Posted 10 May 2018 - 02:34 PM
SDK is an interpreter for computercraft which comes with an "Programming" language. You don't need to add much text:
Instead of:
instead of
It is small for now.. (until I find out how to do statements etc)
But for this you can run/import lua codes from sdk! (see below how)
Now a small show case..
To paint the backgorund green and the top pink use this code:
NOTE: u need to add the ";" at the end of a line!
So and our output is:
So but how to run the file?
Install sdk using the pastebin code and then run it
type in the name of the scrip examle: sdktest
Now we create another file which will be a lua file.
We need to call this file : requires
This file is completly lua from CC and sdk scripting won't work.
In this file we type:
Now we save this file and go edit our sdktest file
Now we open the up sdk and run the script:
Now we get the same screen as before.. but when whe press any button:
Description of the "functions"
Bgcolor(pink, blue, green, black, white) Select one of the colors to change the background color
clearScreen Clear the screen (and the backgorund color appers) alo set's the cursor pos to 1,1
mov u 1 Moves the cursor pos to 1,1
mov d 1 Moves the cursor pos to 1,19
Txtcolor(same as Background) Set the text color
wait(1-5) waits..
wait(userKey) waits until you press a key
break breaks the script
mov clear clears the line
get:require(lua) imports/runs how you want to call it the lua file
Note: the lua file needs to be at the same directory as your sdk script and it needs to be called: requires
To do:
Your feedback would help me making SDK better
SDK is an interpreter for computercraft which comes with an "Programming" language. You don't need to add much text:
mov u 1
Instead of:
instead of
It is small for now.. (until I find out how to do statements etc)
But for this you can run/import lua codes from sdk! (see below how)
- Change Backgound change background colors (Blue. Green. Black, White and Pink.. more will be added soom)
- Run/Import Lua scripts
- Clear Background
- Clear Line
- Move Cursor Pos to 1,1
- Move Cursor Pos to 1,19
pastebin get 1YVySt3m
Now a small show case..
To paint the backgorund green and the top pink use this code:
mov u 1;
mov clear;
NOTE: u need to add the ";" at the end of a line!
So and our output is:
So but how to run the file?
Install sdk using the pastebin code and then run it
type in the name of the scrip examle: sdktest
Now we create another file which will be a lua file.
We need to call this file : requires
This file is completly lua from CC and sdk scripting won't work.
In this file we type:
print("My first sdk file")
Now we save this file and go edit our sdktest file
mov u 1;
mov clear;
Now we open the up sdk and run the script:
Now we get the same screen as before.. but when whe press any button:
Description of the "functions"
Bgcolor(pink, blue, green, black, white) Select one of the colors to change the background color
clearScreen Clear the screen (and the backgorund color appers) alo set's the cursor pos to 1,1
mov u 1 Moves the cursor pos to 1,1
mov d 1 Moves the cursor pos to 1,19
Txtcolor(same as Background) Set the text color
wait(1-5) waits..
wait(userKey) waits until you press a key
break breaks the script
mov clear clears the line
get:require(lua) imports/runs how you want to call it the lua file
Note: the lua file needs to be at the same directory as your sdk script and it needs to be called: requires
To do:
- Add statements
- create an ide
- Add more functions to the interpreter (Auto-Update etc.)
- add print functions
- And some more
Your feedback would help me making SDK better
Edited on 10 May 2018 - 12:35 PM