Posted 29 August 2016 - 07:31 PM
This is my program that works by people going up to the turtle and putting in gold in my case you may change this to receive a certain amount of power in my case 1 gold nugget for 10,000 rf again easily changeable. My program should explain the rest through comments.
Note: I'm only a novice at this so it is not the tidiest program and can be improved in many ways i'm sure but I just thought i'd share this program as i'm pretty happy with it.
In order to use it as defaulted you will need to place a turtle in between two chest below and above it, have a bundled cable come out the back and that's really it for the set up hope you enjoy it.
Sorry i couldn't figure out how to get it uploaded to pastebin and find the pastebin code so for now this is
the code:
– Prompting for which color wire the signal will travel through –
write("Which Line?")
local z = read()
z = z+0
write("How much electricty would you like to buy?:")
local x = read()
x = x+0
local y = x
– the power math x being the number of ticks dived this by your power per tick, y is setting the base price Ei 1 unit of pay per how ever many units you divide it by
x = x/20480
x = x/20
y = y/10000
– The money taker in my case I choose it to use gold you may use what ever you want just replace the world gold with what ever you want it to be
print("Please insert ", y ," gold in slot one to continue")
write("Press enter to continue")
local data = turtle.getItemDetail()
– replaace minecraft:gold_block with what ever you want yours to be I three gold_block gold_ingot and gold_nuggets
if == "minecraft:gold_block" then
–Multipled by 81 because a gold block is worth 81 of my money units which are based on gold nuggets
local m = data.count*81
turtle.dropDown(m/81, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
local h = m-y
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
– I got lazy and didn't want to find a way of making it return the exact number of stuff so I just went with the closet number of gold blocks You could find a way for it to return the perfect amount of stuff though
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
–Sets the output to z the output color, and then sleeps for x the time now in seconds that it must output a signal to allow power to flow through
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
elseif == "minecraft:gold_ingot" then
local m = data.count*9
local h = m-y
turtle.dropDown(m/9, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
if == "minecraft:gold_nugget" then
local m = data.count
local h = m-y
turtle.dropDown(m, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
Note: I'm only a novice at this so it is not the tidiest program and can be improved in many ways i'm sure but I just thought i'd share this program as i'm pretty happy with it.
In order to use it as defaulted you will need to place a turtle in between two chest below and above it, have a bundled cable come out the back and that's really it for the set up hope you enjoy it.
Sorry i couldn't figure out how to get it uploaded to pastebin and find the pastebin code so for now this is
the code:
–version 0.5–– Prompting for which color wire the signal will travel through –
write("Which Line?")
local z = read()
z = z+0
write("How much electricty would you like to buy?:")
local x = read()
x = x+0
local y = x
– the power math x being the number of ticks dived this by your power per tick, y is setting the base price Ei 1 unit of pay per how ever many units you divide it by
x = x/20480
x = x/20
y = y/10000
– The money taker in my case I choose it to use gold you may use what ever you want just replace the world gold with what ever you want it to be
print("Please insert ", y ," gold in slot one to continue")
write("Press enter to continue")
local data = turtle.getItemDetail()
– replaace minecraft:gold_block with what ever you want yours to be I three gold_block gold_ingot and gold_nuggets
if == "minecraft:gold_block" then
–Multipled by 81 because a gold block is worth 81 of my money units which are based on gold nuggets
local m = data.count*81
turtle.dropDown(m/81, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
local h = m-y
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
– I got lazy and didn't want to find a way of making it return the exact number of stuff so I just went with the closet number of gold blocks You could find a way for it to return the perfect amount of stuff though
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
–Sets the output to z the output color, and then sleeps for x the time now in seconds that it must output a signal to allow power to flow through
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
elseif == "minecraft:gold_ingot" then
local m = data.count*9
local h = m-y
turtle.dropDown(m/9, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
if == "minecraft:gold_nugget" then
local m = data.count
local h = m-y
turtle.dropDown(m, 1)
if m >= y then
print(m-y, " funds remaining")
write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
local t = read()
if t == "y" then
print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
print("Retrive from slot 2")
rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)