Did you try textutils or something like:
for k, v in pairs(table) do print("k .. " " .. v) end
but it errors because the table contains functions?If so, this will help you!
tableDump is pretty simple but still very usefull, you call it with two parameters, the first is your table and the second is the name of a file to save the table to.
Strings and numbers are no problem, functions will be replaced by [FUNCTION] in the output and nested tables is no problem!
Are you still thinking that textutils.serialise/textutils.serialize is better?
tableDump also split keys and values into columns instead of just a space or two between them making it easier to read.
What is the downside with this you may think, there is currently not possible to easy convert it back to a table from a file.

Tab Exchanger is not shown as it contains a slightly outdated output

License and download
MIT-license, you are free to use and modify this program
pastebin get DL4cgLZK td