A while ago I made a simple file explorer. It wasn't very good, but if you want to see it here's a link. This is a complete rewrite of it, and I consider it to be much better than the original.

  • View infinite folders and files at one time
  • Create files and folders
  • Delete files and folders
  • Edit files
  • Run any program that doesn't need arguments
  • Left click to run a program or open a folder
  • Right click to delete a file or folder
  • Middle click to edit a file
  • F3 to create a new folder
  • F4 to create a new file

The Root Directory

The directory at '/rom/programs'

Now with scroll bars!

Creating a new folder

pastebin get 1PGmGUhc FileExplorer

Change Log
  • Fix a bug where when creating new files they were placed in the root directory instead of the opened folder.
  • Rewrote the entire program from here.