A pretty simple program, half a dozen lines or so.

What does it do:
  1. Runs a program and gets the result if it is UINT-Compatible.
  2. Runs the specified file, using the environment got from step 1.
The hell are UINT-Compatible programs?

UINT-Compatible (fully: Compatible with Universal Interpreter) programs exhibit these properties:
  • Does not execute any code except for environment assignation
  • Backs up the global namespace
  • Defines "global" functions
  • Returns a table containing defined functions
UINT-Compatible programs are, then, Lua modules that create a table containing functions that can be used as a runtime environment.
An example of an UINT-Compatible program is the Simple library.

BE ADVISED: If a program isn't UINT-Compatible, you should NOT run a script through it! The results could be dangerous!
