AM
A pretty big update! I changed the way store descriptions are rendered, so now they can scroll! Astounding! It also uses a modified version of my formatting code API, which is a pain in the ass to wrap properly with, but I pulled through.

Also, next update, there might be decorative banners you can put on store entries. Just saying.
CodeWeaver #21
Posted 20 February 2017 - 11:18 PM
Interesting. What are all the repositories this program is pulling from?

Also, you say that a program can be added if it's a "self-sufficient" file. I'm assuming that excludes programs that require multiple files – but are "installers" acceptable, to get around this?
LDDestroier #22
Posted 21 February 2017 - 03:18 AM
Interesting. What are all the repositories this program is pulling from?

The repositories are being pulled from my Pastebin. There's one that is a giant list of store items, then the other two interpret other stores and composes a list based on that.

Also, you say that a program can be added if it's a "self-sufficient" file. I'm assuming that excludes programs that require multiple files – but are "installers" acceptable, to get around this?

Yes, installers will do very nicely if your program requires multiple files. STD-GUI doesn't support archiving, due to how trivial an installer would make that, and Discover/OnlineAPPS/anything else would be sure to use other types of formats.
Twijn #23
Posted 22 February 2017 - 12:04 AM
Interesting. What are all the repositories this program is pulling from?

The repositories are being pulled from my Pastebin. There's one that is a giant list of store items, then the other two interpret other stores and composes a list based on that.

Also, you say that a program can be added if it's a "self-sufficient" file. I'm assuming that excludes programs that require multiple files – but are "installers" acceptable, to get around this?

Yes, installers will do very nicely if your program requires multiple files. STD-GUI doesn't support archiving, due to how trivial an installer would make that, and Discover/OnlineAPPS/anything else would be sure to use other types of formats.

In regards to this program and support with Online Apps, all programs outputted by the APIs will be out of date (and potentially non-existent). We're replacing our old way of running with the new system at . This system does not yet have an API publicly available. I do hope that this program will be updated once I do update my API. OnlineApps will allow you to link files to external places where you host your code - might it be pastebin or github - and will add all of these to a list to be downloaded on the client. This means that essentially OnlineApps is an installer that doubles as a distributor. Currently, you can see the format of how we now export the lists for programs here, or you might want to see how to make this readable by Lua here. (If you do look at the list of programs, right click and hit "View source" if on chrome. Your browser will not see the new lines as new lines)

Unfortunately, I don't have it set up yet to give all of the names of programs in the system.
LDDestroier #24
Posted 10 June 2017 - 05:07 AM

+Added a color palate table
+Added colorization to item descriptions and names
+Added clickable button for changing the store channel (F3, otherwise)
+Updated screenshots in OP
*Changed colors to be darker and cooler
*Changed a few item descriptions

I decided that the old style of light gray on gray is for nerds, so I went with a much cooler gray on black. I also added some pipe characters to the scrollbar.

Also, the listing for the Discover Store in the STD Default channel was mistakenly credited to Creator, even though it is Dannysmc95, which I knew damn well. I confused the two of them a while ago, and I guess that was the result. Maybe it was they're tones when talking to people. Idunnohh.
Edited on 10 June 2017 - 03:07 AM
Wilma456 #25
Posted 15 June 2017 - 06:35 PM
Found a Bug: I tried to install my program "Mynaptic" , to test this store, but I only get a "could not connect" error. Other Programs work. Maybe you have the wrong URL. The URL for the installer is
LDDestroier #26
Posted 15 June 2017 - 06:50 PM
Found a Bug: I tried to install my program "Mynaptic" , to test this store, but I only get a "could not connect" error. Other Programs work. Maybe you have the wrong URL.

Silly me, I had down "htps://" instead of "https://"! I appligize.
Xelostar #27
Posted 17 June 2017 - 11:49 AM
Thanks for putting in my game! :-D

I've got two suggestions for you:
- Coloring for the categories. For example: category games is blue and API is yellow etc.
- Have some sort of image for each program/utility. Strafe has implemented thiss and it makes for easily finding something you like.

Great job, though!
LDDestroier #28
Posted 17 June 2017 - 06:33 PM
Thanks for putting in my game! :-D

I've got two suggestions for you:
- Coloring for the categories. For example: category games is blue and API is yellow etc.
- Have some sort of image for each program/utility. Strafe has implemented thiss and it makes for easily finding something you like.

Great job, though!

Thanks, m8. About those suggestions,
1. Colored categories is possible, but it doesn't seem very useful to be honest. Might as well, though…
2. I've tried adding some pictures to STD-GUI, but I can't figure out how to use the NFT (or whatever it's called) image standard. I want to be able to have PAIN export to nft, but I couldn't be bothered. Maybe if I modify my formatting code API, then it'd be easier…hm

Another thing, is that creating stylish images for each store entry will be tedious, unless I can get people to send me theirs.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Xelostar #29
Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:08 AM
Thanks for putting in my game! :-D

I've got two suggestions for you:
- Coloring for the categories. For example: category games is blue and API is yellow etc.
- Have some sort of image for each program/utility. Strafe has implemented thiss and it makes for easily finding something you like.

Great job, though!

Thanks, m8. About those suggestions,
1. Colored categories is possible, but it doesn't seem very useful to be honest. Might as well, though…
2. I've tried adding some pictures to STD-GUI, but I can't figure out how to use the NFT (or whatever it's called) image standard. I want to be able to have PAIN export to nft, but I couldn't be bothered. Maybe if I modify my formatting code API, then it'd be easier…hm

Another thing, is that creating stylish images for each store entry will be tedious, unless I can get people to send me theirs.

Thanks for the suggestions!

1. Succes doing that!
2. Succes figuring that out. I could just make a "screenshot" of my game for example. (or part of it, since there's not that much room…)
LDDestroier #30
Posted 23 July 2017 - 06:11 PM
I added a VIEW button for viewing the contents of an app before installing, so that you can check if it's any good/safe. Press V or click 'VIEW' to preview the code.
Also, I finally added an 'isBeta' variable to influence the F12 autoupdate URL.
Wilma456 #31
Posted 29 July 2017 - 01:30 AM
I had a few programs for you to add

['textpaint'] = {
		title = "Textpaint",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "A Paint Program for .nft files",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"paint"},

['chatkeyboard'] = {
		title = "Chatkeyboard",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This Program shows a working Keyboard for CC in the Chat",
		catagory = 10,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"keyboard"},

['screentool'] = {
		title = "Screentool",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This allows you to make Screenshots! Just start the Screentool. Now you have to press Pause to make a Screenshot. Supports only CraftOS 1.7.",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"screnshot"},

['imagecon'] = {
		title = "Imagecon",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This tool convert a .nfp image to code.",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"paint","image"},

['faketime'] = {
		title = "Faketime",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Fake the time",
		catagory = 4,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"time"},

['fakeday'] = {
		title = "Fakeday",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Fake the Day",
		catagory = 4,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"day"},

['cron'] = {
		title = "Cron",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Cron let you run your programs to a custom time",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"cron"},

If you need help with reading .nft, I can give you my code from textpaint. To make Screenshots, you can use Screentool.
Xelostar #32
Posted 29 July 2017 - 08:18 AM
It would also be nice to see how many times it has been downloaded and show the more populair programs at the top.
Wilma456 #33
Posted 29 July 2017 - 11:38 AM
I think to count the Downloads he must set up a own server and can't use Pastebin.
LDDestroier #34
Posted 29 July 2017 - 04:20 PM
I think to count the Downloads he must set up a own server and can't use Pastebin.
Yeah, that's right.

I had a few programs for you to add

['textpaint'] = {
		title = "Textpaint",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "A Paint Program for .nft files",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"paint"},

['chatkeyboard'] = {
		title = "Chatkeyboard",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This Program shows a working Keyboard for CC in the Chat",
		catagory = 10,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"keyboard"},

['screentool'] = {
		title = "Screentool",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This allows you to make Screenshots! Just start the Screentool. Now you have to press Pause to make a Screenshot. Supports only CraftOS 1.7.",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"screnshot"},

['imagecon'] = {
		title = "Imagecon",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "This tool convert a .nfp image to code.",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"paint","image"},

['faketime'] = {
		title = "Faketime",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Fake the time",
		catagory = 4,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"time"},

['fakeday'] = {
		title = "Fakeday",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Fake the Day",
		catagory = 4,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"day"},

['cron'] = {
		title = "Cron",
		url = "",
		creator = Wilma456,
		description = "Cron let you run your programs to a custom time",
		catagory = 1,
		forumPost = "",
		keywords = {"cron"},

If you need help with reading .nft, I can give you my code from textpaint. To make Screenshots, you can use Screentool.

That's a lot of stuff! I'll be sure to add it. As for NFT, I'll try to adapt that into both STD-GUI and PAIN, so I can make icons. And maybe I'll even use Screentool to make screenshots for a few applications..! Working at a summercamp gives me little time, though.
LDDestroier #35
Posted 10 November 2017 - 08:08 PM
Added 'STD Media' channel, which will hold NBS music files, and NFA/NFP picture files. I've already put a few things on it, such as my rendition of the virus busting theme of Megaman Battle Network 2, or Bloody Tears in Castlevania 2.

Also, updated screenshots.