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[1.3] Hidden Message Droids For Smp

Started by panicmore, 26 February 2012 - 05:09 PM
panicmore #1
Posted 26 February 2012 - 06:09 PM
hello and welcome to a few robots that can send messages to other bases they range from above ground under ground tunnelers and completely hidden ones that cover there tracks. due to the limitations of this mod and my ability they can only go in straight lines.

first one: the message rover very similar to my rover on found here:

print("--welcome to super secret message sender")
print("--point in the direction of friendly base and away you go--")
write "Password: "
input = read()
if input == password then
print"---access granted---"
print"what is your message sir?"
input = read()
write (input)
while turtle.forward() do
  if turtle.detectDown() == false then
   if turtle.detect() == true then

next is the borer this wont stop unless a player gets in front of it . so here is your challenge:make it stop and make it so the message cant be intercepted. i mean obviously you could send this there and it will dig a tunnel then you could send the oter one down there with the message post your challenge responses in the comments section.

print"--welcome to secret tunnel borer--"
print"--point in the direction of friend--"
print"--and send underground or above ground--"
write "Password: "
input = read()
if input == password then
print"---access granted---"
print"what is your message sir?"
input = read()
write (input)
while turtle.forward() do

challenge make one that covers its tracks.
Liraal #2
Posted 26 February 2012 - 06:35 PM
just a thing. you can use my turtle API for 'magical' goToPos function, to find secret bases easier. other than that? good work.
panicmore #3
Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:27 PM
just a thing. you can use my turtle API for 'magical' goToPos function, to find secret bases easier. other than that? good work.
thanks man will check it out
panicmore #4
Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:39 PM
Please check out my series showing tutorials and the processes used in making computer craft mods