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Just wanted to say thank you for the mod!

Started by Klausar, 27 July 2017 - 05:02 PM
Klausar #1
Posted 27 July 2017 - 07:02 PM
Hello everyone!

I don't play Minecraft anymore but recently I remembered this mod. It was the first thing that made me interested in programming and I absolutely loved it. Played with it 5 years ago (time flies, it feels like a few weeks ago) when I was a teenager. My programs were total crap but I loved writing programs for turtles. Before playing around with ComputerCraft I never even thought about programming. First time I actually used it was more of a coincidence, it was in the modpack Tekkit (Is that still a thing?) and I randomly crafted a computer and made a password lock for my door.

But let's get to the point. Today I'm studying computer science at a university and I'm in my third semester now. Grades are good and I have no doubt that without ComputerCraft I would have gone a different path in my life. I love programming and for everyone out there who might be still a teenager and wants to work in the development field later in his life I can only recommend to keep programming, no matter how shitty you think your code is. You will be miles ahead of most people once you start college.

That's it, hope these kind of posts are allowed here! Thanks so much to the creator of this mod and the community that supports it.
Edited on 27 July 2017 - 05:04 PM
KingofGamesYami #2
Posted 27 July 2017 - 07:08 PM
I also got started with CC, and will be starting a Software Engineering degree in the next couple of weeks.

Edit: Now that I've got a keyboard, moar rambling!

I actually ran across ComputerCraft in Tekkit as well, and as I said before it was my first experience with programming. That was in middle school. In the second year of high school I started doing some more stuff and now I'm to the point of being able to contribute to the mod's development myself, which is really awesome!

I'll back up the statement about being ahead of people - I've talked to a bunch of people at orientation and I've got far more experience than they have (if any). When you get to the point where you can take an idea and start planning the program out - even if you don't know how to make it work yet - you'll be ahead of 80-90% of the students there.

It's actually kind of crazy how similar our experiences are, I hope a lot more people get interested in programming*, not necessarily through computercraft.

*Also would be awesome if people all of a sudden just stopped doing it and I got paid 400k/yr.
Edited on 28 July 2017 - 12:58 AM
The Crazy Phoenix #3
Posted 27 July 2017 - 07:10 PM
Tekkit still exists.
Edited on 27 July 2017 - 05:11 PM
Nothy #4
Posted 31 July 2017 - 01:36 PM
I started with ComputerCraft in 8th grade, now I'm sitting here with my final year of upper secondary studying computer science and programming, to then go on to university and get a software engineering degree as well. B)/>
PeculiarPineTreePlays #5
Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:23 PM
Yes, I'm fairly new to programming, and ComputerCraft is the first thing I've found that has actually gotten me to enjoy programming!
Looking forward to seeing where I go with it in the future.

Thank you for the mod! :D/>

One thing (probably the main thing) that I like about it is how little programming there is to learn before it can be used to actually do things! And how you can then go from there, and learn more to do more complex things.
Purple #6
Posted 10 December 2017 - 01:54 PM
That's funny. I am the exact opposite of all you guys. I have been programming since like the early 2000's and the reason why I got to CC is because it's the mod that lets me take that love and put it into minecraft AND actually be useful. Forget buildcraft pipes and other such nonsense when I can program my own delivery service.

Seriously, CC is just good for the soul.