53 posts
Stop being nosy
Posted 22 June 2017 - 08:48 PM
Now that ComputerCraft is open source, we have the ability to get in-progress versions of CC built straight from the official repo. However, if you aren't all that tech-literate and wish to get a fresh build, here's how.
CrazedProgrammer has graciously provided an automatic build server for ComputerCraft at
http://cc.crzd.me. To get the main build, pick the first option. If you wish to play on later versions (i.e; 1.11.2 and 1.12) pick their respective builds. ("Update to 1.11.2" and "[WIP] Update to 1.12") When you click on the big link, you will get a jar file. Put that jar file into your mods folder, start up Forge, and enjoy!
Note from SquidDev about reporting bugs:
If you're using Minecraft 1.11.2/1.12 first check it doesn't occur on the 1.10 version and, if not, report it on the specific pull request. So:(Lupus590 has edited this quote for clarity)
Edited on 23 June 2017 - 02:27 PM
2427 posts
Posted 22 June 2017 - 11:46 PM
You may want to swap the words "CI server" for something less gargon based, perhaps "surver which autoatically builds the latest version".
You may also want to do the same with "master branch", I would suggest "official repository".
Build and repository still are technical words, but I feel that their non-technical meanings provide enough clues that those unfermilliar with Git and CI will be able to understand.
You may want to mention that you can treat the jar like any other mod.
Additionally you may want to explain that the website also builds modified version of the mod which may have bugs. Mentioning that, it's probably a good idea to remind people where to report bugs.
Edited on 22 June 2017 - 09:48 PM
65 posts
Posted 23 June 2017 - 06:28 AM
Excellent stuff,
So where do I go to provide bug reports.
I cant seem to make a mining of farming turtle

1426 posts
Does anyone put something serious here?
Posted 23 June 2017 - 07:30 AM
So where do I go to provide bug reports.
But reports should be put on the GitHub issues section. However, if you're using Minecraft 1.11.2/1.12 first check it doesn't occur on the 1.10 version and, if not, report it non the specific pull request. So:
I cant seem to make a mining of farming turtle
Well, firstly you're using a diamond pick rather than the hoe - which isn't going to result in a
farming turtle. Furthermore, you cannot use damaged items for turtle upgrades - you'll have to repair it or create a new pick.
65 posts
Posted 23 June 2017 - 08:16 AM
I meant to said I can not make a mining nor farming turtle using undamaged tools

Edited on 23 June 2017 - 08:05 AM
1426 posts
Does anyone put something serious here?
Posted 23 June 2017 - 09:58 AM
I meant to said I cant not make a mining nor farming turtle using undamaged tools
Ahh, serves me right for reading on mobile :P/>. Anyway, should be fixed on the latest version.
65 posts
Posted 23 June 2017 - 11:08 AM
I meant to said I cant not make a mining nor farming turtle using undamaged tools
Ahh, serves me right for reading on mobile :P/>. Anyway, should be fixed on the latest version.
I have ComputerCraft-SquidDev-CC-ComputerCraft-feature-minecraft-1.12.2-1.80pr0-build9 installed.
1426 posts
Does anyone put something serious here?
Posted 23 June 2017 - 11:35 AM
I have ComputerCraft-SquidDev-CC-ComputerCraft-feature-minecraft-1.12.2-1.80pr0-build9 installed.
Which is no longer the latest verision :P/>. build10 fixes this.
2427 posts
Posted 23 June 2017 - 11:37 AM
@OP may I suggest that you put somethink like this in your OP.
If you're using Minecraft 1.11.2/1.12 first check it doesn't occur on the 1.10 version and, if not, report it on the specific pull request. So:
(Lupus590 has edited this quote for clarity)
65 posts
Posted 23 June 2017 - 12:12 PM
SquidDev your the man, thanks