Builds structures using schematic files with a turtle or a command computer. Schematics can be downloaded from sites such as http://www.planetminecraft.com.
Requires openperipherals in CC 1.7 - 1.79. Plethora in later versions. Other combinations might work,
If interrupted, you can resume by placing the turtle back in the original location and restarting the program.
Quick setup
Copy a schematic file to the turtle/command computer (see downloading instructions if on a server)
Turtles must be placed on top of a chest (any type).
Command computers require a chest on any side.
pastebin run Fm3xf6Z9 builder.lua <filename>
–or if using Opus OS, just typebuilder.lua <filename>
The first time you run the program, you must select a wrench. Place a wrench into the chest. Go to the supplies list and double-click the SelectAWrench item. Select the wrench and apply. EnderIO, Thermal Expansion, and Applied Energistics wrenches will work (only wrenches that can spin pistons will work).
Downloading schematics
Option 1: Use wget if the schematic is available for download.
Option 2: Transferring via pastebin
To create a base64 file from a command line, do:
linux / max:
base64 -w0 NAME.schematic > NAME.schematic.base64
windows (I haven't tried this - but google said this will work):
certutil -encode NAME.schematic NAME.schematic.base64
Upload the base64 file to pastebin.
To download and convert the base64 file back into a schematic file, do:
pastebin run Fm3xf6Z9 base64dl.lua <filename> <url>
You can download a simple test schematic using:
pastebin run Fm3xf6Z9 base64dl.lua chicken.schematic https://pastebin.com/raw/vxpHBUky