Dave-ee's Dash (as in car dash..)
Have you ever wanted to learn how to drive a manual in ComputerCraft? (pretend that you have)
Well, this should do the trick. I haven't implemented a speedometer / speed in general but most other mechanics (ha, a pun..) of a car's transmission and engine are implemented. Basically you can change gears, rev the car up nice and good, oh, and don't forget to start the car first. YES, it is possible to stall the car..(l2use clutch peeps..).
How does it work?
Well, you can start the car by holding down the clutch (default key: Left Ctrl) and then clicking and holding on the ignition for 1 second (the ignition is the little box on the left of the gearstick, has a "key" in it). Once that is green you can go into first gear by pressing the Up Arrow, because you are, by default, in Neutral. The Up Arrow and Down Arrow change gears, up and down respectively. You can go back to neutral, or even reverse, by using the default keys N and M respectively (N for neutral, M for reverse).
The accelerator's key is, by default Right Alt and the brake's key is, by default, Space.
I keep stalling it!
Yep. Keep in mind that you need to give it some rev before you "dump the clutch" (let the clutch out - release Left Ctrl), otherwise you will stall the car. Also keep in mind that if your RPMs are too low (below 500) when in a gear higher than 3, you will stall as you don't have enough revs to keep your gear. Also, make sure you put the clutch in before and during you changing gears.
What in the world were you thinking when you coded *such-and-such*?
Keep in mind I'm not a car-mechanic expert, I don't claim to know everything about transmissions, gear-ratios and car control in general. This is just a few basic calculations for the simple-learning.
I also have yet to fix the rev-changing when you gear change. In a real manual if you go up a gear your RPMs go down, if you go down a gear the RPMs go up. This isn't exactly implemented yet (it kind of is but it isn't accurate).
Will you implement speed?
Eventually, probably, but it's far more difficult than a tachometer because it means many more ways of stalling, gear changing and, maybe, even rev matching!
I noticed you have the TRANSMISSION variable, does this mean you are going to add an Automatic feature?
Yep, probably. It just means it will automatically enable the clutch and change gears when it needs to. You will still be able to override to neutral/reverse using the normal method.
There's just..something..missing..It doesn't feel right..
I KNOW! NO SOUND!! UGHHHHHH! Driving me crazy!
Can I use this as background code for a car game I want to make?
Sure. No need to ask. I would love to be in the credits but it's not required.
Can there be like a "Great shift!", "Too much rev!", "Woah, gear is way too high for this speed!"?
Well, maybe. It would be a good idea, make it more interactive and intuitive, but not right now. Maybe later.
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