This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
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[WIP] Oblox OS [Alpha]

Started by ObloxCC, 04 January 2017 - 08:28 PM
ObloxCC #1
Posted 04 January 2017 - 09:28 PM
So in my free time I have been working on a new ui/os that is planned to have working windows* (Added) and multitasking**, it's currently not much, but it should be updated constantly***.

-Upcoming features-
  • online tools
  • appstore
  • better window support using window API (In next version)
  • bug fixes
  • working settings (In next version)
  • bcrypt encryption instead of SHA-256
  • and more!
NOTE: Passwords are hashed but they use a highly insecure hashing method (SHA256). There are website that you can paste in the hash and they will give you the password (or whatever) almost instantly. When I have the chance I will upgrade to bcrypt (the current hashing method that's used by many websites including twitter)

Alpha Screenshots (Current Release)

Release Screenshots (Still in development, un-released)

-How to install-

pastebin run irjFfYZ7

0.0.1: First Released
0.0.2: Updated login UI
0.0.3: Program window can now be dragged and the red X button now works (program and settings window only)
0.0.4: Added task manager, Added bug that combine windows when overlapping, started implementing multitasking, broke settings window
0.0.5: Re-implemented settings window (now drag-able), moved start menu to bottom and changed start background to green, and more!
0.0.6: Added icons (drag-able, but they don't open anything yet)
0.0.7: Icons can now open programs, icons can now only be dragged with "+", bug fixes, added more bugs, only 1 thing can be dragged at a time (no longer picks up other things when dragging)

1.0 New Features (Un-released)
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)
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-More info coming soon-

*draggable, sizable, multitasking ability**
**will be limited
***currently there are no automatic updates
Edited on 19 February 2017 - 12:47 PM
Nothy #2
Posted 05 January 2017 - 02:50 PM
When you enter invalid credentials the login screen gets replaced by a white screen.
Might be a bug, I don't know.
ObloxCC #3
Posted 05 January 2017 - 03:41 PM
When you enter invalid credentials the login screen gets replaced by a white screen.
Might be a bug, I don't know.

I have updated the code with a temporary fix, but the login system will get a change in the next update
ObloxCC #4
Posted 05 January 2017 - 04:24 PM
When you enter invalid credentials the login screen gets replaced by a white screen.
Might be a bug, I don't know.

I have updated the code with a temporary fix, but the login system will get a change in the next update

The login UI has been redone.
ObloxCC #5
Posted 06 January 2017 - 07:52 PM
Quick question, how do you like the new start menu coloring and task bar positioning? Also what should I add next? [Desktop icons, file browser, working settings, program API, or other]
itzstarstruck #6
Posted 07 January 2017 - 01:54 AM
2 BUGS: Icons don't work for me, and I can terminate the login screen. To fix the terminating issue all you've got to do is, add this at the beginning of your code: os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw.
I have an idea, for you. Create a github, so the community can examine and find issues.
Overall, it's pretty cool, but also really glitchy. I like what you're doing, and you should keep going!
EDIT: Checking your code was a breeze! It's very well labeled. Good job there!
Edited on 07 January 2017 - 12:55 AM
ObloxCC #7
Posted 07 January 2017 - 01:03 PM
2 BUGS: Icons don't work for me, and I can terminate the login screen. To fix the terminating issue all you've got to do is, add this at the beginning of your code: os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw.
I have an idea, for you. Create a github, so the community can examine and find issues.
Overall, it's pretty cool, but also really glitchy. I like what you're doing, and you should keep going!
EDIT: Checking your code was a breeze! It's very well labeled. Good job there!

The bugs should be fixed, try reinstalling the os/ui.
houseofkraft #8
Posted 16 January 2017 - 12:52 PM
Off topic: You're safe. If you just changed the "l" to an "n" and…. so that means you're safe! XD

Anyways, I tried out the OS and I liked it a lot.
Edited on 16 January 2017 - 11:53 AM
ObloxCC #9
Posted 04 February 2017 - 09:37 PM
If anyone's wondering where this is going, here's a screenshot of the upcoming version (half rewrite).

Piorjade #10
Posted 04 February 2017 - 10:59 PM
If anyone's wondering where this is going, here's a screenshot of the upcoming version (half rewrite).

Are these buttons using these mini-pixels?
That's an incredible idea :)/>
Bomb Bloke #11
Posted 05 February 2017 - 12:41 AM
Looks to me like they're simply using character 7.
Piorjade #12
Posted 05 February 2017 - 12:53 AM
Looks to me like they're simply using character 7.

Character 7?
ObloxCC #13
Posted 05 February 2017 - 01:06 AM
Looks to me like they're simply using character 7.

Character 7?
There are some extra characters included with computercraft ( To use these you can just do something like:

ObloxCC #14
Posted 05 February 2017 - 03:26 PM
Working to add notifications and active windows now appear above other windows.
ObloxCC #15
Posted 05 February 2017 - 05:44 PM
Is that a terminal I see?
Edited on 05 February 2017 - 04:45 PM
ObloxCC #16
Posted 05 February 2017 - 11:41 PM
And no, I did not forget about settings.
Dave-ee Jones #17
Posted 06 February 2017 - 04:40 AM
Looks quite nice, I like the implementation of "hidden" characters like Char 7, gives it almost a OSX look (Mac).
I'm assuming Windows are Touch and Drag compatible?

Notifications is something I haven't seen in a CC OS, and I'm not really sure what you could use it for apart from:

- Registering Disk insertion/removal in a Disk Drive
- Redstone input/output on certain sides
- Rednet broadcasts/messages

…Actually there is a fair amount of potential there just saying those examples. The possibilities…I gotta try this now :P/>

It seems to me the hardest thing to do with this is creating a Touch and Drag window for the Terminal. That's always caught me off guard as to how people do it. I am assuming it is using some kind of coroutines, even if it's from the Windows/Background processing API/s.

All in all a fine piece of work.
Piorjade #18
Posted 06 February 2017 - 05:34 AM
Looks quite nice, I like the implementation of "hidden" characters like Char 7, gives it almost a OSX look (Mac).
I'm assuming Windows are Touch and Drag compatible?

Notifications is something I haven't seen in a CC OS, and I'm not really sure what you could use it for apart from:

- Registering Disk insertion/removal in a Disk Drive
- Redstone input/output on certain sides
- Rednet broadcasts/messages

…Actually there is a fair amount of potential there just saying those examples. The possibilities…I gotta try this now :P/>/>

It seems to me the hardest thing to do with this is creating a Touch and Drag window for the Terminal. That's always caught me off guard as to how people do it. I am assuming it is using some kind of coroutines, even if it's from the Windows/Background processing API/s.

All in all a fine piece of work.

Keep in mind that you need to only let the focused window actually get the keyboard input for example.

Touch support as in mouse clicks?
For that you need to calculate where the window is and subtract the coordinate from the coordinates where you clicked on the screen (as you still get "real" coordinates when clicking) and THEN pass it over so that the window "thinks" that you clicked somewhere inside it. (E.g. the window begins at 9/9, you clicked on 10/10 so you subtract the beginning from the click (10 - 9 / 10 - 9), add 1 (1+1 / 1+1; cuz you miss a pixel without it) and then pass it over to the coroutine of the focused window.)
Also something you CAN do is NOT passing the mouse event to the coroutine if you clicked outside of the window (to prevent negative or too big coordinates for the window)

(Yeah every window gets a coroutine)
Sewbacca #19
Posted 06 February 2017 - 09:54 AM
Pretty good, just your official version, your drag of icons is a bit buggy (you cannot move sometimes them (yeah i drag the '+')) and if i add manually a new icon, it doesn't displayed.
Edited on 06 February 2017 - 09:06 AM
Saldor010 #20
Posted 06 February 2017 - 05:58 PM
Looks really nice so far.
ObloxCC #21
Posted 10 February 2017 - 11:46 PM
Added a GitHub:
ObloxCC #22
Posted 12 February 2017 - 12:38 AM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)
Piorjade #23
Posted 12 February 2017 - 04:02 PM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)

The first one:
Does that mean the programs completely wont resume?
I mean you can resume them but don't give them key events
Edited on 12 February 2017 - 03:03 PM
ObloxCC #24
Posted 12 February 2017 - 05:14 PM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)

The first one:
Does that mean the programs completely wont resume?
I mean you can resume them but don't give them key events

They resume, but only get key events when selected (like in windows)
Piorjade #25
Posted 12 February 2017 - 05:29 PM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)

The first one:
Does that mean the programs completely wont resume?
I mean you can resume them but don't give them key events

They resume, but only get key events when selected (like in windows)
Oh yeah I thought you would completely pause the un-focused programs :P/>
ObloxCC #26
Posted 18 February 2017 - 01:39 PM

ObloxCC #27
Posted 18 February 2017 - 03:41 PM

Edited on 18 February 2017 - 02:41 PM
ObloxCC #28
Posted 19 February 2017 - 01:46 PM
LDDestroier #29
Posted 19 February 2017 - 05:52 PM
It can display KrapFile properly? Well, it's got Monc2 beat.
CLNinja #30
Posted 19 February 2017 - 11:36 PM
"NOTE: Passwords are hashed but they use a highly insecure hashing method (SHA256)."

Or you could just salt your passwords? Either that or have the users not use shitty passwords because those sites just use rainbow tables to crack passwords.

There will always be a rainbow table entry for the password "ASDF" but not for "x fgjklhjkl jdkx bgvaiuhjszghikouvyhszbhty ijuvszg nybiuvh"
ObloxCC #31
Posted 22 February 2017 - 08:38 PM
"NOTE: Passwords are hashed but they use a highly insecure hashing method (SHA256)."

Or you could just salt your passwords? Either that or have the users not use shitty passwords because those sites just use rainbow tables to crack passwords.

There will always be a rainbow table entry for the password "ASDF" but not for "x fgjklhjkl jdkx bgvaiuhjszghikouvyhszbhty ijuvszg nybiuvh"

Probably could, I'll have to look into better solutions first though
Dave-ee Jones #32
Posted 24 February 2017 - 05:30 AM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)

Maybe make the selective multitasking a toggle feature, as it would be quite useful for things like Rednet/Redstone updates.

EDIT: After trying it now I realise it is just looks. Most of the buttons are just there for show (e.g Drag, Minimise and Close) are mainly for show and SOMETIMES work depending on the box (or just X and Y mouse value bugs).

Very nice looking OS…lots of bugs.
Edited on 24 February 2017 - 04:41 AM
ObloxCC #33
Posted 24 February 2017 - 09:50 PM
New features coming soon in update 1.0:
  • Selective Multitasking (Programs only update when focused on (like windows where you can't type into a window when not selected))
  • New design
  • Window API now partially uses built in Window API
  • The impossible, run most computercraft programs in windows (some problems may occur)
  • New Installer
  • Notifications
  • Settings window now works
  • File browser
  • Program runner
  • Easier way to create program shortcuts on desktop
  • And More! (Being added soon)

Maybe make the selective multitasking a toggle feature, as it would be quite useful for things like Rednet/Redstone updates.

EDIT: After trying it now I realise it is just looks. Most of the buttons are just there for show (e.g Drag, Minimise and Close) are mainly for show and SOMETIMES work depending on the box (or just X and Y mouse value bugs).

Very nice looking OS…lots of bugs.

Drag and close should work in the Alpha version (if not try a couple times, it should work). In the upcoming release 1.0 minimize also is functional
DimitarBogdanov #34
Posted 24 February 2017 - 10:03 PM
This is going very well! Cool design you have made here!
blackvice #35
Posted 05 March 2017 - 11:20 AM
There is a bug that after running the installer you can't quit it the window buttons don't work.
and this:
ObloxCC #36
Posted 09 March 2017 - 10:19 PM
There is a bug that after running the installer you can't quit it the window buttons don't work.
and this:
The [X] window button in that version should be functional, try to click it a couple times. Next the text error is fixed in the upcoming version (1.0). Please report all bugs on the GitHub (
Edited on 09 March 2017 - 09:19 PM
ObloxCC #37
Posted 19 March 2017 - 05:15 PM
Started work on the store (uses dannysmc95's API)
LDDestroier #38
Posted 19 March 2017 - 09:02 PM
If you're going to implement a store, but not implement Danny's social net API, you could instead implement STD and use the Discover Store instead.

If you are going to use more Discover-specific things, then carry on.
ObloxCC #39
Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:29 PM
If you're going to implement a store, but not implement Danny's social net API, you could instead implement STD and use the Discover Store instead.

If you are going to use more Discover-specific things, then carry on.

I am currently planning on using the cloud, email, notification, etc
ObloxCC #40
Posted 12 May 2017 - 10:35 PM
^ rewrite progress (spring 2017, 1.80 beta, uses some slight palette modification)
Edited on 12 May 2017 - 08:40 PM
dodecaflexagon #41
Posted 19 May 2017 - 09:59 AM
If anyone's wondering where this is going, here's a screenshot of the upcoming version (half rewrite).

I think that the panel [linux speak for task bar] should also be dark grey to match the window borders. The notification centre [guessing that's the name] can be white to add that little bit of extra detail / contrast.

I think this the most OS like creation so far in terms of how an actual os looks/functions. I'd love to see where this is going.
Edited on 19 May 2017 - 01:09 PM
ObloxCC #42
Posted 19 May 2017 - 11:56 PM
Re-added menus, time now updates

dodecaflexagon #43
Posted 20 May 2017 - 02:13 AM
Re-added menus, time now updates

So you went from a Windows look to a Mac look? or do you have both at the same time?
Anyway will there be a way for programs to add their own menus?
ObloxCC #44
Posted 20 May 2017 - 12:19 PM
Re-added menus, time now updates

So you went from a Windows look to a Mac look? or do you have both at the same time?
Anyway will there be a way for programs to add their own menus?

You can change between the windows and mac theme. Programs can use the top bar if they use the program API, if they don't the menu (if the program has one) just displays in the window (if you are usung the windows theme the menu always displays in the window)
dodecaflexagon #45
Posted 10 June 2017 - 09:36 AM
I know that you are probably busy with developing the various DE layouts and fixing bugs etc., but will it be possible to add a theme like the Budgie desktop from Solus OS [solus project]? An image of it here: [note that the raven sidebar isn't shown]