I'm working on a programming language for a browser I'm making. It's…interesting…made more of parsing than anything else, really. Very hard, but almost..captivating.
The language will seem quite familiar with a bit of a twist for better argument handling (well, for Lua anyway).
Here's a quick example:
Oh, nothing.
Guess what's it's based off :P/>The arguments for 'color' is pretty self explanatory, but the 'print' command's arguments are the starting X and Y position of the text. Also, the text has a CONTINUING X position, but obviously not Y otherwise it would overwrite the old text in that same spot (if you were to have multiple lines).
It's pretty cool, could be really powerful for UI creation (having <button>, <checkbox> etc.). Things like <center> or <column> may be a bit harder, though, but it's definitely worth a shot.
It's currently working quite well. My parsing program (called 'Shark' at the moment) runs that snippet of code up there, outputting this:
Notice how you can have tags inside <print>'s and <write>'s.OI, RED! (pretend there's a light blue background on this text)
WHAT? (pretend there's an orange background on this text)
Oh, nothing. (pretend there's a light blue background on this text)
The main reason I'm creating this 'Shark Language' (.sls files - standing for Shark Language Sheet) is for a browser I'm working on (similar to Thunderbird/Firewolf but obviously not as great). It'll be used for websites/pages.
Anyway, just felt like sharing what I'm working on and how it's going, because it's my first time creating a language parsing program and it's pretty exciting. :D/>