Hello, this is Endermqn from Ender Coding, where today, after forgetting about lua for the most part, I have relearned it, and I can show you a turtle program I made, that allows you to create a bridge of pretty much any width with a turtle. Let's go over its pros and cons:
-Less tedious that regular bridge building
-Can be adjusted to any length/width*
-Tells you how much fuel and how many blocks are required for the bridge
-Will search its inventory for more blocks if needed
*Although fuel limits and inventory limits may make this more difficult.
-Is quite slow
-Can be resource intensive for larger bridges
-Stops if it hits a wall
-Can cause errors/is buggy

To use it:
pastebin get qB9yk1v4 Bridge
Bridge (Length) (ExtraWidth)**
The rest is explained in the program
**ExtraWidth is the amount of blocks the turtle should build out from the center bridge beam (Eg: 1 means a 3 wide bridge, 2 means 5, etc.)
Typing 'Bridge help' will bring up the usage, which is basically what I explained above.)
I hope this is useful for you! Bye! <3