The problem is, I don't think they'll ever take me off of review if I don't seem to have a problem with it. But if I ask to be removed from it, they'll just keep me on review for longer, so I don't know what to do. They don't trust me at all, they seem to be convinced I'd just ruin everything if I was given any freedom.
This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums,
taken in April 2020.

Permanently on moderator review?
Started by LoganDark2, 14 January 2018 - 11:28 AMPosted 14 January 2018 - 12:28 PM
Since something else happened on my other account (now banned, but I was allowed to re-register), one of the moderators put me on review. Which means, even after my first three posts, I have to wait, for days on occasion, for the moderators to approve my posts.
The problem is, I don't think they'll ever take me off of review if I don't seem to have a problem with it. But if I ask to be removed from it, they'll just keep me on review for longer, so I don't know what to do. They don't trust me at all, they seem to be convinced I'd just ruin everything if I was given any freedom.
The problem is, I don't think they'll ever take me off of review if I don't seem to have a problem with it. But if I ask to be removed from it, they'll just keep me on review for longer, so I don't know what to do. They don't trust me at all, they seem to be convinced I'd just ruin everything if I was given any freedom.
Posted 15 January 2018 - 01:56 AM
Since something else happened on my other account (now banned
Nope. That ban was lifted a long, long time ago.
To the last of my understanding, you'd forgotten the password for it and then somehow lost control of the email account needed to reset. Nothing we moderators can do about that.
Lyqyd may eventually opt to lift your "mod preview required" status, but do remember: there's a reason your account was banned in the first place, and such bans as those usually aren't lifted at all.
Posted 15 January 2018 - 02:55 AM
That ban was lifted a long, long time ago.
I'm sure it has.
To the last of my understanding, you'd forgotten the password for it and then somehow lost control of the email account needed to reset. Nothing we moderators can do about that.
Nope. I know the password. I've had the same email for years. Password resets don't work, and none of my passwords work either (I've tried all ~five or so of them, plus autofill).
Lyqyd may eventually opt to lift your "mod preview required" status, but do remember: there's a reason your account was banned in the first place, and such bans as those usually aren't lifted at all.
Honestly, I can understand why I was banned. I was very, very pissed, and I tend to get a little annoying when I'm in that state.
What I just don't understand is why my posts have to go under review all the time now though. I'm obviously not in that state anymore, and honestly, I've matured a bit since that incident. It has been a year, after all, people change.
Honestly, it might just be because Lyqyd's very strict.
Posted 16 January 2018 - 05:30 AM
I consider Lyqyd a very good moderator, so you should PM him yourself if you haven't already.
Posted 16 January 2018 - 06:24 AM
I did, actually about a year ago. Maybe after another year or so, if I don't mention it at all, he'll finally remove me from review.
Edited on 16 January 2018 - 11:28 AM
Posted 17 January 2018 - 02:58 AM
I've told you what you need to do in order to have the mod preview removed, and you refuse to do it. We've been over this a number of times, so if you'd like to discuss it openly, that's fine with me.
Post useful content.
That's all there is to it. The moderator preview is used to filter out any bad content while a poster figures out what they should or should not post. The period ends when the moderator team doesn't have to worry about what you've posted and can just slap the Approve button and move on. If you don't post, we can't gain confidence in your ability to do so without filtering. Moderator preview won't prevent you from participating in the forums. The criteria for approving/deleting a previewed post are identical to the criteria for deleting or leaving alone a regular post.
Post useful content.
That's all there is to it. The moderator preview is used to filter out any bad content while a poster figures out what they should or should not post. The period ends when the moderator team doesn't have to worry about what you've posted and can just slap the Approve button and move on. If you don't post, we can't gain confidence in your ability to do so without filtering. Moderator preview won't prevent you from participating in the forums. The criteria for approving/deleting a previewed post are identical to the criteria for deleting or leaving alone a regular post.
Posted 17 January 2018 - 07:13 AM
As a tip, part of that involves not bumping up years-old threads unless you're very sure someone will care about what you have to say. If the person you're addressing hasn't logged in for years, odds are they're not going to get your message.
Posted 17 January 2018 - 10:55 AM
and you refuse to do it
Not really anymore. That was last year, when I was immature and honestly very unlikable and annoying. I'm still immature, but kinda likable and less annoying.
Post useful content.
Been trying. :P/>/>
As a tip, part of that involves not bumping up years-old threads unless you're very sure someone will care about what you have to say. If the person you're addressing hasn't logged in for years, odds are they're not going to get your message.
I only realized how old the thread was after I replied to it. Sorry. I was just looking for things to read.