This is where I will post my APIs which will all be a part of BrineUtil.
The APIs in BrineUtil currently are:
- BrineMath 4.2
- BrineText 4.0
- BrinePic 1.0
- BrineFormat 2.6
- BrinePeripheral 1.0
[indent=1]Note: These are loaded when you run LoadAPIS.[/indent]
[indent=2]Update to the latest version of BrineUtil.[/indent]
[indent=2]Uninstall BrineUtil. (Please don't go!)[/indent]
[indent=2]Lists the versions of all the APIS and BrineUtil that you have installed.[/indent]
BrineMath Functions
[indent=2]T is many arguments no longer in the form of a table. (Thank You! Luca_S)[/indent]
[indent=2]Ex: BrineMath.Average(5,7,6,8,9,10)[/indent]
[indent=2]Returns NOT 38.3333333 but rather 7.5 ( Thank you Stekeblad for fixing probably the dumbest typo! )[/indent]
[indent=1]BrineMath.CircArea( R )[/indent]
[indent=2]R represents radius[/indent]
[indent=2]Ex: BrineMath.CircArea(3)[/indent]
[indent=2]Returns 28.274334[/indent]
[indent=1]BrineMath.Root(R, N)[/indent]
[indent=2]R represents the root you're looking for (Square = 2, Cubic = 3, 4th root, 5th root…)[/indent]
[indent=2]N represents the number you are finding the root of[/indent]
[indent=2]Ex: BrineMath.Root(7,128)[/indent]
[indent=2]returns the 7th root of 128 which is 2[/indent]
[indent=2]R represents Radius[/indent]
[indent=2]Ex: BrineMath.Circumference(5)[/indent]
[indent=2]Returns 31.415926[/indent]
[indent=2]Inserts these functions directly into the math API (undone once shutdown)[/indent]
[indent=2]reversible using BrineMath.ExtractMath()[/indent]
BrineText Functions
[indent=1]BrineText.WritePos(T, X, Y)[/indent]
[indent=2]Writes T at X,Y on the terminal[/indent]
BrinePic Functions
[indent=1]BrinePic.Draw(I, X, Y)[/indent]
[indent=2]Draws the Image I at X, Y on the terminal[/indent]
[indent=2]Centers The Image I on the terminal[/indent]
BrineFormat Functions
[indent=1]BrineFormat.TextBin(C, S)[/indent]
[indent=2]S = a series of 1 character long strings Ex: C,"B","a","c","o","n"[/indent]
[indent=2]C = whether or not to concatinate (true/false) Ex: true,"B","a","c","o","n"[/indent]
[indent=2]Converts a set of characters to binary and returns them as either a table of strings or a single string.[/indent]
[indent=2]If the second argument is a table that will be used rather than the other arguments.[/indent]
[indent=1]BrineFormat.BinText(C, B )[/indent]
[indent=2]B = one or more sets of 8 digits either 1's or 0's that represent a binary character Ex: C,01000010,01100001,01100011,01101111,01101110[/indent]
[indent=2]C = whether or not to concatenate (true/false) Ex: true,01000010,01100001,01100011,01101111,01101110[/indent]
[indent=2]Convert one or more sets of 8 binary digits to a single character and returns them as either a table of strings or a singular string.[/indent]
[indent=2]If the second argument is a table that will be used rather than the other arguments.[/indent]
[indent=2]… = multiple Tables[/indent]
[indent=2]Combines all values in the tables into 1 string.[/indent]
[indent=1]BrineFormat.StrTbl(S, L)[/indent]
[indent=2]S = String[/indent]
[indent=2]L = Output String Legnth[/indent]
[indent=2]Separates S into a table with stings with length L.[/indent]
[indent=2]Swaps the values of 2 variables.[/indent]
[indent=2]Usage: V1, V2 = BrineFormat.SwapVars(V1, V2)[/indent]
BrinePeripheral Functions
[indent=2]T = Peripheral type you are searching for.[/indent]
[indent=2]Creates a table of all connected L peripherals[/indent]
[indent=2]Usage: Monitors = BrinePeripheral.ListType("monitor")[/indent]
Have any suggestions for a new API? Or for a new function in an existing API? I consider everything and credit those who contribute!
I am accepting new conversion Ideas for BrineConvert! Suggest them in a reply and they could be featured in BrineConvert! Credit will be given to those who contribute!
Download by using the command below!
pastebin run t0aw2K2m <Optional Install Directory>
Load all the APIs at once by running LoadAPIS (accessible from anywhere by typing /YOURINSTALLDIRECTORY/LoadAPIS)
The installer was made using Packager! you should go check it out!