Tartle is a sophisticated program, designed to harvest and plant wheat farms of ANY dimension, from 1x1 all the way to infinity (given Tartle doesn't unload). Let's get right into it!

Get your field ready by tilling the soil and making sure that all spots are properly hydrated. While Tartle is smart, he can be lazy. This is one of those moments.

Tartle is extremely polite, and does not harm any blocks other than the wheat that needs to be harvested. His politeness can cause some issues, however. In the picture above you can see all of the spots around the edges that cannot have blocks marked with red (Don't place blocks over the field either, but that's common sense). The lime is where you can optionally place blocks. Tartle personally prefers that you just wrap the perimeter of the farm with fences, that way there is guaranteed no issues.
Also in the picture above you can see that there is a chest in the bottom left corner. Make sure that that chest is always on the bottom left, from wherever you want to be facing.

In that chest you also are going to want to put a source of fuel. It does not matter what type of fuel it is, just as long as it is in fact fuel.
Hang on to a couple of pieces, you are going to need it to kick-start Tartle in a little bit.

Let's finally get Tartle installed! Place your turtle of choice 1 block above the closest crop space to the chest (the bottom left corner of crop space).
To install simply run
pastebin get kx2x60De
As you can see in this screenshot, I put a stack of seeds into Tartle's first slot. This was just to start Tartle off. The next time you run Tartle, he will gain seeds, so technically I could have given Tartle 1 seed and he would have been okay (provided the fully grown crop doesn't drop just wheat). Eventually the entire field would get filled.

Now let's understand how to run Tartle. Tartle takes a length and then a width, like shown in the photo above.
So if your field was a 9 by 9 you would type in
Tartle 9 9

Planting the seeds:
Ready to go again:

Starting Tartle again is as simple as running the program again!

Fully harvested:

Note that the turtle appears to have missed some wheat. Tartle never misses, all circumstances of him 'missing' wheat would be that it grew after he passed by it.
If you have any issues or crashes please leave comments down below. Tartle is in alpha, meaning he is nowhere near complete. Expect bugs, crashes, and messy code, especially in its early phases.
This script runs only runs in 1.64 or higher