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ComputerBIOS - limit your system (advanced only)

Started by NathaanTFM, 30 May 2017 - 05:30 PM
NathaanTFM #1
Posted 30 May 2017 - 07:30 PM
I made a new program, it's a kind of BIOS (like the real PC ones) but in ComputerCraft.
It doesn't do so much for now. It actually can :
- Disable usage of a peripheral-side
- Simulate normal computer (term.hasColor/hasColour returns false)
- More to come!
Just run "pastebin run czcD2D8F" to install it.

Coming soon
- Preventing startup opening (with, automatically open "startup2" while doing that, in case of custom OS downloading.
- Run system without BIOS (to remove limitations)
- BIOS password (+ hashing)
- Option to disable startup opening Already done, "Exit without saving changes" in BIOS
Just run "pastebin run izxeauzz"
Edited on 31 May 2017 - 01:37 PM
NathaanTFM #2
Posted 31 May 2017 - 01:23 PM
Version 0.2

-> Improved boot menu

Version 0.3

-> Added a updater and uninstaller
-> Fixed wired peripherals
-> Fixed F7 updater
-> Some random changes (strings, etc)