So I found this game-"engine" on my computer, which I programmed a while ago.
It's not perfect though, for example the player can't jump or climb blocks back up.
Basically it is a level-editor (you draw a layout, place "functions" over the drawn stuff, e.g. you place a hitbox over your drawn grass or wall.. whatever. You can also delete placed hitboxes or set the spawn)
And a level-launcher, which let's you play on your map. Though it has almost no features (in my opinion), it was my first "game", has a kind-of physic-system (if you stand on a block and the next one is for example 2 blocks lower than yours, the player will automatically "fall" on it) and you guys are free to edit/extend it for your purposes :)/>

Here the Pastebin Links:
EDITOR: pastebin get ESPY1FUz editor
LOADER: pastebin get uvwVYV6k launch

Usage for the loader:
launch <folder/where/the/level/is/located/> <LevelNameWithout '.lvl'>
(If you launch it without arguments it will search for /game/levels/tutorial.lvl, if you wan't to make that kind of game :D/> )

Btw, I would recommend you not to place a block under another one when you are building stairs, which causes the player to fall through the block above. (Look at my last screenshot)

If you think this is bullshit, you are right. Idk if I'm shit in general but this is just lame and I think noone wants to extend it anyways…. :P/>