Posted 04 July 2016 - 06:07 AM
Ultra-Quick Spruce Wood Logger v1.0:
- Dumps items into an ender chest from the EnderStorage Mod.
- Self Sufficient
- Quick
- Easy Setup
- Interesting Stats
- 99% chance to start back up on its own when the server restarts
- Only Works with Spruce, or 2x2 trees that do not leave braches
- As of right now, there are a lot of bugs:(
Hello! This is my first turtle program I have released, please let me know of any bugs that are not in the known bugs section.

pastebin get zzffpjYQ startup
Known Bugs:
- Turtle Randomly replacing saplings
- When server restarts,Turtle Removing Dirt after completing the current tree it was on
- Turtle not knowing what to do if server restarts when it is at top of tree (This isn't really a bug its just me not adding support for the 1 second period its at the top of a tree, which is less than 1% of the time.)
- Turtle Randomly getting lost (I don't know exactly what triggers it, I have just come back once or twice with the turtle outside the farm trying to plant saplings)

- Dumps items into an ender chest from the EnderStorage Mod.
- Self Sufficient
- Quick
- Easy Setup
- Interesting Stats
- 99% chance to start back up on its own when the server restarts
- Only Works with Spruce, or 2x2 trees that do not leave braches
- As of right now, there are a lot of bugs:(
Hello! This is my first turtle program I have released, please let me know of any bugs that are not in the known bugs section.
Click Picture to Enlarge!
pastebin get zzffpjYQ startup
Known Bugs:
- Turtle Randomly replacing saplings
- When server restarts,Turtle Removing Dirt after completing the current tree it was on
- Turtle not knowing what to do if server restarts when it is at top of tree (This isn't really a bug its just me not adding support for the 1 second period its at the top of a tree, which is less than 1% of the time.)
- Turtle Randomly getting lost (I don't know exactly what triggers it, I have just come back once or twice with the turtle outside the farm trying to plant saplings)

Edited on 31 May 2018 - 12:36 PM