This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
Saldor010's profile picture

Impending Doom

Started by Saldor010, 11 August 2017 - 08:23 PM
Saldor010 #1
Posted 11 August 2017 - 10:23 PM
Hey there!
Message from future me, if you enjoy this game (or even if you don't), you should check out my latest game! It's way better than this one, I'm sure you'd love it ;)/>
Click the link here to check it out!
Back to your original post already in progress..

ComputerCraft's first original turn based strategy game,
Impending Doom
"The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting." - Richard Nixon

This game is based off of Cold War Simulator (which the original post for can be found in a spoiler below), but has been heavily modified to the point where it barely resembles the shell it once was.

This game is still in development, but it's to the point where I can start showing pictures of what it currently looks like. (Note from future me: These pictures are from a very old build, I'll replace them later)

If you would like to download the game and try it for yourself, you can run the installer here (there will be a copy and paste below if you're lazy), which pulls from the github here, although it's not very playable at the moment.

pastebin run RkXibQCz

This game runs off of Cobalt / Surface (Surface is bundled with Cobalt), so be sure to check out those two API's and upvote their posts!

Feel free to leave your thoughts, I intend to make an update to this post as soon as I have more information to share.

Discord link here

The Original Post
SpoilerSince I don't have a better name..


Another game made in Cobalt. The core of the game is mostly complete, but there is still a ton of polishing that needs to be done. The basic premise of the game is to destroy the other nation, but there's no winning or losing conditions yet. You're stuck playing as the U.S. against China, but there will be more nations to choose from in the future. Let me know what you think.


Click on one of your cities to choose what you want them to build next turn. Click on an enemy city to fire a nuke on them. If a nuke hits a city that has a cruise missile in it, the cruise missile will block the nuke and both will be destroyed. If a nuke hits a city without cruise missiles, the city will lose half of its population and stored nukes.


There are multiple files required for this game to run, so the easiest way is to use one of the many Git installers on the forums to download it from the GitHub repository.

However, if you don't like GitHub, you can download all of the files manually from Pastebin:

pastebin get zt54bhN5 coldwar.lua
pastebin get DbfaQDRh China.nfp
pastebin get HrYTntic US.nfp

No matter what option you choose, you'll still need to download Cobalt separately in order to run the game.


Also, this is my 400th post. :lol:/>
P.S. This game is in serious need of updates, but it will have to wait until after CCJam17, sorry!
Edited on 05 June 2019 - 08:14 PM
Saldor010 #2
Posted 25 October 2017 - 05:15 AM
Updated the OP.
nagoL2015 #3
Posted 26 October 2017 - 07:16 PM
This looks like a very cool game can't wait to try it out.
Saldor010 #4
Posted 01 November 2017 - 01:52 PM
A few teaser screenshots for the next build:

Should be out in a few more days. :D/>
Saldor010 #5
Posted 25 November 2017 - 08:15 PM
Welp. A few more days turned into twenty four more days, but here we are, Alpha 2!

Still not very playable, but a lot of stuff has been added, and I'm well on my way to getting everything in working order. Hopefully once finals are done I'll be able to get a lot more time to work on this. :lol:/>
Edited on 25 November 2017 - 07:15 PM
Saldor010 #6
Posted 27 November 2017 - 09:58 PM
Finally took the time to create a pastebin installer for the game, as well as fixing a bug with the surface API that I fixed on my machine, but obviously the stuff I do on my machine doesn't propagate to the rest of the internet, so I went ahead and pushed that patch as well.

Expect another alpha soon! Finals are almost over :o/>
Saldor010 #7
Posted 29 November 2017 - 01:52 AM
Alpha 3 is now out! The game is starting to look a lot more polished, and I should be in a position to bring back the AI and the nuke mechanics in alpha 4.

Some screenies if you're too lazy to download. (They were taken on this server, you should come and play with us some time!)
Pyuu #8
Posted 30 November 2017 - 01:07 AM
Pretty confused.
  • ? Button next to "Activate" does nothing, even though it's a presumed "Help" button to explain things.
  • I activate the DEFCON, right, and then I still can only activate DEFCON, giving me a message "We're already in a nuclear war!" So once I get DEFCON activated, there is nothing else I can do from what I can tell.
  • "Click on an enemy city to fire a nuke at them!" - No option as far as I can tell to do so. I click, and all I see are the stats panel on the left side of the city display.
  • No matter how many turns pass, it is always "Turn 1" (Money values still go up, however.)
Saldor010 #9
Posted 30 November 2017 - 01:16 AM
Pretty confused.
  • ? Button next to "Activate" does nothing, even though it's a presumed "Help" button to explain things.
  • I activate the DEFCON, right, and then I still can only activate DEFCON, giving me a message "We're already in a nuclear war!" So once I get DEFCON activated, there is nothing else I can do from what I can tell.
  • "Click on an enemy city to fire a nuke at them!" - No option as far as I can tell to do so. I click, and all I see are the stats panel on the left side of the city display.
  • No matter how many turns pass, it is always "Turn 1" (Money values still go up, however.)

I'm aware of almost all of these issues, most of them are placeholders.
Saldor010 #10
Posted 16 January 2018 - 04:49 AM
Alpha 4 has arrived! The major feature of the game (nuking stuff) has now returned, among several other things. Full change log available here.
Saldor010 #11
Posted 29 January 2018 - 01:45 AM
A timelapse of me working on Alpha 5, if anyone's interested.